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  On 11/22/2010 at 2:10 PM, Krakalakachkn said:

I like Peter Dinklage and I don't recognize any of the others. I'm guessing the source material must be amazing with all the comments I keep seeing about this.


IMO, these books are 10 times better than WOT. I would suggest reading the first book before the series comes out.

  On 11/22/2010 at 1:47 PM, Emperor said:

Ben and Jon:






just for clarification you mean Branden & Jon right?? not nuncle ben from the Wall *snickers* cause the kid holding the bow is a bit too younge to be Jon :wub: course, i woudln't be surprised if that was actually Arya holding the bow :wink::laugh:



characters look good from what i've seen here and on other sites. i've already got HBP just for this series *nods* and can't wait until April. Jamie is just edible!! very edible!!




yes Krak, read the books for sure. to me, they're on par with WoT; both are equally good series but it's unfair to each of the books to go comparing & contrasting them. if you enjoy the WoT series though, you'll enjoy ASoF&I for sure. it's a bit more adult in the sexually graphic area, just so you know before you pick it up. and be warned that the author is slow in writing new books :dry: so once you get to FoC's read slow and savor the characters, it's liekly to be another 6 years before DwD's comes out :laugh:


also, best guess at some of these pics



Ned, Cat, & Tyrion: (i don't recognize whose house that is on the shield though, but this has to be in Winterfell)





Ben, Sam, Pip or Grenn at the Wall.





Cersei feasting on Wild Boar perhaps :baalzamon:





Jamie: YUMMY!!!!! this has to be at Winterfell.





Tyrion in the Sky Cell (i hope they plan on doing the mis-matched eyes, cause here it doesn't look like it :unsure: )



  On 11/22/2010 at 5:40 PM, Red2111 said:

also, best guess at some of these pics



Ned, Cat, & Tyrion: (i don't recognize whose house that is on the shield though, but this has to be in Winterfell)






Rather, that is Cat, Tyrion and Bronn in front of Lysa at the Vale. The view from the window looks like it is quite high up, and Ned (Sean Bean) look nothing like that. Also, the seal fits with house Arryn, as the moon is central on both.

  On 11/22/2010 at 7:48 PM, Majsju said:
  On 11/22/2010 at 5:40 PM, Red2111 said:

also, best guess at some of these pics



Ned, Cat, & Tyrion: (i don't recognize whose house that is on the shield though, but this has to be in Winterfell)






Rather, that is Cat, Tyrion and Bronn in front of Lysa at the Vale. The view from the window looks like it is quite high up, and Ned (Sean Bean) look nothing like that. Also, the seal fits with house Arryn, as the moon is central on both.



Yeah, I was going to point out that Winterfell's sigil would be the direwolf, not a bird, and that there is no way Ned would be standing behind Catelyn and Tyrion like that. Well, Tyrion perhaps, but not Catelyn.



I AM SO DAMN EXCITED FOR THIS!!!!!!!!! *drools over pics*


I just started reading the first book and so far I like it a lot. I'm not enjoying it as much as WoT so far, maybe because the book keeps switching between so many characters. I'm sure once I get further in I will enjoy it more. Arya is my favorite character at the moment.


Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited for this show to start. My favorite series being turned into an HBO show. If it was any other channel besides HBO I wouldn't be as excited, but we get to see all the deaths, sex, and cuss words. Ah-mazong. That is all.


showtime would have done well witht he series also Song :happy: but they already have a new awesome show lined up for that time slot *nods* i can't wait for April!!

  On 11/30/2010 at 11:00 AM, Krakalakachkn said:

I liked HBO's mini-series 'The Pillars of the Earth' more than I liked 'The Tudors'. I think HBO was the right choice.


Starz did POTE not HBO.


HBO has some of the best series on TV imo. The Wire is still the best thing ever on TV.


HBO will be doing a 15 minute behind the scenes of GoT on Sunday before Boardwalk Empire.


Tyrion is my favorite character. Jamie after him. It is also hard not to like Jon Snow.


