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Posts posted by nsmallw

  1. On 9/30/2023 at 7:58 AM, Pandemonium said:

    Unfortunately wheel of time keeps hitting so many problems: covid, post production backup delays, writer's strike.  

    I really hope they don't turn this into an every 2 year show, but that seems possible.  If they can't get it out annually I bet they will try to go the 5 season arc instead of 8 season 

    This is true. It's always a trip wire until the next season is green lit. I expect season four to be greenlit but i'll be on pins and needles til that happens. Re" 2 year time frame, the extra time they took for season two really paid off and so I expect that trend to continue. I wonder if the amount of money Amazon invests in each season increases which considering the massive expansion of the world in each succeeding book will become increasingly more difficult to adapt. They told us to gird our loins re season two...i expect that to be a theme throughout the rest of the show. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Agitel said:

    Do we have a runtime for S2E8? I don't know if those are revealed in advance. I really feel like 60 minutes can't do justice to the remaining plot points.

    I mean it's logical to have the final episode be longer than the first seven. I'm betting it's 65-70 minutes actual running time, minus recap and short title sequence.  Wish it would be 90 minutes but not holding my breath. 

  3. I enjoyed this episode pretty well. Just three things that bothered me. All of which i've seen from others before me. Cold open was too short, needed to be more developed. It seemed the shortest cold open in the whole show, but I could be wrong. It needed more of the Gitara portion. Second, Barthanes as DF was kinda anti-climatic to me. Why didn't he get another DF to help him find Moiraine instead of some random dude who obviously by his demeanor was NOT going to be helping Barthanes.  Barthanes was too trusting and I may be wrong but were those soldiers sent to guard him holding Rifles ??. Please someone tell me I'm wrong about that. Thirdly, to me Rand is woefully unprepared to face Ishy. Everyone can over power him! No really developed sword fighting to handle Turok and his seemingly unknowledgeable of any defensive weaves, or any weaves for that matter is an issue to me. I am really stoked for episdose 8, I really hope Amazon gave them even more time to use and money to spend, because they've got to do so much to end the season on a high note. Please we don't need another season one , episode eight !

    That's all folks. 😄

  4. I'd say they've done the bare minimum to foreshadow Ingtar, but it was only in the last episode that his interest in getting the horn was ever mentioned, whereas in the books he's quite obsessed about it all throughout the journey.  So if there is going to be an Ingtar redemption, then they need to push it in the last two episodes. I think if they do, it should be Loial that is involved, not anyone else. He's had the most interaction with Ingtar and it also would give Loial more storyline in season two. I'm excited about the prospect. 

  5. On 9/20/2023 at 4:09 AM, king of nowhere said:
    On 9/19/2023 at 6:27 PM, Ralph said:

    I suspect we are about to see Lan defeat two other warders

    Indeed, the last trailer points there.

    On one hand, the whole setup - them thinking lan is a darkfriend - feels completely wrong and will be hard to swallow.

    On the other, we may actually see lan win a fight! For the first time in the whole show! Yay!


    I hope he does not kill the other warders

    WOW, I believe that was the most underwhelming scene yet with Lan, and that's saying something! 

  6. My take on episode 6 is 95% positive. 


    As others have said, Egwene's scenes were powerful! I noted that Ms. Madden really didn't have many lines to say, it was a physical and emotional tour de force where words aren't necessary and even can interfere. 

    She really nailed it. I enjoyed Rand in the dream world, Lanfear is amazing, I wanted a longer Rand/Mat reunion, and i really can't wait for Mat to push beyond his guilt and be the man we all know he truly is!

    Loial treesinging section was a delightfully unexpected piece, I just wish they used him and Ingtar more to at least try and go see Egwene even if they failed. I loved how Suroth's sycophants were changing as Loial sang and how quickly Suroth put an end to it, when she noticed. I'm still unsure how Moriaine's family arc is heading, if one or both are DF. I'm eager to see the wedding and how that it all goes together. 

    I'm still on the fence about Min, I see what they are doing but I really hope she gets a redemption arc this season and they don't drag it out. I want more book Min! Then there is Lan. omg, Please can we get a more worthy arc for him, like Now, not next season. But as I said overall an amazing episode and i really hope 7 and 8 knocks our socks off !!!

  7. 2 hours ago, Finnssss22 said:


    Semirhage is out, now that we know for sure we have Graendal and Moggy, there was no other clearly female figurine in s1e5, Ishy has already replaced her as Suroth's Truth Speaker, Lanfear is already taking on her cruelty and colour choices.

    We now have 6 of the 8 figurines identified



    Moggy (named and there was a figuring with spiderweb designs on dress)

    Graeny (named and the figurine with clearly big boobs leaves no doubt lol)

    Asmodean (Figurine with a string instrument) 

    Sammy (Short figurine with a scarred face)

    7th is clearly male

    The last one is the fuzziest and hardest to make out, could be male or female but it's most likely male due to Lanfear's conversation with Ishy. It seems pretty clear she named the females and then grouped all the remaining as the boys.

    My money for #7 is of course Demandred

    #8 is a lot tougher to guess and probably easier to guess who it isn't, it's probably not Bath which leaves Be'lal, Aggy or Rahvin.


