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Revenge of the Sith Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!

Ithillian Turambar

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Keep in mind if I die, that Wombat is scum, Turin may be, and something about Razen isn't sitting right with me.


I think Razen is fine, its someone else that I have changed my MYND about.....


Can't decide who you're talking about. Gonna assume it is me until further notice ).) (.(


Maybe it's just like me putting a 'u' in the word colour. You don't really need to, and it doesn't really have a purpose, but it just shows how interestingly different you are.




Maybe it's just like me putting a 'u' in the word colour. You don't really need to, and it doesn't really have a purpose, but it just shows how interestingly different you are.




That's so treaux!


The death of Yoda was a glorious moment. We rejoiced when we heard. Truly our cause was just if such a powerful jedi had fallen.


The Dark Robed figure was surprised at his sudden disappearance, prodding about the fallen clothing with his toe, but gone was gone and dead was dead. He didn't let it trouble him for too long.


He returned to his seat of power, at the centre of all things. Removing his hood as he entered his private domain. His senses picking up that something was wrong - he was not alone.


Quickly he removed his robe and proceeded into his office. Someone was waiting for him there. Arms folded, accusing, condemning, damning. They had been looking through the paperwork on his desk, reading his plans and his orders. They must not be allowed to leave the room alive.


His pace continued unaltered, a smile on his face. He greeted the one waiting there for him. 'Why Master Jedi, what a pleasant surprise. I see you have already made yourself at home,' he said.


'You can't pretend anymore,' said the other, 'I have read your plans. I know who you truly are. You won't be allowed to succeed.' They said, before firing up their lightsaber, it glowed a most unusual colour indeed. 'You are under arrest, for crimes against the Republic.'


'The dark figure continued smiling. 'You know, you're the third person to say that to me recently,' he said 'would you like me to tell you what happened to the other two? He moved over to the window and looked out, seemingly disregarding the one who had come to denounce him. That one now also moved over to the window, holding his lightsaber in front of him, like a talisman. He probably hoped it would be enough to protect him.


He had not reckoned on the strength of his adversary. Streams of power flew from his fingertips and hit the unwary Jedi square in the chest. He was thrown back by the jolts as they hit him, the glass broke and he fell through, one hand just managing to catch the ledge. A look of horror on his face as he realised that he was lost.


'I do not think you will be a problem for much longer Master Jedi' said the dark figure, as a final bolt of power streaked from his hands and hit the Jedi again. Losing his grip he fell. It was a long, long way down. '


Sakaea - Mace Windu - Town Jedi Cop has been Killed


It is now Day.


With 11 alive it takes 6 to lynch.


Day 6 Deadline is Thursday 9th May at 10pm BST. I will add a handy countdown timer at some point ... If necessary lol.


*strokes mustaches*


Wait by the river long enough, you shall see the body of your enemy float by.


While we wait for Arez to post the results of the truthspeak, let's hear from Darthe, Turin, and Wombat on who we should lynch. I caution my Jedi brothers and sisters to hold off until we have the info from Arez.


Ishy, did you notice anything interesting about Master Yoda's death? EP, did you notice anything interesting about Yoda's coroner report?


*strokes mustaches*


Wait by the river long enough, you shall see the body of your enemy float by.


While we wait for Arez to post the results of the truthspeak, let's hear from Darthe, Turin, and Wombat on who we should lynch. I caution my Jedi brothers and sisters to hold off until we have the info from Arez.


Ishy, did you notice anything interesting about Master Yoda's death? EP, did you notice anything interesting about Yoda's coroner report?


I already told you that Turin is not town. We should lynch him.


The last thing that anyone expected was that there would be one willing to step in and stop them from achieving their goal. The lone defender did stop them though and then carefully escorted the reprieved party to safety. The others watched, confused - but unable to do anything to stop them from leaving. 'It's ok, they said - 'you won't be able to escape us tomorrow'


She paused now and looked a little puzzled for a moment, as if a thought had just struck her. 'Do you think that Jedi and Sith are so very different? Both seem able to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. The almost blood lust exhibited by the mob was strangely compelling to see. What was done was done though, they would need to wait for now. They are supposed to be quite good at patience I have heard.


She looked at you, to see if they would be a reaction. You managed a nervous laugh, but both of you knew it was false. Shaking her head, with amusement in her eyes, she continued.


'There was one who was more accepting of this turn of events. They did not seek to change what had already happened. They kept their mind focused on the future, on what needed to be done, rather than on what others thought should have been done. They knew where they would be needed and made their way there. The night was fraught with danger, they would need need to be alert.


When the footsteps approached from behind they were ready, as if they they were expecting it. Their lightsaber ignited before they even turned to face whoever it was that now stood there waiting.


