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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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I wouldn't be surprised if Darthe is mafia too. He hasn't made any sort of case and has only been saying who he thought was mafia and town which he is only getting away with because he does it more often, but usually he stops playing that way after the first Day or so and then starts getting serious. I think he was trying to save Krak by constantly pushing for Leelou's lynch.

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For future analysis, final Vote Counts colored with dead player alignments


Day 1


Vote Count:


Pral (10) – Darthe, Mish, Ishy, Dap, Cloud, AJ, Krak, Aemon, Leelou, Hallia

Not Bob (3) – RTE, Tress, Salami

Andrej (2) – Pral, Not Bob

Cloud (1) – Kat

Lenlo (1) – Yates

Hallia (1) – Lenlo



With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch

Deadline – Monday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST (I think I'm GMT -8 for you Europeans)


Not voting – Verb


Day 2



Vote Count:


AJ (9) – Not Bob, Leelou, Verb, Yates, Darthe, Krak, Ishy, Cloud, Mish

Not Bob (1) - Aemon

Dap (1) – AJ

Krak (1) – Salami


With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch

Deadline – Friday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST.


Not voting – Dap, Hallia, Tress, Kat, Lenlo


Day 3


Vote Count:


Krak (8) – Not Bob, Leelou, Cloud, Salami, Mish, Dap, Tress, Ishy

Leelou (4) – Darthe, Yates, Kat, Krak

Ishy (1) – Lenlo

Not Bob (1) – Aemon


With 15 alive, it takes 8 to lynch

Deadline – Sunday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST.


Not voting – TGlems

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Yates was on two out of three with Krak, Kat only one. Darthe may just be the way to go tomorrow.


I am pulling up the quote from Kat about the missed lynch. I have a feeling she would have been on that one too. Her reaction seemed a little over the top. 

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Ishy could have also just thrown Krak under the bus with his softclaim, but we will just have to see what results he comes up with later in the game. I think he is most likely town though.

What results are you thinking of getting?



I think that you are a Watcher, or are just bluffing. Either way you aren't on my scum list right now but I think it is a good idea to keep all possibilities in mind.

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Wow I leave for 5 freaking hours for school and he gets hammered? Its not even deadline! Time to go see who rushed through this day phase. Why would you eat up the best scum hunting hours? Even if he is scum, as so many of us think he is, we could have used that time to look into other people. Now we're gonna have that much less time to hunt before we loose another townie to the night phase...*sigh*

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Looking at today's final vote count, I think we should look hard at Kat and Yates tomorrow. Lurky play combined with staying away from the Krak train, staying parked on Lee makes me leery of them.



I wouldn't be surprised if Darthe is mafia too. He hasn't made any sort of case and has only been saying who he thought was mafia and town which he is only getting away with because he does it more often, but usually he stops playing that way after the first Day or so and then starts getting serious. I think he was trying to save Krak by constantly pushing for Leelou's lynch.


I agree with both of these. I expect Yates to be way more vocal, Darthe has his whole "AJ us scum" "no lol that was only reaction test, AJ is town", and I still think Kat's post (that Leelou just quoted) reeks of fake "oh no! why would you do that!"... There's a word I'm looking for but I can't find it. It's an emotion. Bleh. I'll remember it sooner and later and come back with it then.

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Okay, here are Darthe's posts from Day 3. All he's done was vote me with no case, push to lynch me with no actual case, discredit me and spam. 












Why on God's green Earth would you give Leelou more power?



Leelouz all over the place atm.



Bored with this.


Let's make some magic happen and lynch Leelou.


VV refers to that I wanted to lynch Darthe or Ishy and NotBob told me to make a case so he could sheep. 



VV Trying to cast doubt on the way I went about using my vig kill. 



  • Handling the knife seemed very townish to me.
    • She used it at the right time
    • She asked for input, but didn't overuse it.
    • I also believe she picked a good target
  • The prods she's been making seemed appropriate. Seemed like good scumhunting to me.
Basically, her D1 play gave me a quite strong town read. I haven't caught up fully yet so maybe someone could explain what's going on there?
Also @Leelou - you were talking about being setup by the Verb kill. How so?



Think about this, if you were mafia how would you use a Vig kill if given one?


You could shoot and then announce it.  Moderately townie.

You could shoot and never tell.  Clearly a scum move, only gains you the effect of the death.

You could never announce it and never use it.  Useless option.

You could announce that you have it and reap the rewards as people praise you for killing anyone, town or not.  This is most beneficial.


Inversely, if you were town how would you use it?


Hold it forever?  Not practical but safe.

Announce it, let the town decide?  Practical, risks having the mafia influence it.

Shoot blind? Bold players might do this.  I would.  or

Announce it but give people no choice.  This takes responsibility for the act good or bad yet it also brings pressure into the game.


Reading her posts, I don't see that leelou used the kill in the interests of the town specifically or in a way that was beneficial to us as a group.  She announced that she had it, shot quick, gave enough time that a couple of people could take partial blame if things went wrong and it left wiggle room.




How does a Texan fence in boots? :laugh:



See, I figure Dap is more likely town than scum, but likewise I figure he is not going to help much this game.  No risk, just reward from him being our eventer.


Leelou lynch is best lynch.  Info and WIFOM cleared at once with the additional benefit of getting rid of her.  My main evidence is this post she made a while back.  I'll paraphrase.


And I quote, "I have a scum role PM" - Leelou.


Pretty compelling methinks.



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I wouldn't be surprised if Darthe is mafia too. He hasn't made any sort of case and has only been saying who he thought was mafia and town which he is only getting away with because he does it more often, but usually he stops playing that way after the first Day or so and then starts getting serious. I think he was trying to save Krak by constantly pushing for Leelou's lynch.


But I haven't been here since before the krak train got rolling today..  



Yates was silenced, Ishy knew Leelou wasn't visited, Mafia RB claimed town RB but didn't give his real views for some reason.


I am puzzled.

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