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Everything posted by Skipp

  1. If they follow their previous patterns we might hear about Season 4 in June/July. At least according to the people on twitter who track these types of things.
  2. I believe filming on Season 3 completed in late March. This is just a casting discovery.
  3. The unfortunate thing about that implication is that the only negative things the person in question says can be truthful. Anything positive or neutral becomes contractually obligated.
  4. Great post and agree with everything except this. I find Cavill to be a solid actor who is often given wooden roles. Man from U.N.C.LE while being a ok film does show some of his range
  5. It does really suck when something you are excited for doesn't meet your expectations. And while I agree that the script writing and direction needs some solid improvement I find the casting and acting to be just a joy to see on screen.
  6. Agreed on the relationship part. Fleshing out Nynaeve and Lan's courtship was a welcome change. Not that it didn't make sense in the books considering the reader primarily has Rands PoV and he doesn't pick up on it doesn't mean it wasn't there. Similar to how characters only see Lan as stoic brickface as we generally get the PoV of the 4 out of 5 of the E5 that he presents that as. The few times we just get Lan/Moiraine or Lan/Nynaeve we tend to see a more emotional side of him.
  7. The green light for season 4 is already being teased. Nothing official but we should know in the next 2-3 months based off of their previous announcements.
  8. Considering we are going to see Perrin with the Tinkers in season 3 I think we will get more of his struggle with the way of the leaf. Possibly more with Elyas, I am unsure if he is expected in season 3. EDIT I should say presumed seeing more scenes with Perrin and the Tinkers. The actors for Illya, Raen and Aram are suppose to be in season 3 so I would expect them to be in Perrins storyline.
  9. Not sure where people have their sources for this type of information But I found this on twitter. Apologies if not accurate.
  10. While Rand didn't kneel in his first meeting with the Amrylin his entire outward facade crumbled, he possibly lost the void as well, when Suian names he The Dragon Reborn. He then reverts to the nervous shepard asking meekly what they are going to do with him. Not all that different from what we saw on screen. Rand, having never been cut off from the source, loses his outward facade when he loses access to the One Power. Remember that it is suppose to be a terrible feeling to lose that. Now would I have directed the scene differently, sure. i didn't care for having Rand fall to his knees. But it works for an audience who don't yet fully understand what losing the source means.
  11. I think this is a pretty solid assumption as to how season 3 might play out. I hope Egwene's story will focus on her dreaming abilites this season. As for Cairhien's government I think it could be toppled fairly easily. Either rumors that the Queen was to wed a Darkfriend or both the Queen and her former soon-to-be-king are assassinated by Liandrin/Black Ajah to prevent word of their involvement from leaking. Good question on the Dark One, they have not been much of a presence with the story focusing so much on the Forsaken. I don't really have a clear idea of how they will play out their impending release.
  12. Spot on analysis. I really liked the ending of season 1, at least the stuff that happened at the Eye with Rand, Moiraine and Ishy. This part of the ending feels like it will come full circle if we make it to the end of the series. It sucks that Daniel Henney's part had to be cut down majorly due to other filming commitments from what I understand and losing whatever the original story Mat and Perrin would have gone through. But yeah everything to do with Tarwins Gap was just underwhelming at best.
  13. Does Moiraine not surprise attack Be'lal with balefire in tDR? If the forsaken didn't count in the 3 oaths she wouldn't have been able to attack like that. I might be mis-remembering the scene though.
  14. Characters in WoT stating things as fact when they have imperfect information, that could never happen 😉
  15. No one can say for certain aside from Amazon but those do seem like solid numbers following the end of the season. And the show does seem to have a larger following outside the US from the numbers I have seen. Not sure how Amazon weighs that type of information.
  16. This was in peacock? When Amazon was announcing ads I assumed they would be preroll ads which I wouldn't have a major issue with. Otherwise I kinda agree with you, if ads start appearing in the middle of my shows then I am going to be cutting back on my streaming services.
  17. This was a wonderful article and interview. It is nice to see WoT getting noticed aside from what I would call "the regular" sites. https://defector.com/how-the-wheel-of-time-made-great-art-out-of-great-pain
  18. Solid description. I just love seeing the story and characters that I have loved come to screen,
  19. Rand broke cuendillar, something we have only seen Ishy do.
  20. Gotta say my main fan cast for Cadsaune was Shohreh Aghdashloo after seeing the first season of the Expanse. I do think she will make a wonder Elaida, certainly think she will love taking centre stage and chew the scenery that the role should hopefully involve. Previous to Shohreh I flip flopped between Helen Mirren and Maggie Smith.
  21. Great video here by Nae'blis. He talks about being taken out to Prague to tour Jordan studios and other BTS set locations. It is really interesting when he talks about the restrictions, or lack there of, that Amazon had for them especially concerning the ongoing strike. Don't know why but when they showed the Tar Valon set it kinda broke my brain. I knew they built a large set but I didn't imagine it to be so continuous.
  22. I doubt Moiraine could have heard Liandrin from the cliff overlooking the event
  23. Everyone as in the audience? Or everyone as in our heros? Because aside from Verin no one in the White Tower suspects Liandrin and it is possible our heros never return there until much later. Oh sure, Anvaere knows but who is going to trust the head of a disgraced house. One whose own son is a Darkfriend.
  24. Agreed, more seasons and more episodes would be wonderful but unfortunately those are not on the table at this time. I do disagree that doing a season a book would be a good idea, there are a fair amount of content that can be condensed or merged into other plots. But it sucks that you didn't enjoy what was on screen, it is never fun to be disappointed. But there is more to the show that simply keeping the names the same. The show hasn't exactly had time to show the growth and change that happens throughout the series. I can see the seeds of growth for some characters and for others they are already starting to bloom.
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