    Noticed now Lanfear pretty much dissed all the other Forsaken, especially "the boys".  I hope the show doesn't take that tack, especially if Ishy is knocked off this season.  We need all of the Forsaken to be formidable.

  8. 10 hours ago, Agitel said:

    And one more nitpick on terms... please call it the SHADOW. We're probably too late now, but it just sounds so much better than "the Dark". The sound and connotations of words hit differently. Do they think viewers will be confused by having the "Dark One" and the "Shadow" and think they're referring to different forces?

    Agree with you here. I did enjoy them finally saying "The Great Lord",  I want more on the nature of the DO too. I get that Ishy is the only true believer in the Forsaken at least in his opinon. And I loved the reference to "the boys" and their inability to follow through on their plots...spot on book wise and a nice touch. The dream scene with Ishy and Lanfear was the highlight of the ep to me, but l loved the rest too, definitely the best ep this season, so far. I hope the next three blow it out of the water in cool factors.

  9. Doesn

    10 hours ago, Pandemonium said:

    , but why are they holding back the gateways is all I can think.  Lanfear doesn't need a horse.

    Doesn't the lore hold that you need to be familar with the area your in and the area you want to go in order to open a gateway. Lanfear hasn't been awoken long enough to know all the terrain, especially considering the breaking. I believe that's why. Someone else can correct me if i'm wrong. 

  10. I am convinced that Lan is deliberately acting dumb to Allana and her boys. 

    I believe he is intentionally keeping them in the dark because he doesn't entirely trust them. 

    So that's why he's so uncommitted when they ask questions or make statements. 


    I believe he has known Moiraine's mission from the get go and been an active partner. I believe she told him about the foretelling of the DR rebirth by Gitara and always kept him in the know. However, since she Rand's "death",  she's been keeping information from Lan for her own reasons, maybe to keep him "protected" . Thoughts ?

  11. I haven't seen a discussion of the bond between Moiraine and Lan covered in one spot and I was hoping to see if we can get one here. 

    I want to open the discussion with a question in the hopes that all the theories of the condition of their bond can be discussed.


    In the books the bond with a Warder "allows an Aes Sedai to bend the will of their warders forcing them to obey." Now in the tv show does that still apply and if so, the fact that Moiraine orders Lan to go with Alanna and not follow her, doesn't that imply that the bond is still working ?  

  12. I have enjoyed season two overall. I give it a ranking of 6.5 to 7 out of 10. 

    The quality is so much better than season one. The writing, acting, costumes and visuals are much better. I hope they see this improvement as a beginning point and over the next seasons continue to improve in those areas. The plots have been mostly well done so far. My only gripe has been Lan's arc so far. Many people more literate than I have pointed these issues out so I won't go into details beyond to say that I hope they clear up the confusion of the condition of the bond between M and L and what exactly M's channeling issues are. 

    I have noted that I'm not happy with all the night battles, feeling like they are trying to hide something but I could be off on this. Overall, I am hopeful that they can hit the landing in the last four episodes. They have a long way to go to develop Perrin, Rand and especially Mat but I'm hopeful by the end of ep 8, I won't have that same bad taste in my mouth that I had after the end of season one. 

  13. Question re Perrin and his "wolf visions". 

    The one im thinking about is the one with a  Tinker caravan being murdered by Fain & DF. 

    They mention that a girl escaped and then presumbly killed after the dog protecting her was killed. 

    My question is was the girl the same as in the DF social in ep 1 ? I remember Fain and his creepy leer at her and wondered if he somehow tracked her and her mother's group and killed them. 

    Anyone have idea or thoughts about this particular scene. 

  14. In one of the episodes Alanna says Nynaeve is 10 times more powerful, which makes me wonder does that mean she outpowers Rand, also in ep 4 Logain says Rand's power is equal to what his own was pre-stilling. 


    Is all this a conscious effort to reduce Rand's overall power, so he can be less "super-sayan" than in the books where until the end he's pretty much stronger than any one individual channeler ?

  15. On 9/6/2023 at 1:23 PM, JosephBurns said:

    And I agree on the Rosamund Pike point, she was the "star" draw for the show, so it's difficult to follow TGH with her largely absent.  Creating this Ishamael story circumvents that challenge.

    I think that if the rumors are true and a certain actress takes on the Cadsuane role then realistically Rosamond can take a "back seat" to acting in the show and just do producer type stuff. They can then expand Cadsuane's arc with that "big name actor" and give her prime billing, and/or hopefully by that point they won't need a big actor to bring in people to watch the show, the EF 5 will be enough. 

  16. On 9/9/2023 at 5:55 PM, Samt said:

    I just don't buy into the show's story of Lan and Moiraine suddenly being unable to communicate or work together for whatever reason. Lan should see right through Moiraine's reasoning to push him away like this.

    I too have had concerns re" the Lan arc and how Moiraine pushes him away, what is the real condition of their bond, why all the confusion around it and there doesn't seem to be a good answer. I hope Rafe will clarify this in the next couple episodes. I did have one crazy thought about why Moraine sent Lan to Alanna. Perhaps he's there to look into Alanna and her warders to verify that they aren't Black Ajah. I know it sounds crazy but it would explain why he's there and why he doesn't correct them when they declare that Moraine broke the bond. The whole why aren't you going crazy questions etc. What does everyone else think about this crazy notion of mine ?

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