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Posts posted by thehumantrashcan

  1. Absolutely.  In most stories, they are meaningless without a theme, a lesson learned.  Those lessons, the point to the story, is learned in the long way around.  If she didn't face all of those obstacles and learn how to overcome them the movie would have been a fun example of puppetry and singing but ultimately have no point.  No lesson can be educational and entertaining without conflict of some sort.

  2. Labyrinth Extravaganza!


    Hello all!  Welcome to Labyrinth!  Don't get lost along the way. 




    Here we're going to practice our labyrinth delving skills in hopes to help Sarah reach Jareth's Castle.




    Here is our first puzzle, don't worry, they'll get harder.



  3. 4 minutes ago, Nolder said:

    They did? I did not realize that. Do you know who/which characters?

    oh, never mind, it was Pillars of Eternity they all worked on, they've also done a bunch of voice acting for marvel games, Fire Emblem games, Lego games, almost everything.  Ashley was that one girl from "The Last of Us."  All that good stuff.

  4. 12 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

    It gives me some reason to watch a team that isn't the one I cheer for.

    But it does make it hard when I have players facing each other, and I need one high scorer to do really well, but I don't want them to do well enough that my team loses! :wink:


    This is why I stopped playing fantasy football.  Ever since I was a kid I've always had a natural hierarchy for cheering for teams other than the Seahawks which wasn't hard because for most of their existence they've sucked so bad.

  5. Hey Kevala, I encourage you to check out the Tuatha'an Camp for writing or if you like the idea of RP/collaborative writing where you can be a character in your book/story, you can always join the Turnings of the Wheel RP: Revolution One forum to do a what if story or change and come up with your own version of the WoT world.


    If you are looking for a WoT companion book check out the The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time or the Wheel of Time Companion. There is also a wiki page for the WoT.


    Glad to have you here!  We love discussing the books so ask away, there are many with encyclopedia knowledge here, not including myself.

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