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Posts posted by thehumantrashcan

  1. 2 hours ago, DojoToad said:

    Either way - we're only 64-odd days away...

    Oh man.  You just made it real for me.  I hadn't started the count down yet.  Yes!!!!  I am looking forward to the reveal the Tam is a bad ass at the farm when the Trollacs attack.  I do wonder if they just move the attack as a whole to the town to save time and an additional tv set and skip the Al' Thor farm altogether.

  2. Interesting.  I hadn't heard a reaction like this to Seachan before.  At least not to this level.  I had found some people found them repulsive but down right hatred, that mew.  Is that the same way you feel about most cultures' histories that included slavery or the current countries that allow slavery?  Or was there something else about the Seachan that added to your hatred of them beyond the slavery?


    edit: They are absolutely horrible but I see it more as they practice an evil thing and with their introduction to Randland, their people have a chance to get redeemed.  Also, the land they came from was thrown into utter chaos and civil war, hopefully something that leads to freedom and I'm sure will influence the Seachan in Randland to lead to freedom.  I think Tuon also dropped enough hints in the end to imply that change is coming under her rule and we have to remember, RJ's ultimate vision was never brought to completion.  We only have his notes and BS's interpretation of them.  Who knows what RJ had in his head for that people.  Also, I liked that not everything was resolved and that the story ends without a utopia but rather a world that those still alive have to work through.  I thought that was one of the main themes of the whole series, nothing will be nor should be made perfect and Rand quite clearly passes the option of everything being made "perfect".

  3. 42 minutes ago, CaddySedai said:

    Right now my “old series” kick has me rewatching Buffy. Maaaaan this series aged poorly but Im still amused lol. 

    How did that town allow so much under aged drinking done so openly at a bar?!


    For me, I always go back to Firefly and Star Treck: TNG.  One series I need to go back to is The Pretender.  I loved that show so much!  Watched every single episode with my folks growing up.


    Also, anyone here used to watch News Radio?  Heavily underrated show and would have probably lasted longer if not for Phil Hartman's death.  It puts Joe Rogan in a whole new light and it was how I was introduced to Andy Dick, which led to me being blind sided by how horrible of a person he is compared to his character on the show.  Here is a picture of the cast so you get an idea of some the fantastic talent on there:


    News Radio.jpg

  4. That is hands down my favorite series that is on Amazon (hopefully WoT will become my new favorite).  I binged that one hard and would watch as soon as each new episode came out from this last season.  Love the concept and the characters.  Hats off to those actors, especially Shohreh Aghdashloo.  She just chews up her scenes.  And I've always been a huge fan of Thomas Jane.


    I certainly need to pick up the book series now.

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