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Posts posted by thehumantrashcan

  1. My favorite candy bar is a candy bar.  No seriously


    My favorite chocolate is everything on that list except for that fake chocolate.


    As for the discussion about American Chocolate vs the world: yes, American chocolate sucks.  I lived in Europe for a year and half and I honestly can enjoy any form of plain chocolate in America, it has to have caramel or nuts or something.  The only times I enjoy it is if I get it from a "mom and pop" or "hole in the wall" chocolate shop where they make the stuff themselves and 50% of the time it's really good.  And the 50% of the time I find out the person who makes it is a immigrant from Europe.

  2. I've been playing a lot of the facebook game Game of Thrones Ascent or minecraft with my daughter.


    I've also been playing D&D and an assortment of board and card games but there is one card game is Star Realms, the build-a-deck game.


    oh yeah and also here!

  3. On 1/21/2018 at 10:05 AM, Elgee said:

    Ben is really making us look good on the dance floor, heh? *grins*


    Oooohh looking dapper there, Trash!

    Somehow I never expected dapper and trash to ever be used in the same sentence.

    Here is a reel!


  4. On 1/19/2018 at 5:54 PM, Mashiara Sedai said:


    Skiiing scares the pants off me.  I don't know why, but it seems so dangerous and horrifying.  I've never been before, and I'm pretty sure I'd never be able to work up the courage to try.

    skiing is one of the most exhilarating sports ever.  It's fast, it's the closest I've been to flying without flying.  It's so good.  Been doing it since I was 3.

  5. I was always a big fan of the skiing competitions.  I remember as a kid falling in love with Picabo Street.  The olympics would also get my psyched for skiing as well.  As a kid we made a point of watching both Olympics every year but the winter ones were always our favorite.  That of course led to another crush of Lindsey Vonn.  Us Americans love our female skiers.

  6. It's not a party until there's a zoot suit!




    I'll gladly help you out with dancing with all these ladies Ben.  I could even take a moment and teach you all some swing dancing.  I used to teach and compete in dancing competitions.

  7. 22 hours ago, Lessa Nikia said:

    I can see it! If they aged him properly, he would do an amazing job. Would be interesting to see him with mustaches...


    3 hours ago, Elgee said:

    Yeah that's what I think too, Lessa. And Tom has to be too spry to be played but someone who is older.


    As much as I can't get enough of Elliot and really would love his charisma to represent Thom, NPH would be the wiser choice.

  8. Yahoo, can't wait to see what the new rules are.  Count me in for my Wolfkin Tannyr, and maybe a gleeman in training, or a gleeman if no one else can have a trainer for me, and maybe even a new warder.  Or a gleeman warder? or a wolfkin warder?  Or maybe a wolfkin gleeman?

  9. Me too!  here is the link. 

    He was on his way to the stedding.  He was a tinkerer with the gift and was trying to come to grips with what being a wolfkin meant after growing up as a Tuatha'an.


    Here is my story arc with Wolfbro 

    Just waiting to get a response but I could always fast forward to the stedding and start interacting with @The Bard Babewolkin.


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