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Everything posted by Skipp

  1. Another great review, spoiler free of course, from Wotseries. Biggest take away from this one is that the World seems larger, busier and just more lived in compared to season 1.
  2. Interesting, haven't had a chance to read the article yet but I saw a few people talking about it on reddit and wondering if the reviewer had watched season 1.
  3. Early spoiler free reviews from Unraveling the Pattern, Nae'Blis, KritterXD and Malkier Talks are all out. They all seem to agree that the Quality of the show, across the board, has been improved. The Pacing has slowed down for the first 3 episodes that allow of character breathing room. Many scenes are referenced directly from the books even if the scene itself contains different characters. And some big scenes that are very very different. Can't wait for tonight.
  4. Lots of information here and an excellent 4 minute clip that starts at about the 40 second mark. https://www.amazon.com/live/broadcast/1d8c7107-36d4-4b12-a5c9-e3f6de910fe6?ref=cm_sw_al_CCkgCBt7gisRy oh to Laugh at people who thought we weren't getting separate threads of the One Power. In all seriousness this clip was really great, I loved the lesson, I loved Egwene talking Valda's words to heart. And bloody stubborn Nynaeve. Also there is a still image of Rand near the end in his iconic coat.
  5. Thanks for logging the clip for us. Now this is interesting, I appreciate the call back to the scene from season 1. Now I believe this is just a revamp of of Logain's talent to see Ta'veren rather than a change to the magic system. The biggest support for this is that Logain sees Rand after being gentled. Maybe I am wrong and they will have Rand being able to see a glow around other male channelers but we will see. Also something from the books that always bothered me; we have Suian and Logain as people with the talent to see Ta'veren. How do they know that is the reason they are glowing? Have they seen so many that they were able to piece it together?
  6. Especially when you consider that the theme is intentionally book-ended in the show. Moiraine starts the series by telling us it was caused by the arrogance of the Dragon. Then we see the conversation between LTT and LPD. And then we see Moiraine showing that exact same arrogance in her and Suians plan. I do wonder how much of that scene was in the original script. The entire arguement was caused by Mat being left behind. If Barney Harris hadn't dropped out of the show would we have had that scene? I imagine we would have had some form of the E5 aruging about whether they should go to the eye or not but would it have included the "drama" It is quite possible that it was a late rewrite to fill up time that would have been used on Mat.
  7. You could read into it that way, it is certainly a possibility but I do believe that safety and practicality are the more likely reasons as to why we don't have a leash A'dam.
  8. This actually has a surprising basis in the books, despite the general controversy over the subject of fridging. In tSR when Perrin returns to the TR he mentions he might have married Layla had he stayed. Well considering in the show they stayed until they were 20 rather than 18ish things just took their natural course. Of course just because it has a logical basis in the books does not mean it was handled the best nor mute the complaints of fridging. But him having a wife and killing her does alot of work for a short amount of time. And considering the amount they had to cut down on episode one I think it did its job.
  9. Yes, they removed the leash, added the gag, kept the bracelet and adjusted the necklace. I could be wrong as I don't have the books in front of me but I am fairly certain that Egwene was on a horse as a Damane. The moment I am remembering is when they take her out to detect minerals. But either way, horse or no horse, that doesn't make the other concerns less problematic.
  10. I think one of the leaked audition scripts did mention Lord Luc. They also casted Luke Fetherston who looks a surprising amount like Josha. Now whether Luc plays the same role or not is yet to be determined but Slayer is another character, much like Fain, whom I would love to see expanded in the show.
  11. Why would removing one dehumanizing prop, the leash, for another, the gag, be such an unreasonable and twisted change? Considering that using a leash on set would be impractical for blocking and potentially dangerous when using horses or stairs. Not to mention that I don't believe it was ever stated the length of the leash itself. Can you imagine the Sul'Dam having to carry around coils and coils of length with them on set. What if they dropped it in battle? That would take a while to pick back up! It is a solid change for an adaptation and I don't see how changing the visual of a prop from one dehumanizing metaphor or another makes the show "A completely different story". But as you said it is unlikely that we will change another's mind about the show.
