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Posts posted by Darthe






    Red light cut through the room, a long oval of glass set with data racks that whirred and buzzed, contentedly ignoring the destruction around them.  Lights flickered over the pale smear of bodies torn apart, blood dried to the walls and ceiling and pooled deep enough on the floor to cover the DoomSlayers bootsoles halfway.  He stepped through the mess without a downwards glance, eyes and shotgun locked dead ahead at the next doorway.  Quiet.  Mars glowed with evening light, a fury that almost felt like home.  The Slayer stepped over the torso of a scientist and snapped backwards at a sharp clang behind him.  A light swung from the ceiling, but no demons yet. As he reached the end of the hall the same robotic voice came from overhead.




    The metal shutters to the windows slammed downwards, cutting the red light out of the room and suffusing it in the greens and blues of electricity.  Three orange slits split the air, reality itself screaming as demons tore through the veil and began to charge furiously towards him.  The slayer felt no sympathy as he crashed into them, no pity.  He was merciless, a whirlwind of death and fury.  Moments passed and suddenly all was quiet, the last demon fading to ash where it lay, but the Slayer was not satisfied.  With a powerful kick the door slammed down, and The DoomSlayer was back on the hunt.






  2. They are rage.  Brutal, without mercy.  But you, you will be worse.  Rip and Tear, until it is done.







    1. VoodooNut - Soldier, Town HODOR and Dreamer

    2. Zander - John "Reaper" Grimm, Serial Killer 1x Spicy BPV and 1x Role Cop

    3. Verbal - Doomslayer, Serial Killer 1x Doomslayer and 1x Gladiator

    4. Sooh - Mancubus, Town 1x CPR Doc and 1x Tracker

    5. Cass - Imp, Town Neighbor w/ shared powers

    6. Sinister - Baron of Hell, Town Neighbor w/ shared powers

    7. AWholeLoafofBread - Samuel Hayden, Serial Killer 1x Strong Janitor and 1x Redirector











    Mod rules:


    I always give rules for me as a mod before rules as a player.  SO here are some rules I'll be following.  No bastard modding.  No cults.  No influencing the game unfairly.  Flavor will not in any way affect the game for players.  Modkilling is a last resort and I'll make every effort to replace a slot or even leave it a shell for a bit before doing so, barring that this course of action doesn't make sense.  Since the game is themed, non-town players will be given fake claims.  NK does come from an individual who makes the shot.  


    Player rules:

    Votes go in bold, whoever makes the post that rolls over to the next odd page updates and posts a new VC so they're never more than 2 pages out of date.

    Hybrid hammer game.  Unvoting not required.

    D1 will be 72 hours, D2 and onwards will be 48 hours.  Nights will last 24 to maintain the schedule.

    Night chat is available, but not required.  I do expect at least a post per game day from slots otherwise, and an action (or holster) each night for PRs.  

    Don't edit posts.

    Don't try to go outside of the game thread for anything game related, such as PMing other players etc. unless it is a chat created by myself for that specific purpose.  Generally let's pretend this rule covers all the things you'd usually see when mods try to say no cheating.










        Red light cut through the room, a long oval of glass set with data racks that whirred and buzzed, contentedly ignoring the destruction around them.  Lights flickered over the pale smear of bodies torn apart, blood dried to the walls and ceiling and pooled deep enough on the floor to cover the DoomSlayers boot soles halfway.  He stepped through the mess without a downwards glance, eyes and shotgun locked dead ahead at the next doorway.  Quiet.  Mars glowed with evening light, a fury that almost felt like home.  The Slayer stepped over the torso of a scientist and snapped backwards at a sharp clang behind him.  A light swung from the ceiling, but no demons yet. As he reached the end of the hall the same robotic voice came from overhead.




        The metal shutters to the windows slammed downwards, cutting the red light out of the room and suffusing it in the greens and blues of electricity.  Three orange slits split the air, reality itself screaming as demons tore through the veil and began to charge furiously towards him.  The slayer felt no sympathy as he crashed into them, no pity.  He was merciless, a whirlwind of death and fury.  Moments passed and suddenly all was quiet, the last demon fading to ash where it lay, but the Slayer was not satisfied.  With a powerful kick the door slammed down, and The DoomSlayer was back on the hunt.







