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Welcome Kungfuxconquest to the Black Tower!


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A new person!!! *gasp*


*peers around for the M'Hael* No sign of 'im....


Apparently nobody has turned up to give you the official welcome, so I shall make do!


Welcome to the Black Tower, Kungfuxconquest! Here -- have some brownies!




Don't mind the taint... they add to the experience.


Someone should be along shortly to make you official and start the process of getting you added to the private boards. In the meantime, you seem to have the idea of teh madness around here, enjoy the madness and the spam!


And tell us a bit about yourself while you're at it. For instance, do you actually know kung fu? Have you read all the WoT books? Why did the chicken cross the road? Do you have a favorite Asha'man? And most importantly, do you like bacon?

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who was kung fu fighting better. Welcome Kungfuxconquest, again! Tress you may have taken the welcome thread to the BT but I was the first to welcome him to DM. I believe that takes precedence. :)


Quite all right, Rand. You'll get your points as a welcomer... And when we spam this thread to insane levels, I'll get the points for that. It all works out. :wink:


I forgot but they moved fast as lightning.


Welcome KungFu! (name too long for spammy types) to the black tower. I am the M'Hael, leader of the shadow Faction. The Lady Dragon will be along before too long to get you added to the hidden boards. If you should have any questions feel free to ask and someone will be along to give a reasonable answer. And several others will give unreasonable answers. It is the TaintTM you see. It seeps into everything and everyone.


*grabs a Brownie and then puts the ever replenishing weave on the plate so there will be plenty for all*


have fun wandering around the main board and do not forget to sign into the Roll Call thread to earn a few more points.


Yay, I feel so welcome. About myself, yea I do kungfu but only when no one can se e me, other wise I fall on my face. I've read all books multiple times got into them in high school, bad time cause I started failing cause I was reading too much.


The chicken crossed the road because the voices told it to


Yay, I feel so welcome. About myself, yea I do kungfu but only when no one can se e me, other wise I fall on my face. I've read all books multiple times got into them in high school, bad time cause I started failing cause I was reading too much.


The chicken crossed the road because the voices told it to



yep hes a keeper!!! and i sense definite shadow potential!!


Hi KFC!!! (couldnt resist) im Dice and im an Ashaman of the Shadow persuasion. Welcome to the taintiest tainted place around!!


now a little warning.....see that one?? points at tress watch out for her...she's a lightie and they arnt to be trusted!!! no no no no trusting lighties!


seriously like turin said look around post spam be TAINTED and most of all....dont trust lighties have fun!


Haha KFC and we were talking about chickens, haha.. *mutters to himself *


If you can't trust lighties... How would you trust not to trust them. *gasps* they just want us not to trust them so we won't trust them when they say there isn't any cookies hidden underneath that precarious looking boulder hanging from some very frayed rope. And because we don't trust them we dive under the boulder just so they cut the rope... Mean ole lighties.


We lighties aren't mean, we're just crazy.


No we're not. Perfectly sane.





Welcome to the Black Tower, Kungfux! I tried a new one. :tongue: How are you? I sense a great potential of madness. Very good. I´ll see to it that you are added to our hidden boards as soon as possible.


Wait ... we have hidden Boards? Why have I never found them?


Hello KungFu - I see you have already met my counterpart. Welcome to the BT - a wonderful place full of friendly, crazy and slightly evil* sometimes people. Jump in and out of any Threads you can see and wait for the ones that you can't. I'm also Shadow and a Stormleader - so feel free to quiz and ask questions or pester in general. I have 5 points left to give away this month, so if you do something to impress me I will give them to you.








*is NOT evil :wink:


hey TINA!!! tress stole the voice in your head again!!!!



Grabs up Kung wraps a deepest midnight blue bow around the noob and presents it on a weave of air to ithillian



"points??" uses evil puppy dog eyes


Grabs up Kung wraps a deepest midnight blue bow around the noob and presents it on a weave of air to ithillian


*is Wrapped up*


*does the Runway walk to show off how the pretty bow flows when he walks*


How'd you know my favorite color was Blue?


Lews Therin said he duplicated himself and put him into your head too, don't know if that's crazy Lews talking.


Lews are you crazy right now?


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