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Everything posted by Skipp

  1. Yeah, the only prophecy that Rand has fulfilled so far that wasn't "rigged" was the being born on the slopes of Dragonmount. But between that and Min's vision of Rand and his Dad I think it is pretty clear to audiences.
  2. And it is not entirely out of character for someone like Liandrin to actually believe that men channeling taints everything. People fear and distrust Aes Sedai partially because of the ruin male Aes Sedai wrought.
  3. I am thinking they will drop the Lan aspect of that. They have already played that card during season 2. Now that might mean they are foreshadowing it for a later season but I think the other bonding is more impactful. And with all of that it allows Lan to meet up with Nynaeve sooner which considering their chemistry and potentially only 8 seasons isn't a bad thing.
  4. Not a bad assumption. Show Alanna has already pulled some bits of Myrelle's storyline. It will be interesting to see if they combine her with Joline's as well. It would be a logical way to keep the actress in the show if she is committed. These types of combinations works to be the amount of characters down but also have a habit of making the "world" feel smaller. Certainly not opposed to the idea though.
  5. My personal theory is that Moiraine will disappear through a portal but Rosamund will stay on the cast as a figment of Rand's Madness.
  6. I know covid was season 1 but I wonder if they had planned a larger build up in late season one with Ingtar and scaled it back when they realized they would have to recast for season 2. And if they scaled back Ingtar in season one did that mean they found it easier to cut additional scenes with the new actor because they already knew they didn't have the build up they might have planned in s1.
  7. I can't predict much but I think they showed with season two that they really enjoy having Forsaken on Forsaken scenes. They also seem to be universally loved by the audience.
  8. They did miss an amazing opportunity to add a book quote into season 1. In episode 8 Rand asks Moiraine to teach him and she could have responded with "I cannot teach you anymore than a bird could teach a fish to fly". It was one of a handful of moments when I, as a book reader, thought there was a better line that could have been taken directly from the books.
  9. I wonder how much covid actually factored into this decision. We know that they lost the actor originally set to play Ingtar and that they just renamed him for the end of the season. I wonder if they were planning to set him up more in episode 7 or 8. All in all if they couldn't commit the time to Ingtar then cutting the reveal might have been the better decision.
  10. I do wonder when we will get SH. I am thinking end of season 3 or season 4 at the earliest. I wonder if that is the reason they have left the Myrddraal mute in the show to contrast with SH. I personally think it was a mistake as I loved how creepy they could be when they decided to speak but it would make more sense in this type of case.
  11. Agreed, having a unit of soldiers protecting access to the Damane seems very smart, guard this with your lives and such. I do agree that it was a TVism to have the unit charge a single combatant..... but thats TV for you.
  12. I am not as familiar with crossbow bolts or first aid in general. Wouldn't breaking off the end make it difficult to push through? As you may have a splintered end? Wouldn't the splinters be bad for the wound? Is the bolt long enough to be able to break off the fletchings and be able to pull from the other side?
  13. I believe Brandon Sanderson also said that Moiraine was stilled, not shielded so let us take this with a grain of salt.
  14. I think she implied she placed it on the thief but it is only on his belt buckle as it has to be applied to metal?
  15. Or Robert Jordan did not write the character arcs for television and Rafe changing them to that end.
  16. Oh I still think he will worm his way into the Whitecloaks, I just theorize that he will be trying to tempt Mat back to the TR rather than Rand.
  17. One of my few disappointments in season 2 was the lack of Padan Fain. I am hoping they will increase his use in season 3. I think they could have Fain go to the TR to try and tempt Mat to come home so he can try and get the dagger back. If that is true it is probably for the best as his obsession with Rand really didn't go anywhere and having him more directly tied to either Mat or Perrin could open up some interesting story telling. Beyond season 3 speculation
  18. If you don't find the Seanchan, Whitecloaks and Forsaken more menacing in the show than the books I don't know what to tell you. As for the boys not getting their moment and that it was all about the girls. Rand abolsutely wrecked Turak and his routine. Mat got moment when he realized he could be a Hero if he wanted, he has in his own past. . Perrin got his berserker moment although I wouldn't call it a hero moment, he did get to add his strength to Egwene's barrier. Nynaeve got a lesson that no matter if you are the most powerful Aes Sedai in 1000 years you still need to put in the work to be effective. Elayne got to provide her level head in a chaotic situation and heal Rand in a moment of need. Egwene got tossed aside like a kitten in a hurricane when attempting to attack Ishy. She was able to hold him off defensively for a short while until Rand recovered.
  19. Natasha was certainly the stand out of this season. I cannot wait to see more of her and whomever else they cast for the rest of the forsaken. Say what you will about the rest of the show but so far they have the portrayal of the forsaken is far better than the books.
  20. This is addressed in book 2 I think and if not then it is addressed in a later book .Aes Sedai taken as Damane cannot be used in battle effectively due to the 3 oaths.. They did not really address this in the show but I don't believe it showed Aes Sedai Damane participating in battle. I could be wrong as Miagan clearly died on top of the tower but I don't recall see her doing any weaves. I will have to go back and check.
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