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Jagen Sedai

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Posts posted by Jagen Sedai

  1. Fantastic, thanks Chaelca for the clarification. Sounds very logical. :p

    Regular classes need MoN (Chaelca) approval if you want to teach it, I do believe. Basically you volunteer and then do the class, but make sure Chaelca knows & gives you the go-ahead :)

  2. I can do it, sorry I missed this :D Perhaps I'll have my Red run into him, heehee. Or both my Red and White. That'll be even more fun :D

    Now he must be doing something wrong so... heh. What did you have in mind as to why he gets assigned a chore? Maybe he's just lazing around? :)

  3. This is our Ajah class outline for Accepted. Posting a copy here for reference, so everyone can see it--and, if someone desires to teach it, any Red can! This particular outline is for teaching Retro classes, as of course circumstances change for the Reds later.




    Lesson One: Introductions


    • Welcome; the Red Ajah is the largest Ajah, with the most important mission.

    • Reds' Purpose: To Prevent another Breaking of the World

    • Method: Gentling Male Channelers, we make sure to keep on eye on their madness, and to not let them stray. Male channelers should fall under White Tower control, to be taken to the WT to be gentled for their safety and the safety of the world.

    • Not man-haters, but our mission requires us to often maintain an emotional distance from men.

    • Red Amyrlins (Let's skip this, shall we?)


    Homework: Impressions of the Red before the start of the class. Also, what does the student think would or could happen if a male channeler is allowed to run lose? Can they name any examples besides False Dragons?


    Lesson Two: Traditions

    • No bonding of Warders; this accomplishes two things; 1) Keep the Red sisters at an emotional distance from men, 2) A Red would never have to worry about gentling a Warder, which would surely cause them both pain.
    • Relationships with men are discouraged for the above reason; conversely, relationships within the Ajah, to support one another, are strongly encouraged. (And relationships with other Sisters).
    • Sisters practice Weaves to help with reading Residues, to help detect evidence of saidin. Seocndly, weaves to fight other channelers are also honed.
    • We have a lot of pride in what we do and encourage our members to always wear something red. We also feel our mission is one of the most important in the Tower.


    Homework: In your own words, explain why having a Warder could be detrimental to the Reds' mission. Also explain what One Power weaves would be useful in tracking down men who could channel--or helping to capture them and keep them contained.


    Lesson Three: The Traitor's Court

    • Go over the three reasons the Traitor's Court is used for; further explain why men are not gentled on the spot wherever they are found (they deserve a trial, too).
    • Press upon the student the importance of the Red Ajah mission; one needs a stable world to do anything else in, thus we support the other Ajahs' missions by keeping the world safe; we help guarantee the Tower's mission of success
    • The Reds also help keep countries stable and wars from breaking out by preventing False Dragons from causing a ruckus. Go over a few past False Dragons.


    Homework: Reflect on the importance of the Reds' mission. Explain what could have happened if the False Dragons were allowed to run free.


    Lesson Four: Not Single Minded

    • Because of the Red's narrow mission, we have other benefits; we are free to pursue other goals.
    • We can and will assist other sisters (even in other Ajahs) in their goals if our main mission is not compromised.
    • Getting out into the world is encouraged to help seek rumor of men who can channel. Thus being advisors to nobles, teachers and researches outside the Tower is encouraged, as it plants a Red out in the world.


    Homework: What could or would you find yourself doing if you chose the Red Ajah? Would the mission of the Reds impede your own goals?


    Lesson Five: Dismissal, Reflections

    • Explain that the Red Ajah is very necessary.
    • What is the over-all impression now of the Red Ajah?






  4. OOC: I took some creative liberties with some information from your bio; I hope you like it!


    Jagen believed strongly that taking an active interest in initiates was for the good of the White Tower, and it was one reason why she so willingly taught classes. She also wanted to get a feel for every girl who made it to being an Accepted. It was why she insisted on teaching, especially Accepted.

    As far as Viviane went, she was at least the second woman with the last name Accylon in the Tower that she could recall. It was over a hundred years ago when Jagen met the last; their name was once very well known in Andor for being part of the Queen's court. As she entered the classroom, clad in a high-necked, dark crimson dress, shawl on her shoulders, she recalled the last Accylon woman, who looked very much like the Accepted standing before her today, at least that she could recall. But she had been sent away from the Tower after only a few years, and caused some trouble for the Tower besides. It was why Jagen remembered her name and face--she personally had been part of the embassy sent out to reign the woman in. The family did not fare well after that.

