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Jagen Sedai

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Posts posted by Jagen Sedai

  1. I feel I got backlogged on some things, and I apologize. But I did want to say two things:


    1. Someone wanted me to post in their 100 Weaves, I believe, but I cannot find the information on the boards or in PM. I feel like it just disappeared. I apologize to whomever I owe a post for that. (Was it you, @Arie? I can't find the IC thread).


    2. I have not posted in Crazy Manipulations again because I've been waiting for other Aes Sedai to join. *hops up and down with pom poms* Come one, come all, on this adventuring party!

  2. Jagen folded the paper in her hand and tucked it away in her larger belt pouch. "I must see to getting Aslan, then," she told the other sisters. "This group, let us meet in an hour and a half on the main floor in the meeting room. We can discuss our traveling plans."


    The Red then swept away and made her way up the Tower proper to the Ajah quarters again. Some sisters in the hall nodded appropriately as she passed; Jagen was sure they were wary of her now since her bonding. The Taraboner thought she was handling it quite well, circumstances considered.


    She knocked on the door of the room she had given her new.. Warder. Or whatever he was to her. "Aslan?" She opened the door to tell him the exciting news.

  3. I only assumed a litter to get them to their starting district, since (According to the books) it's unusual for them not to use one. I figure once they get to the south-east district near the grove, the litter can be done with, is that okay?

  4. That would be cool ?  I don't officially have any Sea Folk characters but they're my favorite people in the books. Living on a ship? Ocean all the time? Heck yeah!!


    I really got to come up with a good concept for a Sailmistress. Or Wavemistress, if we can play those. I'd probably have to work my way up.


    What is nice, I think, is if we were to start right  around when the Stone falls, and work our way forward in the timeline from there.

  5. OOC: Hmm, I realize I don't know what Kiyi's Ajah is??




    Astradore nodded back to the other Sister who arrived. She had been told three would be chosen altogether, including herself. She was especially pleased when another Tower guard showed herself. "Perfect," she said in reply to the Yellow.


    "As I'm sure you all know, there have been rumors of ghosts, of all things." She kept her tone cool despite her words. "We'll head to the south east district, near the Ogier Grove, and work our way counter-clockwise. Keep you eyes and ears open for people talking of the matter, or perhaps even screaming in the streets. Right then. Shall we hire a litter, then?" she suggested to her si9sters as they made their way to the main Tower Square.


    The whole thing was strange, but Astradore figured if so many of these rumors were going about, perhaps there was a bare hint of truth to them. But what, really? They finally reached the Square, and finding a litter wasn't too hard. They came here because Aes Sedai often hired them, and she was sure they had to be out all day doing this. She wasn't going to walk around the city for hours. Better to support those who were offering their services. The Tairen climbed in first, leaving the curtains open. They needed to see what was going on in the city.

  6. Jagen made herself comfortable on the chair as she could while still sitting properly straight before the Amyrlin Seat. It always pleased her to come into the Amyrlin's office and see a former Red on the Seat. Shevara was only a little younger than Jagen and only a bit weaker in the Power. The Taraboner always made a point to be an ally for Shevara, possibly even a friend if Shevara wanted it, but their duties kept them from getting too close to one another. Jagen was, overall, proud and satisfied she ended up on the Amyrlin Seat. It's too bad it would be improper now to ever ask her about her homeland in more detail. She was always curious about that.


    She listened closely and nodded her head a bit at the comment of how foolish young girls could be, but this was an unusual situation. This lord must have been abusing his power, but how were the people of his township letting it happen?


    Raslyn handed the paper to the Red Sitter. "I'm placing you in charge of this expedition, Jagen. All the pertinent details you will need are recorded in that document. Get to the bottom of this, quickly." Jagen nodded, and Shevara's face was serious and focused. "And take that Asha'man of yours...what's his name?" Jagen's mouth twitched on the corner. Well, I was thinking of bringing him anyway. "Aslan, yes... take Aslan with you. It will be good experience for you both to work together outwith the Tower. It will not be said that we shirked our side of that treaty!" That indeed. She was reminded she was stuck on the wrong end of that bond. If Aslan ever tried to manipulate her in the way some Greens manipulated their Warders..... well, that did not bear thinking about just then.

    "Yes, Mother," she responded dutifully. It was best to keep a tight reign on Aslan, anyway. Any it would indeed be a good learning opportunity. Especially--yes, what if this lord could channel? Aslan would be a very valuable asset indeed.

    She listened to the Amyrlin finish up, "....then we are done here. Safe travels, Daughters."


    Jagen stood with the others and kissed her ring and curtsied as appropriate. "We will be swift and on point, Mother," she assured her. They all left the study, pausing in the antechamber. "Has anyone been to Saldaea so we may Travel there? The town is... let's see... near the southern end of a river called Chulane."

