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Lord of the Rings Mafia [Advanced Mafia] Town Wins!!!!

RandA lThor

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I didn't until last week.





 As i said above I can't always get on, I don't spend my life on this game - work gets in the way as does going to the gym, sorting out my daughter, housework, cooking and sharing 1 computer with my daughter so that is a stupid comment - However look at the time stamp of the above quote and then the one below, that's right before, so what you are saying doesn't make sense. I can't post something after you have but before the one before, the order is wrong

I was referencing the wrong quotes, my bad. Here are the ones I was referring to:

I have a long day at working away from the office tomorrow, may be able to at least look in on phone, but doubt any posting, I have meetings. I won't be back until late evening.


Sorry not been around Cloudflare, couldn't get on on anything.
(a lot of other stuff edited out by Despo for brevity's sake)
I'll vote now, just in case Cloudflare comes again..

First one is from page 9 I believe, and around this time you still had a few people fos'ing you. The second post came a few days later, on page 16.

Of course it might be Cloudflare, or you being busy, but there's no way for us to know that for sure. You could have been trying to duck some heat, or mebbe just gotten frustrated with the game or something. Either way, I still thought it was worth mentioning. Obviously I could be wrong with a lot of things that I bring up, but a 3 day absence is a little noteworthy I think when you were one of the people being focused on at that time. 

Then again it might be nothing /shrug 



For your information... 21st May post was at 9.58pm my time, I was up at 5.15 the next morning (same as tomorrow - another day out), the post covers the 22nd May, and on 23rd I had cloudflare all day and evening too....I think Wombat even posted in here to let you guys know. So there was no way I could have got on. That so far is the only time I have had cloudflare and I hope it doesn't happen again. As for the next time was in the morning of the 24th and I made a point in coming on here before rushing off to work, because I couldn't get on the day before. 

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The Fellowship continued on their journey with Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas, after they returned from the White Mountain.  They knew they would need the help of powerful allies to help them win the war, or at least create a distraction so Frodo could fulfill his purpose.  They had already heard that Sauron has begun to find his own allies.  Once one of the most noble wizards in all of Middle Earth, Saruman had decided to help Sauron instead.  They could not win with his interference, but they could not spare any of the Fellowship to do this.


Gandalf knew one thing that could take out Saruman, for good.  The Fangorn Forest next to Isengard was host to more than just trees and birds.  The Ents of legend lived there, old as the mountains, strong as trees, and the living army of nature.  It would be no easy task to have them join forces with the Fellowship though.  They took a very long time to make decisions, and usually would not pick sides in a fight, as no one fought for them.  Well, except for some few friends, such as Gandalf.  Perhaps, they would listen to him.  The Fellowship made their way to Fangorn Forest.




Meanwhile, Isengard had seen the plans of the Fellowship.  Saruman laughed as he saw the beggarly nine ride towards Fangorn Forest, heedless of the danger that was there.  He commanded his Uruk-Hai


"GO!  Burn down the Fangorn Forest, bring me lumber, and destroy the Fellowship.  Keep the little ones though, they have something I want."


Isengard was emptied as all the Uruk-Hai there marched in full force, ready to destroy Fangorn Forest and whatever lay inside.




The Fellowship made it to Fangorn Forest just in time.  Gandalf quickly found their leader, Treebeard.  They conversed and soon called a meeting of Ents.  Suddenly, they saw the bright torches of the Uruk-Hai, marching to Fangorn.  They let out a roar as they saw this treachery, and went to meet the Uruk-Hai in battle, along with the Fellowship.  As they met, the Ents were able to drive most of the Uruk-Hai back to Isengard.  They crushed the walls, broke dams, and smashed buildings.


Meanwhile, the Fellowship had been trapped by a smaller force of Uruk-Hai.  Together, they fought valiantly, but were seperated.  Boromir found himself with two hobbits, Merry and Pippin.  A massive horde of Uruk-Hai came running toward them, and Boromir met them head on, yelling at the hobbits to run.  The hobbits had just enough time to make it back to the rest of the Fellowship, but Boromir was trapped.  He stood, fighting to the last moment, yet the leader stepped up, and shot him through the heart.  He staggered, fought again, yet was shot through the stomach.  He tried to stand, took one last swing, and finished the last enemy near him.  Dying, he suddenly felt a crashing force on his head, staggered, and died.




