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Posts posted by thehumantrashcan

  1. Nah, my Seahawks are gonna screw everyone up, it'll be great!  No Super Bowl though, don't worry, I don't have visions of grandeur, but I suspect we'll come in and screw up everyone's plans in the NFC.  I can confidently say we're going to be the wild card this year.

  2. If I ever have the time I'd want to do a Space Marine from Warhammer 40k




    I know I'll probably never have time or the money but still it's my dream.  With the extended legs and everything so you appear as tall as they're supposed to.

  3. @Nolder I highly recommend you check it out.  They just recently left Geek & Sundry so if you don't want anything to do with Felicia Day it is now Felicia Day free, unless she guest stars during the second season.


    @Arie How are you liking the second season?  I'm really enjoying Travis taking up the mantle of the leader this season.  He's doing incredible.  I really like how most of them have taken a very opposite character type and I think for the most part each of them are nailing it.  I'm not sure if I'm at the point of enjoying all of their characters like I did for the first season but it's very fun.  Really liking some of the NPCs Matt has introduced as well.

  4. I couldn't have been more happy with Columbia v England game.  So great, down to the last wire.  You could see England dominate the first half, playing their game of calm and collected.  Then Columbia comes in and makes the second half theirs with that fast, high pressure attack and they just would not let up and how it payed off in the last seconds.  Man it was so good.


    And finally after all these upsets, England breaks the streak of failed Shootouts.  I got a couple of English co-workers and we all watched it during lunch.  They were as giddy as school girls after the game.  Of course they were nervous wrecks during the second half through the shootout.  That game was what soccer/football is all about.  Could have done without the flopping but we are talking about football.  I'm just glad US soccer and their fans frown upon it more than see it as a legitimate strategy.  But that's a rabbit trail for another time.

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