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Jagen Sedai

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Posts posted by Jagen Sedai

  1. Anyone know about this, or does it sound familiar?



    The Kin/ White Tower  Aes Sedai approach the Kin in Ebou Dar and inform them that the White Tower has always known of their existence. They offer the Kin a chance to return to the Tower and train to become Aes Sedai with the freedom to continue their lives and work, under Tower supervision; in return, the White Tower requests their help with the Bowl of the Winds, which has been in Kin’s possession ever since it was lost to the Tower. In addition, the Aes Sedai also mentions that any Aes Sedai willing to do so will be allowed to retire in to the Kin.


    I found this blurb on the PSW's official timeline but I am turning up noooo RPs about this, even though I found the Bowl of the Winds RP thread. Which, admittedly I must be missing something there too, because finding the thread where the Bowl was actually used, and people attacked after, seems to be missing as well.


  2. I would like to ask any qctive BTers to help me with the “Black Tower: Master Thread of Information” post. Like I did for the Sea Folk and Seanchan, as well as all the Ajahs, I want to do a post like this for the Black Tower, but I need help with things like the names of all your ranks and what they mean, who your leader is, etc. Anyone want to assist?

  3. Hello all!


    It is very important for members of the White Tower to make sure they are at least semi-familiar with our timeline. We have had many different events than those that take place in the books--there is no Tower split, for example, and the Shadow seems to attack us a lot more often! You may be surprised at some of our differences, and where possible all major event RPs are linked.


    To keep things simple, the timeline will not be directly copied to the boards; however, I am linking it below!


    :ajahwhite_by_drowelfmorwen-dc43fss:Click Here to Read the White Tower Timeline :ajahwhite_by_drowelfmorwen-dc43fss:

  4. Hmm, is Kathleen on an LoA? I haven't seen or heard from her in soooo long.

    I did want to request a change that will happen ICly--my Red Jagen, and I'll just say the Ajah Head will agree with her, wants to make it a rule that any Black Tower person visiting in the city of Tar Valon must be accompanied (escorted) by a Red sister. Can I do that? :D The Reds wanna make sure these guys are handled--er, watched--or, well... yeah. >_> heh.

    In other news, I'm still doing Info gathering projects, cause I have too much time on my hands. And it makes me happy. I'll be doing the BT or the Aiel next, or both congruently. Depends on how complicated each is. Hmm, should I get temporary access to the BT prviate OOC board for that (I'm assuming they have one)? Or I could ask a BTer to help me, though I think I can get a lot done a lot quicker on my own. Up to you, of course, and whoever heads the BT.

    Also, can I possibly get this thread pinned on the WT board?


    Lastly, can the Seanchan Information thread be unlocked? I have stuff to add but can no longer edit my own post.

  5. Yes, I like this! While gathering Ajah RPs,  I marked important ones and included them in the revised WT Timeline of events. Having an inter group one would be awesome. Since I've gathered lots of info from various groups already, this should be "fairly easy", heh. I still need to do a thread for the BT, which seems like the biggest challenge, but one I want to tackle soon, then the Aiel. I haven't touched BotRH,  but I think someone else should do that. In the least I'd need help with it, and I'd welcome BT help, too. I also don't have plans to touch upon Shadow related things. 


    But anyway, yes, I'd love to do this task. 

  6. I want this to be a thread about little things people have noticed in WoT; things that have no real consequence, but you noticed them anyway.


    I'll begin with a couple of my own--


    • The color purple doesn't seem to exist *anywhere* in the Wheel of Time. However, orange might, as one Sea Folk Wavemistress was described as wearing "reddish-yellow" silk (though it was later described as "red and yellow").
    • The only characters described as having red hair, not counting the Aiel, are also from Saldaea.


    Also, feel free to point out any observations that may be wrong--as an example, I'd love for someone to find purple in WoT. It's my favorite color!

  7. I wish to come up with a list of RP ideas for Atha'an Miere, and also ask others if they would be interested in playing. I would do my best to lead some threads so the Sea Folk remain active, simply because I love them and think they're underutilized.


    I do not have a character made yet, but I'm either going for a Sailmistress or a Windfinder. Either way, I think anyone interested in playing a Sea Folk must, by necessity, be part of the same crew. I have more interest in playing a Sailmistress than anyone else, or very possibly the Cargomaster if someone else wants to play the Sailmistress (or they may, again by necessity, be NSWs).


    Some ideas I have so far to hopefully spark interest:

    • While moving from Tremalking to the Mainland there is a run-in with the Seanchan; battle ensues.
    • Word reaches the Sea Folk ship that a pirate ship sunk just south of Toman Head, and it may have been laden with stolen (and expensive!) goods from Tarabon on their way to Arad Doman.
    • Soon after picking up a shipment of goods from Ebou Dar, the Windfinder discovers she can sense the Source but cannot touch it. As they begin to investigate, to make matters worse, a pirate ship waylays the Sea Folk...
    • The Wavemistress of a clan comes aboard the ship and informs the Sailmistress she must be taken upriver to Maerone, Cairhein's biggest port, to meet with the Coramoor. It'll be quite an experience for the crew to be so far inland!
    • Something involving an Aes Sedai


    Let me know some thoughts!!


  8. On 6/30/2018 at 6:47 AM, Taymist said:

    This is what we decided to do going forward. 6 month chunks per book starting with Book 11 which is where we were up to. Just haven't had time yet to do the first write up. Happy for anyone who has time to take that job on to do so as I'm going to be swamped through to September now.


    A write up containing what, exactly? I can probably do this. I'm running out of things to do, as I've finished gathering information on the Seanchan and everything I could find on the Atha'an Miere (which isn't much).

  9. Jagen listened to the Accepted's words, analyzing how Viviane's own mind must be sifting through all of the information she gave. She was pleased that the young woman was seeing the larger picture, and had better goals thus far than some of her sisters.

    "You can see why the Red Ajah is necessary. We are guardians of humanity. To Serve All as Aes Sedai, we must help protect the world, both on the small and large scale, from destruction. The best way we can do this is by making sure men who can channel are brought to the Tower and gentled." She paused, then said, "It is a shame, but the Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills. We must do what is necessary, what is difficult, for the betterment of all of humanity and our world as we know it."

    "Spend more time reflecting on all of this information. What is the Red Ajah to you, now? You are dismissed, but you are also welcome to speak any final thoughts."

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