The Ents had destroyed Isengard.  Treebeard searched for Saruman, and then suddenly, he saw him in the tower of Orthanc.  Treebeard let out a roar and through a stone through the building.  Saruman quickly destroyed it with his staff, but Treebeard had thrown another stone right behind it.  Saruman was crushed by the weight, and lay on the edge of the window, bleeding to death.  Treebeard sighed, his work done, gathered the Ents, and went back to Fangorn.


The Fellowship rejoiced in their destruction of Saruman, yet mourned for the loss of brave Boromir.  They trudged on, desperate to find more friends.


Basel, Boromir, Even-Night Vig has been killed.


Tiinker, Saruman, Mafia Sympathizer with 1-shot recruit and godfather possibility has been killed.


It is now Day 2.  


Official Vote Count:


Not Voting (21): Turin, Peace, Nya, AH, Noli, RTE, Hally, Tina, Dap, Cloud, Ley, BG, Lessa, Tigs, Pank, Talya, WBK, Dice, EP, Despo, Thorkin


With 21 alive, it takes 11 to lynch.


Deadline: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130530T1230&p0=803&msg=Lord+of+the+Rings+Mafia+Day+2

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sorry folks  daughters been in hospital again.


I didnt say much D1 cause I really didn't have a handle on this game. Had no set opinions.


Despo  you got your paraphrasing of me wrong  I said that to darthe when he was advocating lynching someone. It was meant as a kinda get confirmation of how serious he is and threaten him with "youre next" at the same time. Ive tried to explain this post a couple of times and i still sound like an idiot. I know what i meant but i dont seem to explain it well.


As for miller, I could see keeping them around a couple of days if they claimed early. They still provide info whether it be their thoughts or their interaction anmd if they are claimed the cop can leave them alone for a day or 2. However Darthe didnt seem to be going to be helpful at all.


Dap mentioned about thinking that Darthe may have held a helpful role. After reading the scene im thinking that we may indeed have lost something. The whole "I would of served you" bit makes me think he could have been used. But its too late now.

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Maybe you should read the scene, Basel was the mafia kill Saruman wasn't. And my role was to find Saruman and if i did I had a 25% of killing him. If not i would have just revealed him in this day. I'm now vanilla. 

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I'm thinking Cloud is a good place to look at this day, as well as Kronos, I just went back and read the scene it clearly shows Treebeard killing Sauraman so either Talya is baiting the real killer or she is telling the truth, I will believe her for the moment.

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It's not much but both Tigs and RTE said they would be looking at Basel for today's lynch. I don't always like saying who you are going for on a night. However now that Basel is dead, it makes them suspicious in my eyes. 

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True, but it kind of looks like they are saying that's who they are going for because why would mafia kill someone they were going to push for a lynch. It just stood out. In fact I'm a little surprised they went for Basel. Unless they thought he was a PR. 

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EP, last night it was "I'm gonna push Tayla or Kronos come day". Now Tayla is claiming a viable town role so instead of pushing Kronos like you said now Cloud is your number one?


What did you find on Cloud that puts him in front of Kronos?

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This looks like a controlled vote...can you confirm EP, or do you think yourself Mafia?






thoughts incomming


This looks like you are role fishing. If EP is being controlled, it makes you look like you might know about it. 


EP, last night it was "I'm gonna push Tayla or Kronos come day". Now Tayla is claiming a viable town role so instead of pushing Kronos like you said now Cloud is your number one?

What did you find on Cloud that puts him in front of Kronos?

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Talya hinted Treebeard yesterday. I thought it was odd since we can´t reviel characters. I can see that Treebeard could have a role like that. But I have to say that if it´s true you were really lucky to get him the first nigh. (Or you saw some signaling that I missed.) 


I guess I will wait and see what EP is up to. 


To you that seem to doubt people being blocked by Cloudflare - you can be really lucky if you never get blocked. Many of us gets blocked every day, sometimes it last 10 minutes and sometimes a day or more. 

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I don't doubt anyone getting cloudflare, I was saying I was lucky and only had it the once, or was that aimed at someone else? 


Tina, It does say you can hint, but no reveals. I really didn't want to reveal the role because that would give it away to Saurman. If I hadn't got him last night I could have put a name in every night until I did. It was a guess, it was between him and Dap. Tiink really shouldn't suck up to me so much by saying that he really didn't see what people were saying about me. It just seemed the exact opposite to what Dap and Despo were saying, made me think that maybe Dap was also on the Mafia team. I went for Tiink first. 

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