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Posts posted by nsmallw

  1. There seems to be a rush of interviews lately. This one by Daniel Henney, there's one with Josha and Rosamund and another one with Marcus, Donal and Ceara. 


    We're they shot before the Writers/Actors strikes began ?


    That would make sense but Ive also heard that the WOT isn't affected by the strike, or is that just the filming of season 3. I'm not sure. 

  2. 20 hours ago, Vartija said:


    Honestly I would have preferred a week-by-week release from the start for season 2. I understand starting season 1 with three episodes because it's a new show and you want to start with a bang. But a big part of the enjoyment for me with these shows is talking about the episodes online and hopefully in real life and part of the fun is missed when you can binge almost half the season from the start. Makes for a more scattered viewing experience. 


    I don't think releasing three episodes at once is any kind of necessity for a top show. Again thinking about House of the Dragon which had a week-by-week pace for 10 weeks.   

    House of the Dragon was on HBO. They have different criteria than Amazon. 

  3. In relation to the number of episodes, it seems that Amazon has a general policy of 8 episodes per season based on some esoteric logic that escapes me, perhaps someone else has better insights. 


    Another oddity about Amazon is their show Carnival Row whose first season had 8 episodes but their season two had 10 episodes !  I so wonder why doesn't WOT get the same respect .


    As far as House of the Dragon and GOT having 10 episodes, it's important to remember that those shows were on HBO who no doubt has their own logic in how their shows are released.


    Sadly Amazon evaluates things differently.  

  4. I saw it. It appears to be the Darkfriend Social at a manor somewhere. Now we know the context of Ishamael and the little girl in the trailer. 


    I presume the child is the daughter of the owner of the manor, or possibly she's the child of one of the Darkfriends,  who it appears could be a Tinker.


    There are several mentions in the books of how Forsaken created schools in the War of Power in the conquered areas and sought to "convert" children to the Dark. I think this is a reflection of that. 


    The entire scene is very creepy with Padan Fain basically leering at the child the most disturbing. 


    It looks as if the showrunners are definitely hyping up the creepy this season which is nice. 

  5. 28 minutes ago, DaddyFinn said:

    Rafe has said he's interested in exploring Rand and his women as polyamory. That might suggest that Elayne and Aviendha will also be lovers. WAFO I guess

    That would be cool. Anything that is direct from the books are good with me lol

  6. As for Rand's love life, even in this modern age polyamory is still a taboo. So, it probably won't occur in the show. For me, as long as Rand and Min and/or Aviendha get together in some close fashion to the books, I'd be happy. 


  7. On 7/21/2023 at 3:10 PM, WheelofJuke said:

    I didn't study the trailer, so I'd have to say I'm going from more of a first gut impression sorta dealio. Intuition usually serves me fairly well. 😉 

    *watches it a second time in slow mo*

    Ok, there's so much wrong to unpack. 
    - Rand grabbing Moi by the throat
    - Perrin with a sword
    - "You're the water that moves the wheel" line (paraphrasing) Suian line
    - Eliada/Liandrin? I can't even keep them straight, lol. Her line about those who survive is so cringe. Why can't they just keep the great dialogue that Jordan wrote?
    - Apparently constantly bloody Nynaeve ???
    - All the sets/lighting/extras still seem really low budget and not believable. This was another of my main criticisms from S1. Everything's far too clean and neat and orderly and not lived in, from a set and lighting standpoint. None of the extras make the towns or cities feel real. 
    -Ishy with Seanchan
    - Perrin with child?
    - more gratuitous Moi/Suian (?) love scenes (almost as cringe as seeing Rand/Eg S1...ugh)

    - Rand bound on a cliff's edge (maybe a dream sequence?)...

    The gestalt doesn't pass the smell test. 🙂


    This point: "Why can't they just keep the great dialogue that Jordan wrote?"


     In the Dune movies they literally take so many direct quotes from the books and put them in the actor's mouths. In fact it's remarkable to me how much of the movies character dialogue are direct from the books. 


    I don't see why the WOT show can't do the same. I know they did a bit of it in season one but a majority of the dialogue in the show so far is brand new. I hope in season two they incorporate more direct book quotes just like the Dune movies. 

  8. I was quite impressed with the trailer. I loved all of it but especially certain beats such as the following:


    1. Rand and Logain

    2. Perrin and Hopper

    3. Egwene being awesome

    4. Nyneave's test

    5. Rand and Siuan Sanche! Best ending lines EVER 😄

  9. 4 minutes ago, notpropaganda73 said:

    To each their own and all that but if I hear modern unoriginal (as in, not written for the show/movie) music over a trailer or scene it takes me completely out of it when it comes to fantasy or period works to be honest. Especially when it doesn't fit with the overall tone (for me). 


    Imo that trailer's tone was a little cheapened by that music and especially the vocals, points which are probably supposed to be crescendos to the trailer come off as CW teen drama moments but it's all subjective I guess


    I'm still hyped for the show don't get me wrong I just really really didn't like that music choice lol 

    I found the song distracting in how they used it. If they'd put just the lyrics that really related best to what we were seeing, at the appropriate beats of the trailer,  it would have been better imo. I feel the same about them using modern curse words in the show. There are plenty of good in-book curse words to utilize.  

  10. According to WOT-UP, season three is still filming, Apparently, only Daniel Henney & Rosamund Pike are actual SAG members from the cast so they are the only actors NOT filming, per Jon at WOT-UP. 


    But the strikes will most likely delay the release of season three. 


    Even with all that I'm SOO stoked that the season two trailer is coming tomorrow  (EST) at 9 AM. 😄 !!

  11. On 12/27/2022 at 1:08 AM, VooDooNut said:

    It gets better as RJ progresses but EOTW has a lot of redundant tropes from LOTR et al.

    As a fan of classic fantasy, those "redundant tropes" are to me comforting. In many ways in the attempt to "modernize" fantasy, I feel that we've lost our way a bit but i realize I'm a probably an outlier and not really representative of modern readers with my perspective and I'm fine with that 😄

  12. Now with actors joining in on the writers strike, I expect Season three filming will or has been shut down.

    Does anyone know if that's the case ? Will the expansion of the strike affect the release date of the full season two trailer ?



  13. I'm going to re-

    On 6/30/2023 at 1:28 AM, Lightfriendsocialmistress said:

    I recently rewatched season one and since I had just read this thread, I was completely obsessing the whole time Rand was on screen trying to figure out if he was wearing a wig or not. At this point I’m not sure what his real hair looks like and have no clue what’s real and what isn’t 😂🤷‍♀️


  14. Hello, 


    I was re-reading The Eye of the World and noticed on the map a marker called, "Eldrene's Veil" but there isn't a reference to it in the book that I see or in the Wheel of Time Companion Book. 


    Does anyone know more than that ?


    Thanks !

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