I've purchased both seasons of Rome and love it. Can't wait to see what HBO does with Ice and Fire.


Amusing story about how Maisie Williams, who plays Arya, had decided to do all of her action in the series left-handed (as Arya in the books is left-handed) despite the fact that she is right-handed. She did this off her own back and didn't tell anyone that she was honouring the books like that. Cool.


Clearing some of these up:


  On 11/22/2010 at 5:40 PM, Red2111 said:

also, best guess at some of these pics



Ned, Cat, & Tyrion: (i don't recognize whose house that is on the shield though, but this has to be in Winterfell)




That's Tyrion Lannister, Ser Vardis Egen and Catelyn Stark arriving in the audience chamber of the Eyrie, the castle in the Vale of Arryn. The sigil is that of House Arryn. Ser Vardis Egen is replacing Ser Brynden the Blackfish's role of escorting Cat and Tyrion up the side of the mountain to the castle:



  Reveal hidden contents




Ben, Sam, Pip or Grenn at the Wall.




That's Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly and Pypar in training at Castle Black.


i can't provide in costume pictures but I know what the actor that is portraying gregor mcclane looks like.


10 full minutes of material, mostly behind-the-scenes but some new clips as well.


Particularly of interest will be footage of Jaime Lannister (including a conversation with Ned in Winterfell) and a conversation between Ned Stark and Littlefinger, not to mention Viserys Targaryen doing his deluded glory spiel and Benjen Stark telling his nephew Jon how life is on the Wall.


It is beginning to look good. I was worried after some of the early production stills/material came out but it looks better and better as they go along.


It does kind of dishearten me for a Wheel of Time HBO series or something like it. The Game of Thromes is a smaller story than WoT and yet it has taken an enormous amount of investment and cost to produce it. Something like Wheel of Time would either be severely trimmed or undoable even as a series. The only remaining way to bring it to life would be animation.


P.S. - Daenrys looks smoking hot in her gray dress. :wub:


I have more sympathy for Red Eagle's position now. WoT needs to be a series to get the story across, but even HBO with their massive budget are downplaying their ability to show massive armies clashing or substantial effects sequences. WoT obviously needs that. Hence the decision by Red Eagle to go with a movie adaptation.


That said, I still think I'd rather see the large-scale effects moments downplayed in favour of getting the whole story on the screen rather than having a spectacular movie which only gets about 5% of the story from the books across. To me, that's rather worthless.


I have no faith in a adaptation of WOT onto the screen (big or little). Yes it can be done but only by gutting the material or turning it into a hokie Seeker type series.


The behind the scenes was fun last night. Plan to watch it again when I get home.

  On 12/6/2010 at 2:31 PM, Emperor said:

I have no faith in a adaptation of WOT onto the screen (big or little). Yes it can be done but only by gutting the material or turning it into a hokie Seeker type series.


That's exactly how I feel. And it's sad because (at least the first 4-5) books would be worthy of being made into a movie. I would hate to have to sit through Crown of Swords, Path of Daggers, etc.

  • 2 weeks later...

Season 1 of GAME OF THRONES has wrapped shooting. Post-production is already well-underway on earlier episodes, with editing, scoring and CGI work currently underway,


Next important date is 7 January, when HBO present the show on the American Television Critcs' Associaton Winter Tour press junket thing. There's going to be a big panel featuring Sean Bean, Peter Dinklage, Emilia Clarke, producers David Benioff, Dan Weiss and George R.R. Martin, possibly others, and some additional footage should be shown. The series itself is scheduled to begin airing on HBO in April. The precise date is not confirmed, but given TRUE BLOOD's debut date in June, it'll probably be either 3 or 10 April 2011.


Meanwhile, the production crew are already beginning preliminary work on Season 2, which will be based on the novel A CLASH OF KINGS (GAME OF THRONES remains the overall series title, however). Whilst S2 has not been officially greenlit, the tight turn-around which HBO wants for the second season means that a lot of contingency work will have to be done so they can begin work almost immediately after a potential greenlight is given in April.


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