    She watched Viviane give the proper curtsy, but she did not enter the room fully. "Come, child. We will be holding this lesson somewhere much more comfortable." She swept out into the hallway, forcing the Accepted to catch up with her, but her pace was not quick. Jagen lead the girl up spiraling stairs until they reached the Ajah quarters. Upon opening the beautifully carved wooden door that lead to the Red's quarters, the tiles became white with the red Flame of Tar Valon on each one. The sister went left and opened another door to reveal a large sitting room, where sisters sometimes gathered by the dozens or few, and usually to receive sisters from other Ajahs or Accepted. It was not unusual to have Accepted visit a sister's personal quarters for a lesson, but Jagen and some others felt the sitting room was more appropriate. Thus they each could take a seat in a plush, red velvet sitting chair. The wood paneling here was dark, but many stand lamps were giving off light, giving it all a very warm feeling.


    "As I am sure you know, Viviane, the Red Ajah is the largest in the White Tower. To begin our lesson, we will discuss why this is and the Reds' main purpose for forming into one of the seven permanent Ajah groups."


    A servant brought them both tea; Jagen had called for it before arriving to the classroom. "When the White Tower was being built, the world was still trying to recover itself from the Breaking. Many groups of Aes Sedai helped the world by gentling these men on the spot; this was before the White Tower was fully formed, of course. Unfortunately during this time, the Ogier decided to prolong the Breaking by offering sanctuary to male channelers at the stedding--where, if you do not know already, channelers are blocked from touching the Source. By the time the official seven Ajahs formed in the second century after the Breaking, there were still many men around the world who had to be found and gentled for the safety of the new Ten Nations. Thus it became the duty of the Red Ajah to focus mainly on this purpose. Since it was the most important task of Aes Sedai at the time--and still is today, of course--the Red has consistently remained the largest of the Ajahs."


    "Just imagine a world where any day, while you're about your business, a man will come and he will go mad, killing those you know--neighbors, and even family. Perhaps you, yes? So you can see why we, the Reds must be vigilant in seeking out any and all information that could lead to a male channeler. Yet, there is no reason to gentle them on the spot any more. They are given a trial here, but we will talk about that more later."

    She picked up the tea, without anything added to it; she liked the flavor of the tea alone. "Now to address a particular rumor--that Reds do not like men. This is not true for us as a whole. Like any Ajah we are made up of many diverse women with diverse opinions. Knowing any man can start channeling, and knowing some may have already, but try not to reveal it--this is why we tend to keep an emotional distance from men. Think of what it would be like to find out a friend or someone close can channel and must be gentled for everyone's good. Being close, it could compromise one's integrity and logical judgement, possibly impairing a task which must be carried out. Because of this, we do tend to attract women who may already have an unfavorable view of men, but if anything this only makes it easier to do our assigned mission."


    After a few sips of tea, she went on. "Now, it is your time to talk, yes? Tell me of some of your impressions of our Ajah to begin with. Secondly, tell me what you think would or could happen if a male channeler is allowed to run lose. Can you name any examples besides False Dragons?"

  5. June RPs :ajahred_by_drowelfmorwen-dc43fsu:


      Intro to Saidar - Status: Ongoing

    • Thread Start Date: April 29th, 2018
    • Timeline: Retro
    • Description: Jagen teaches three new novices about saidar.
    • Players: Jagen, Ravenhild (Chaelca), Viviane (Oddpositions), Aubriana (Arie)

    A Red Veil - Status: Ongoing

    • Thread Start Date: June 21st, 2018
    • Timeline: Retro
    • Description: Jagen teaches Viviane, an Accepted, about the Red Ajah.
    • Players: Jagen, Viviane (Oddpositions)
  6. I had an idea in my head to do a "Seanchan at DM" Information master thread. I do so love the Seanchan (though in RL they would not be fun at all!) and I'm also trying to get people to play as, or with Seanchan ;)

    First, I wish to collect as much IC & OOC Information as I can.  (Which seems easy enough for me).


    Secondly, I wish to make a proposal: For the convenience of an RP setting and for players, and to help keep the Seanchan an active part of this PSW, I was going to suggest that most if not all characters be in the same vicinity as House Elioth, or even part of it (such as being stationed with/ transferred to the House). This is a high house that is positioned in Elmora, Tarabon, and is in charge in their area of expanding the Empire in the glory of the Empress (May She Live Forever). The High Lady is an NPC though I am sure I will need to make her a proper NSW with a bio if I proceed this route. I currently have two PC characters, a sul'dam and so'jhin. The only other PC I know of for Seanchan is WolfbrotherKronos, whose PC is a Seeker. We had a thread going but it died off when things got hectic in RL. My point being, I think I can make this idea work since no one else is actively playing Seanchan (and, as far as I can tell, has not in a long long time).