  12. Having picked up the books in the late 90's and having read them on a near yearly basis until the pandemic I do really enjoy the show. I love being able to pick out the easter eggs and knowing instantly what characters are talking about. But it has also provided hurdles as some of the things I "know" are now wrong. This is not a bad thing but it does cause me to have to re-evaluate things from time to time. But since I also follow the behind the scenes closely I tend to know of these changes early and can adjust early. I also appreciate that due to the changes they make we, as a community, get to theorize again at potential plot paths and the such. It is so very exciting.
  13. Well that confirms they are releasing 3 episodes again on the premier, good to know. I am continuing to love the look of the Seanchan.
  14. Maybe this is a stretch but did anyone else notice how no one reacted to the little girl aside from Ishy and Fain? Even after Ishy starts walking out everyone just stares straight ahead. Is it possible that Ishy has done something to them to not elicit reactions and the reveal is that Fain has become something more?
  15. If I remember correctly Stepin had only 8 statues of the Forsaken in season 1. I could easily see them reducing/combining several Forsaken. Based just off scene we got it is possible Aginor was combined with Ishy as he seemed to hold affection for the Trollocs. But I might be stretching here.
  16. I feel that the similar shot from this trailer would be the woman covered in blood. I will be shocked if that isn't in the show.
  17. Loved the trailer! Saw more moments from tGH than I expected honestly. Favourite moment was the Rand and Logain meet and greet or Egwene's protective shield as Elayne runs away. I'll give my ideas here. I think Rand and Logain are meeting in Carhien. I suspect Suian makes the trip there with Logain as a variation of the False Dragon Tours from Eye of the World. Flaming Sword guy: My theory is Tomas, Verin's warder, this scene might be a variation of the scene from tGH where the Drakhgar comes for Moiraine and Lan/Jaem save her. Just swap the Drak for Fades and Jaem for Tomas. I think I see weaves of fire around the action and I think maybe Verin is igniting Tomas' sword. I am not sure if Rand's sword is different. The Herons are certainly new but maybe they were underneath the handwrap previously? I also loved the Kissing Heron buckle on his Chest strap in one of the images, I think it was near the end when talking with Suian.
  18. I was surprised to hear what seemed a pop song in the trailer( Was unfamiliar with Halsey). But it worked for the Trailer. After watching the trailer a dozen times yesterday it grew on me as the lyrics seemed very related to the material at times. Unraveling the Pattern breaks that down a bit more in their most recent video. I don't expect to to hear mainstream songs in the show itself thankfully.
  19. No but Rosamund is the most marketable actor in the show.
  20. I actually do like her Shaido arc. It really brings he character into the leadership role she was groomed for before leaving for the Great Hunt. She is in an impossible situation but is continually looking for new avenues of escape for herself and the ones she is responsible for. Had she not had this will it is possible Sevanna might have scooped her up went Perrin's army arrived. Now I could do with seeing less of Perrin's PoV during the Shaido arc. Despite being my favourite his chapters then I find lengthy. I am looking forward to seeing how they portray Faile in the show and how they will revamp the events of the Shaido arc.
  21. I, on the other hand, am excited to see how they adapt one of my favourite books in the series. The Book that, I believe, shifts WoT from run of the mill fantasy to something special.
  22. The first 4 were posted on the Wheel of Time official account this morning. The remainder were from the Entertainment Weekly article from the other week. Not sure where the captions came from but the actor who plays Masema was identified by Wot Series. As for Moiraine in Cairhien the set she is on is the same that has been identified as the Foregate set I believe..
  23. A) We don't know how an Ogier reacts to being stabbed by the Shadar Logoth dagger what with them being what they are. Or possibly the dagger gets more powerful the longer it feeds on someone and it got reset to 0 after Mat's healing. Just theories. b) Presumably by traveling with Perrin and the Shienarians c) He seems to be wearing the same type of clothing as some of the Seanchan servents, so possibly after being captured he was made Da'covale or So'jhin. Another theory is him taking the place of Bayle Doman as the Turak's/Suroth's source of entertainment and information of Randland.
  24. Awwww that looks amazing. I am glad to hear it is holding up to initial inspection.
  25. I think this is shown to be a mistruth in the series. It is shown that Siuan came from that same type of background as the old Wisdom and she was was allowed to join the tower. I believe this will turn out to be a case where we will find out that the old Wisdom was rejected for a different reason and told this story to Nynaeve to possibly save herself from embarrassment.
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