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Everything posted by Skipp

  1. Exactly this There are plenty of things I can nitpick, there are plenty of things I would have done in a different way. Ultimately those moments don't bother me much because I am happy with the final product. Do I hope the show continues to improve every aspect of the show? Yup, sure do but I love seeing my favourite book series come to life on screen and I love being able to speculate again.
  2. I do believe it will be more impactful when Ishy is the only Forsaken to be thrown into a new body. Before the finale I didn't think we would get the Ishy to Moridin switch but I think the reveal down the line could be pretty amazing. Especially if they use the line about being resurrected was his punishment.
  3. Agreed, there are a few times where if they were to add lines like this it would help the story a fair amount.
  4. That is a good catch to that viewer. I had assumed that was the case, just snowy on the mountain slopes but I had never had confirmation.
  5. Both in the show and the books the plan was to take Rand to the Tower. Both were detoured to the Eye for differing reasons. After that Moiraine did not want Rand in the tower in both the show and books.
  6. I believe he stated season 4 would be more closely aligned with book 4. I do believe there will be some wiggle there.
  7. People have wondered what will Anvaere will do with the information that Liandrin is a darkfriend. I wonder if they have set this up that who would trust Anvaere Damodred? She claims her son is a darkfriend, her Sister broke the Dragon out of captivity, Her Sister left through a waygate with Lanfear(Maybe Suian won't mention this part). This all might have some serious consequences for declaring another Aes Sedai is a darkfriend. As for Suians turn in this episode, does anyone think she might have been complused? She hasn't really prepared the tower to support the Dragon. Despite her concerns with Moiraine and her progress(even if I understand some of them) it seems like quite a turn and since they setup the idea of complusion earlier in the season....... maybe? Even her line "It would have been easier if you had been born a girl" really sounds like something Liandrin would say.
  8. Pretty much this, next season I image we will have Rand Mat and Egwene head to the waste, Perrin head to the TR, and I am not sure what journey they will send Nynaeve and Elayne on. I think we will get the Stone and Callandor after season 3 possbily in the place of Carhien if they have the Shaido cross the dragonwall. I imagine there are better people than I who could plot that path.
  9. And while I don't actually believe my next statement but what Liandrin says could easily be attributed to "Men are the reason that the world is broken between that and just going insane is the reason normal people don't trust female Aes Sedai like they should."
  10. I'm of two minds with this episode. Individually I loved nearly every scene, the performances etc and was quite entertained. But as a whole the episode felt just off. It had a tough task of following 3 really good episodes and was clearly a "Get everyone where they need to be for the finale" episode. Didn't have an issue with any of the lore changes in general aside for some possibly sloppy execution. On the plus side, I loved having a bored, "going through the motions but slightly entertained" Lanfear walking through the foregate. Natasha O'Keefe has won my newcomer of the season award hands down. My non book reading partner was very happy with the episode. She audibly gasped at Barthanes reveal. I absolutely love that she is super engaged in the show as she finds starting the books far to daunting. Here's to hoping they stick the landing.
  11. I think they are implying that they have certain Damane with the "Talent" Hence why they had to wait for Miri to show up in Episode 3 to pick out the women.
  12. This looks to be Ishy's bedroom in Falme, or at least the Seals in the background are giving me that impression. Ishy messing with Mat's dreams?
  13. Probably more how can we fit 15 books worth of content into, possibly, only 8 seasons of 8 episodes. Along with making each season a self contained story.
  14. I was going by what Verin said and even rewatching the scene there is no body there afterwards but that could be a continuity error.
  15. Neither Moiraine kill a fade in the show. We don't know the fate of the one fighting Thom but there were only 3 fades in the Fight with Moiraine and Lan. We see Lan kill 2 and the 3rd is killed by Tomas and Verin. Moiraine certainly gets in a solid surprise stab. And Thom replicates his book feat by keeping the fade off of Rand and Mat long enough for them to escape. In fact the only Fade kills we have seen have been warder kills plus Rand lighting one up.
  16. But is it not odd that only after 2 months of training Rand can defeat a blademaster? I always figured there was something more going on there. An assumption I've seen else where is that Rand's innate skill with the blade is a bleed over from LTT. Tough to say either way.
  17. Agreed but to address Mirefox, yes it completely disrespects the book. And yet despite that it is a fantastic film that people sometimes forget to look deeper into. Odd thing I just realized is that there is an interesting parallel between Starship troopers and Wheel of time, specifically Dumai's Wells. I find that a lot of fans cheer at Dumai's Wells, especially at the "Kneel or you will be knelt". ultimately nothing wrong with that, I had the same reaction when I first read it. It was about time that these manipulators got put into their place. But after years of reading WoT you come to realize that this particular moment is not ment to be cheered, it was a victory for the Shadow. How does this relate to Starship Troopers? Well it is the same idea. The good guys capture the bugs and win the Day and you cheer along with them. But there is a reason the "good guys" officers are dressed like the SS...
  18. Not to mention they do show that the ceremony is dangerous in some ways. Egwene clearly slices her forearm open. Layla has similar scars on her arm possibly when she went through it. They know it is dangerous and have accepted it. It is not like other cultures don't have stupid coming of age practices. Malkier has older women essentially sexually assault teenagers.
  19. Not to mention it perfectly mirrors what Moiraine and Suian plan in Episode 6. They believe they have the one and only solution. They send Moiraine and the Dragon Reborn to the eye not only was it a trap they release Ishy fully into the world. I would call that arrogance.
  20. These comments always get me. Mats noble father, Abel Cauthon. Such a beloved character that does so much in the books........ Can someone please quote me two or 3 iconic lines Abel has in the books? Does Abel have more than 3 lines? Yes in the books Mat attributes a lot of his own talents to his father, his staff fighting, his horsetrading. but these thoughts always seem to come out of the blue when Mat needs to be good at things. Abel is a fine character in the books and a source for some character background for Mat. But let us not make the mistake as if he is some gem of character that is so important to the story that changing him wrecks the entire WoT storyline. The writers clearly decided to give all 3 boys different upbringings in the Two Rivers to help separate them. They chose to give Mat a rough home life as something he'll overcome to become the hero he believe he can never be.
  21. Might just be that Liandrin doesn't care about the horses well being.
  22. And Moiraine is clearly still bound by the 3 oaths. When stutters when introducing Rand to her Sister and Nephew she was clearly trying to lie about this name and couldn't. Or at least that is how I interpreted that scene.
  23. I do think that Liandrin did actually care for Nynaeve and would have preferred to turn to the shadow but orders are orders. And yeah freeing Nynaeve was certainly a big FU to Suroth but I can't help but think it was also because she has some respect for Nynaeve.
  24. Jon from WoTup has leaked a most anticipated casting for season 3. There have been a lot of discussion whether Elaida would be cut or merged since we have not seen her yet so I am glad we got this news. The casting is a bit of a surprise for many people who naturally assumed this actor was going to play another role.
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