    Please let me know what you think!

  7. Congratulations for Viviane!

    Your character has been updated on the WT website to reflect your new status :D


    (Does this mean you will not continue the Intro to Saidar class, or did you want to finish it?) I will also do the Red Ajah class with you; would you like to begin that thread? I'm itching to RP.

  8. I *think* only Ajah heads are allowed to teach the classes. I could be mistaken. Please verify that with @Chaelca :)

    I only have the Red Ajah class outline, because Heads of Ajah need to have them, or make them if they're not done already. The only ones I know are done are the Red, White and Yellow.

  9. OOC: I was going to post this right when DM went down! But here it is!


    Jagen held out her hand with no readable expression on her face as she took the note and quickly read it. She folded it casually and placed it on the nearest desk. "So. Viviane." She looked at all three girls, her expression slightly stern. "Some things are outside of your control, but do not make it a habit to be showing up late. I will always know if it was your own fault, or not. And outside of a Sister tasking you, you have no excuses."

    The Red then embraced the Source and wove a simple ball of light, holding the weave instead of tying it off. It was better that way, for this test. "You see this ball of light, woven of saidar, but there is much more to see besides it. There is more to feel. Each effect you can observe--and some you cannot--are made of Weaves of the One Power. These weaves are what you will be learning in the future. After a time, you will be able to see them, but not today. Instead, however, your goal is to feel them. Feel the Source being used. Feel me embracing it. Know it is there and within your grasp, even if you cannot grasp it willingly today. The first step is to be aware of it. And, if you get lucky, you may even be able to glimpse the glow of saidar around me, if just for a moment. Either will show some progress.


    "This part of the lesson is to be done in silence, so you all may concentrate without bothering another. However, do state once you do feel or see something beyond this light. You will have almost an hour--but do not feel bad if this lesson brings you nothing today. Yes, an hour," she reiterated. "Patience is also part of this lesson."

  10. I think everything is good on my end, too. Did you get to take a look at all those Information threads, Kat? I don't think I need the board accesses anymore, if you want to close them again--or I could work on locating Ajah RPs, but there doesn't seem to be many that are very important >_> (Not to some Ajahs, anyway).

  11. "Thank you, Seheria." Celestine felt good saying her name without needing to add the honorific, now that she was one of them. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. It was almost hard to think, hard to believe; she had been pushing toward this day for so long.


    Celestine walked down the now mostly-empty hall, nodding with a friendly and open smile toward two other sisters. One returned the smile, though the other looked rather stern. She turned away to face her new room's door with some reverence, and pushed it open.

    The inside was much larger than her previous abode. She had a sitting room, a large bedroom, a dressing room and her own study. It was everything she could have asked for. More, everything was in different shades of yellow, ivory and white, and she absolutely loved it. She found her comb, brush and other few possessions on the desk in the sitting room. I want to keep everything, she thought as she looked around. Whether somewhat plain in design or covered in gaudy flowers, she loved it all. The lamps were lit, and there was a fire going in the marble fireplace. The room was warm, and inviting.


    She laid her shawl reverently on the bed, laid out so she could see the long fringe and the Flame of the Tar Valon. It was the first time she could truly admire the design; it was covered in ivy and soft yellow flowers on an ivory colored silk cloth. She looked in the stand mirror at her Accepted dress. Finally, after eighteen years of wearing white, she could put it off. She took it off, folded it and headed for the closet. Inside she found three dresses; yellow with white, a soft green with yellow slashes, and one fully yellow with embroidery on the chest and down the sides. She chose the last; it was soft and well woven, though not silk.


    Celestine grabbed up her shawl and laid it so it rested in the crook of her elbows, and admired her whole outfit in the mirror. From her jewelry box she grabbed a necklace; it was silver with a white flower charm in the center. A gift from her father, those eighteen years ago when she left for Tar Valon.

    Though she had no desire to leave her rooms, she made sure not to linger. Closing her door softly, she headed back to Seheria's rooms, giving a simple knock on her sister's door. She held her shawl close, and tried to smooth her face. If she smiled anymore she was afraid Seheria might think she wasn't listening, too overjoyed to have finally gained the shawl. Now more than ever, however, she needed to appear serious.

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