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Posts posted by thehumantrashcan

  1. Hey everyone, just didn't want you all to miss a chance to dance with Jak O' the Shadows.  There is a dance of sorts going on in Shaol Ghul.  It's a bring your own Spam feast as well.  Hope to see you all there!



  2. I think it all just comes down to the fact that they had a an incredible upper hand and let it go to waste because of their in fighting and pride.  Imagine if one of them wasn't nearly as prideful as depicted in the book and made a point of learning any of the healing weaves for Nyn, or the warding spell, or really anything that was available.  I believe the only thing they could have benefited from was knowing about the Seachan and utilizing them more and maybe .  They were blind to the knowledge of the abilities of the time but there wasn't much to be blind to when it came to using the OP.  But they were blind to their true enemies because they focused to much on their fellow Chosen and themselves.

  3. It's fantastic.  @Nolder go to Youtube and check out the "Geek and Sundry" channel and check out the Critical role episodes.  If you can see the first season awesome but starting with Season 2 Episode 1 is perfectly fine too.  No major references to previous season and it's only at episode 19.  Granted the episodes are about 4 hours long.  But's fantastic.

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