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Posts posted by thehumantrashcan

  1. 3 hours ago, Pembie said:

    Only read certain characters I do find jumping from characters for huge chunks of time confusing to remember what everyone is doing so maybe that is part of it  I was the same when watching game of thrones I had to watch that so many times 

    For that reason I understand not wanting to watch the show.  I agree there are moments the books go slow.  Thankfully, I really enjoy the political intregue many people find slow and boring and enjoy many of the characters journeys that I managed to get through them pretty fast.


    Have you tried the audio books?  Those actually helped me enjoy the stories even more.

  2. I think it could be very good.


    1. It shows why Matt and Rand think Perrin is better with women, he got married before them.
    2. He would hate the axe as stated above.
    3. Gives a reason for him to fight the wolfkin, animalistic part of him he is always fighting in the book.  Also to always feel guilty about Aram and resist him following him.
    4. Give him a reason to always second guess himself and think things through as stated above.
    5. Insentivize him leaving EF as stated above.

    This could really work and bypass a lot of his internal monologs in the book.  When faced with a decision  or hesitating before battle you could flash the moment he accidentally kills his wife in a fit of battle lust or wolfkin rage.  Yes it changes some details but ups the stakes without changing any major beats in the plot and sticks with the themes and inner conflict he faces.

  3. 1 hour ago, Elder_Haman said:

    Trust me, there's no news on this front.

    I've been following closely because I believe with all my heart that Verin should be played by esteemed character actor Margo Martindale (pictured). 


    Oh wow.  I can't see anyone else now!  This is a fantastic pick.


    @Taishar Hawaii I agree.  One of the best secondary characters ever!

  4. 3 hours ago, Mothiad said:

    I joined DM website last year (February 2020...go figure) and then things IRL got really crazy, and I never quite got to get plugged into the RP. 

    Well all that is changing now, I'm here to stay and would love to get plugged into some Warder/White Tower RP. Going to get my bio all wrapped up and send it in shortly. ?


    Right on!  You going to join the light RP in the White Tower forum or just the heavy RP?

  5. @Elder_HamanNot bad, I like it.  That could work and would help save on budget for all the CGI that would be required for the GM and the blight.


    @AgitelLove that speculation, never thought of that before.


    @ZyxthiorI think one of the riders at the Waygate is Loial.  There is a rider that is clearly larger than all the others waiting at the gate, however, there is also a large gap between this larger rider and what appears to be Egwene and we know it's pretty easy to remove someone from a trailer like Mavel has done multiple times.

  6. 2 hours ago, johnnysd said:

    In my view YA has nothing to with ratings. YA is typically about relationships especially FMM love triangles and that is not what WoT is.

    But we are good with the love square (MFFF) of Rand, Min, Elayne, and Avi right? ?  


    Just kidding.  I agree, no annoying back and forth will they/won't they, Jacob/Edward, Peeta/Gale, etc.  If they add that to the story we will be in YA land and that will be incredibly annoying.


    So far so good.

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