  7. Astradore worked her way down the final steps of the winding stairs that worked themselves all the way up to the top of the Tower, a walk she never particularly liked. A small smile crossed her lips as she mused. A gateway from our Ajah quarters to the main floor would be useful. They would just need to pick a spot to as to not accidentally open a gateway on a person. She tapped her finger on her opposite hand. What would happen if you criss-crossed two gateways atop another? The White was sure something disastrous would result. Experimentation was not worth the knowledge or proving a hypothesis.


    Dressed in fine white-slashed gray silk, a pearl-beaded hairnet catching her long hair, Astradore was far from a plainly dressed White; she wore the most fashionable things she could find. She spotted a young Tower guard--no, wait, that was not a full uniform--and a sister of the Yellow wearing her shawl. Clouds covered the sky, but Astradore had a feeling it would not rain.


    "Kisathera?" she asked, recalling her name from her own orders. "And you?" the Tairen sister asked the guardsman. "You look awfully young; are you a trainee then? The guards could not spare a fully-trained man? No, nevermind. If they could, they would have, so no matter."

    She turned back to Kisathera. "We're headed to the southeast district to investigate... rumors." Ghost stories, she thought. Ghosts didn't exist. But she kept her face cool. "Shall we?"

  8. Cura's fingers made a coil of the silvery leash that was connected to her wrist, and she swung it idly, the collar dangling from the other end. Wind rustled the leaves heavily, coming from the north. It almost masked the horses' hooves as they moved about impatiently. Or perhaps they didn't like unknown territory.


    Soldiers had formed a loose circle around a group of men in white, all made to sit on the forest floor, messing up their pure white cloaks. They were tied up individually but Lieutenant and one of his men were threading a rope through them so they'd be forced to walk linked together in a line. Most of the soldiers watched these... Children of the Light, as they called themselves. Cura looked them over, her lips in a small sneer. She had heard of these fellows, and they were not a group she cared for. They were heretics.


    She was standing close enough to one to hear him whisper to his fellow, "...you know the Light will have us prevail; they're Darkfriends, and does the Light ever let us d--"
    He cut off when the collar of the a'dam slapped across his face, putting a gash along his cheekbone and nose. "You will keep silent if you know what is best for you," Cura snapped. "We are not Darkfriends, you fool."
    "Cura." The deep voice of Captain Yubin drew her up, lips pursed as if in thought. He was tall, and dark, from Rampore, as far as she could make out his accent anyway. He was an amazing fighter, so Cura thought. Perhaps that was why the High Lady Elioth chose him so.


    He did not need to say more. Cura should not have let herself react to what they were saying. "My apologies, Captain. There was no excuse." He only nodded; they often drank together casually.

    "Mount up!" he called to his party. One of the soldiers, carrying the rope, mounted up and twisted the end to his saddle in a way that it would not come undone.


    Cura moved back towards her horse, by Lurane, her other sul'dam, who lead Mya. Her eyes did not look at the men except to watch for potential danger. They all set their horses to a steady walk, and Mya walked beside her mistress' horse's flank. These men would be taken to House Elioth and given over to the High Lady, to be made da'covale or executed as she wished.

  9. On 8/27/2019 at 8:24 PM, Taymist said:

    ...the only one that fit me was the Reds. I wanted somewhere that wouldn't judge me, that didn't expect false modesty, with people who didn't object to plain speaking, or equate honesty with being rude, who respected a wide range of opinions, appreciated diversity, and not only tolerated but actively encouraged opinionated discussions without holding grudges. The Reds has always been filled with both introverts and extroverts, the personalities are widely differing, but they're all fiercely independent thinkers, strong and outspoken in their passions, firm supporters of women and women's issues... and no, none of us are man haters. We're nothing like the book Reds but I can see how we'd be intimidating to some people lol. Me? I love them. Plus, you know, we gave you an Amyrlin who's pretty damn awesome. :happy:

    @Taymist, you said this wonderfully. When I was reading this, I thought to myself, "Well, this is EXACTLY how I am!" I often "offend" people in RL because they take my honesty and plain speaking as being rude, which I totally don't understand. And everything else you listed there... yes, that's me to a tee! I'm so proud to be a DM Red :ajahred_by_drowelfmorwen-dc43fsu:


    On 5/28/2019 at 7:29 PM, Cross said:


    :ajahbrown_by_drowelfmorwen-dc43ft9:it was all that one question that nagged me, 'who do i want to be?' a person who fights all the time (in a good way yes) or someone who chooses to focus my being on learning, growing, developing, understanding. the more i thought, the more i knew, that was me. sometimes you have to fight, but it can't be my defining aspect. it's not who i'll be in the long run. the pain from my past will be there, i can fight against it, i can fight for it, but i wont let it define me. it's an aspect. not my core. and i needed to embrace that in order to move on from the anger. which still wells up from time to time. but the brown's are who i am. introverted thinkers, more apt to do the research before jumping in. content to relax with a book, to be a spring of knowledge to those who need it. that's who i want to be. it's who i am.