'Master Jedi,' said the dark newcome, a voice grating from the shadows of their hood, 'I should have known it would be you.' Their lightaber now also flamed into life, the red glow a sure sign that a Sith walked the corridors of power.


'Revealed you are to me now', said the first, 'Fail you will, foreseen it I have.'


'I think not,' said the dark figure.


They rushed towards each other, both highly skilled and matched in the power of the Force. Lightsabers clashing, objects hurtlings through the air as each sought to gain precedence. In the end it was pure chance that decided it, a slight step too far, a moment's loss of balance that led one to fall and the other to press home their advantage. A single quick lunge that began with a look of disbelief and ended with a death.


The dark figure laughed maniacally as the once powerful jedi closed his eyes for the last time, and then simply vanished, his garments falling to the floor empty.


Keyholder21 - Yoda - Town Jedi Doc has been Killed


It is still night. Night ends in 4 1/2 hours at 10pm BST Monday 7th May.


Firstly, it seems as if the Sith can end the day early as well. Maybe merely quoting our Jedi powers isn't enough to vet us anymore. One more thing to worry about.


Second bolded: does this refer to Key? Why would ending Day be alright with her? Especially considering her fate.


Lastly, did she already know a member of the Sith team? The flavor obviously points to her killer being Palpatine, but did she find out who he was somehow before she died? Or was this all just flavor?


Revised...with commentary


Deceased Players:


BG - Stass Allie - Town Jedi: Killed Day 1

Kae - Luminara Unduli - Town Jedi: Killed Night 1

Kate - Count Dooku - Mafia Sith Lord and Watcher: Lynched Day 2

Maw - Obi-Wan Kenobi - Town Jedi Mason: Killed Day 2

Basel - Agen Kolar - Town Jedi: Lynched Day 3

Songstress - R2D2 - Town Odd Night Tracker: Killed Night 3

Ironeyes - Agent Cody - Mafia Goon: Killed Night 4

Nyanna - Padme Amidala - Town Guardian Angel: Killed Night 4

Keyholder - Yoda - Town Jedi Doc: Killed Night 5

Pale Merlot Kae2 (from Day 3] - Mace Windu - Town Jedi Cop: Killed Night 5

Nolder- Kit Fitso - Town Jedi: Killed Night 1


Claimed Players:

Myndrunner - claims Ki Adi Mundi - Jedi

Ishy - claims Anakin Skywalker - Jedi

EP - claims Saesee Tiin - Jedi

Roo - claims Barriss Offee - Jedi

Dice - claims Aayla Secura - Jedi

Razen - claims Plo Koon - Jedi

Rhea Arez Al'Loke (from N2] - claims C-3p0 - Droid

Lenlo - claims Chewbacca - walking carpet

WWWombat - claims Jar Jar - most annoying character in the series

Turin - claims the chubby star wars kid from youtube

Darthe - breadcrumbed EP and Mynd to the gingerbread house - full of bantha poodoo and knows it


22 player game. DPR approved and Ithi created therefore it must be well balanced and twisted.

At worst, expect a 1/3 ratio for town to non-town players. In a game like this, expect third party players.

11 players left so we know that there are less than 6 mafia.

Going off Star Wars canon, we know Palpatine and Grievious are in the game.

Six of those who claimed Jedi fit the list of major Jedi figures in the series. One does not.

Wwwombat is confirmed scum and the Dark Lord of WIFOM


Need to hear from Arez before proceeding. Turin, if we lynch Wwwombat today, who do you recommend we lynch next?


Since I am likely to be the next killed, and we've seen it happen before, I'll be clear.


We know Wombat is scum, so his lynch should be inevitable - however, I'm not sure about Turin, Darthe, Lenlo, or Arez. It stands to reason that at least one of them is scum.


Arez - Since R2 was in the game, it fits that C-3p0 would be as well. He's likely telling the truth, but I'm not sure about him. Some of his earlier statements arguing against my prodding fit with a truthseeker trying to gain truth from a post.


Lenlo - claims to be Chewbacca and claims the responsibility of two of the non-phase-ending kills. There have been others. Were they also at Lenlo's hands?


Turin - unlikely claim, but not impossible. 22 players is a lot and adding the character he claims could have been a last minute tweak to fit everyone in the game. Still, would have expected Bail Organa in the game. Which brings me to....


Darthe is not Organa. Darthe is a lying liar who lies and EP and I thought we were protecting him. He hinted at being a healer and posted in guilty conscience when I merely mentioned to EP that Yoda's death means someone lied to us. With 11 players left, how did he know I meant him?! Likely scum!


We can't take the chance of being wrong, so we gotta go with Wwwwombat.....but the remaining scum are among the names above.


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