    @Cross, this just opened my heart. As I've gotten older I've struggled--as only a die-hard WoT fan can--at what my actual Ajah would be. And I've always felt a bull between the Whites and Browns. I've also struggled with the applicable differences between them. But I think your post has sealed my thoughts.


    All my life I've been reading books, and I've kept my mind open to not just learning but teaching others as well. When I was a teen I even tried opening the eyes of students in my small town to realize there is a huge world out there we need to understand. And I want to understand everything about a lot of subjects. I love learning, and I feel it essential people never stop learning, never stop growing that way. I think the Whites appealed to be because of their desire for truth and their application of logic, but I think Browns do that too, even if it's not stressed. To be Brown you have to want to seek the truth, and you have to apply logic in your truth-seeking. I've always felt an appeal and appreciation for science and scientists, and I always wondered what "ajah" they'd fall under, but I think a mix of both. I wish I could be a scientist. For many reasons I cannot. But I admire them, and do my own forms of research by way of learning thoroughly about a subject. This is another reason I could never be a White; I love mathematics and reading about it for fun--including quantum mechanics stuff--but I'm just not up to par. I took pre-algebra 3 times, and failed all 3 times. I just couldn't wrap my head around it (actually, many times my teachers often asked in my life, "Why can you do the hard stuff but not the easy stuff? Unfortunately in math that's not good enough). I also love logic but I can't work well through puzzles at times--however, I apply a heck of a lot of logic to my RL dealings. I'm about impartiality and truth, even if it hurts me or another party. (Another thing people seem to take offense about... ?) Thus I have become very good at examining myself as detached as I can really get. So, okay, I do have a White streak. I just feel bad I wouldn't be a good White. Especially since, when it comes to philosophy, I find at least a good part of it illogical. When I hear philosophy discussions I find the topic to be of something of no real-world consequence or something that, no matter how much one talks about the subject, a person is just never going to know because it is impossible to get an answer (or near impossible). I feel with all of our technology and knowledge these days, philosophy is less needed than before, because there is now a distinct difference between philosophy and science, unlike, say, in Ancient Greece. However, when it comes to morals and ethics, I think these are very important. Also, Whites make the mistake of not including feelings and empathy when considering many problems--especially ethical ones. I think that is a mistake. Sometimes we need to do what is right, not what makes sense totally based on non-emotional factors.


    On DM, I'm definitely a Red. It wasn't just DM; even reading the books I knew I was. I compare one aspect of the Red Ajah to Harry Potter's Hogwarts' house of Slytherin: they're both portrayed as evil in the beginning, you learn to hate them before you ever learn to understand them. And the Reds were spoiled by Black Ajah machinations just as Slytherin was spoiled by Deatheaters later. From the age of 14 I knew Red was my Ajah, somehow. They're an underdog who needed to be understood, and people needed to learn they weren't all bad, and the rumors about them just weren't true (except for extremists, but that's everywhere). Even in real life I had this... epiphany... when people started hating all Muslims after 9/11, I said, no, that's not it... and I showed people their thinking was ridiculous (again, a tiny town). I'm attracted naturally to groups that seem picked on and misunderstood, because I want to not only understand them myself--for a logic and knowledgeable point of view, without emotions getting too in the way--but needed others to know some truth as well.  Heh, maybe that's why I'm on a Left-Hand Path now (Ave!)... another very misunderstood group.


    Lastly, I'll add that I'm a fighter. I'm willing to stand up for justice, especially when it has to do with truth-seeking. I don't shy from verbal fights/debates, etc. But I could never see myself as a Green.


    So. I'm a DM Red. But maybe, in real life, despite my long-held alliance and loyalty to the Reds, I'm more a Brown. I certainly do enjoy activities, to quote the WoT, "they seemed to like that sort of thing", that involve collecting information, organizing it, helping others with understanding... I definitely need a Brown shawl and not just my Red. :ajahbrown_by_drowelfmorwen-dc43ft9: (Besides, maybe other WoT fans would open up to me more in that color LOL).



    P.S. -- I've never understood RJ's desire to split the Browns and Whites instead of them being one big Ajah. Seems to me they should be one.

  10. Quote

    " The Tower could not afford to exile another four Sisters like had happened toAsyndara and her backers...."


    From Raising of an Amyrlin




    ...they elected Lanfir of the Green after Asyndara and her backers were banished from the Tower.


    From Unearthed


    There are so other mentions of Asyndara after that. We had talked briefly in Discord about this.

  11. The problem with Asyndara was that she was permanently exiled from the Tower for running for Amyrlin and losing. Her bio says as much. There are also no IC threads (or OOC ones for that matter) I could find related her to coming back, much less becoming HoA. That was the issue.


    So there is evidence for Corrine'dei taking over but not Asyndara. IIRC.

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