        Ardent and pious, the Hell Priest Deag Grav worked fiendishly to complete his spell.  Loosely clothed in robes of loincloth, he still managed to look properly unholy as he led the demonic choir through the second passage of their chants.  Below, a single imp writhed in its chains and jerked away from the flames lapping up from the Pits of Abaddon.  Deag Grav began the final lines of his archaic drawing, the chorus swelled, and at the last moment when his stave completed the pentagon he delivered a single strike through the belly of the imp.  It burst open, and a white column shot through where it had been.  His robes flapped, pulled towards the light for a brief moment, and then all went still. 

        There, standing tall and proud, was the Slayer.  Demons began to fall upon the adversary, surely more than any man could withstand.  Surely. It took mere moments for Deag Grav's cunning plan to fall to chaos.  The Doomslayer, for that was what he was, tore through Deag Grav’s demonic horde with a brutality that would inspire fear in any soul.  Deag Grav felt that fear as he quietly slunk backwards into his escape portal, and the last image he saw before it closed was of the victorious Slayer charging off into the depths of Hell.








        The words should've been cold, delivered with the precise robotic tones of AI, but he'd grown numb to this sort of thing a long time ago.  The man watched from his monitor as targets converged, and a battle as old as time played out before his eyes.  It was time to end that battle, for the good of all.




        A blue-white beam of purified Ardent Energy shot forth from the Satellite, and the ground disappeared in a cloud of smoke.  







        The Doomslayer dug his way through the corpse of his latest foe, a leviathan snake missing a large chunk of its back vertebrae.  Wiping off a layer of ooze he surveyed his surroundings.  Red stalactites hung like clawed fingers from a cloudy sky which itself seemed to boil in the air.  Below other stalagmites rose to meet them, framing a world seething in menace.  Lava plumes founted out, and colossal skeletons lay half submerged in the ground.  The slayer racked his shotgun but then something caught his eye.  A 1980's Casio tape recorder laying perfectly preserved on the barren rocks of hell.  He picked it up and began to listen.


        Log of Dr. Elena Richardson, June 29th 2055.


        What is it that compels a demon?  Hatred?  Fear?  We know from multiple sources that these creatures experience a breadth of emotion, but data is inconclusive as to whether they are capable of thought beyond this.  I've discovered a ring in this hellscape where there appears to be some indication of higher activity.  We show clear signs of a struggle, multiple sets of footprints converging on this location.  Whatever happened here, they left one dead, and it didn't disappear to ash like they do on our home-world.  More interestingly, scrawled on the ground around the body are glyphs.  My D'Nurian is rusty, but these appear to say something about warding off fear.  It mentions the Doomslayer.  I know he's at the center of this, but we've no idea what his location is or if he'd even be capable of assisting.  Further research is needed.  


        End log.






        The forces of Hell were everywhere.  Gifted though the slayer may be he couldn't face them all.  Mankind would need to fight its own battles.  These thoughts drove Samuel Hayden, compelled him further and further towards the technologies he had experimented with, and would no longer hesitate to use.  He stood behind one sided glass watching as the demonic soldier struggled against its bonds.  These hellspawn seemed so out of place in a clean room, vile features stark against stark white walls and steel machinery.  He pressed a button and watched as the remote BFG lowered into position.  Let's see how well his weapons work.  A green light filled the room and the soldier was simply gone.






        Samuel Hayden, cybernetically enhanced superhuman and chairman of the UAC, walked the wreckage where his satellite had blasted the Martian surface, BFG in hand.  He thought back on that event.  




        The words should've been cold, delivered with the precise robotic tones of AI, but he'd grown numb to this sort of thing a long time ago.  Samuel Hayden watched from the monitor as the hordes of hell battled ferociously, clambering like ants across the hellscape towards their target.  At the center of it all one man moved, making his gory work appear more a dance than a battle.  He was incredible.  Hayden watched an extra moment, as a hulking beast of a demon squared off against the man.  They struck back in forth for a long moment, the beast even getting a clean shot off at his chest.  He appeared down for a moment, but as the beast lurched close the man swung around, BFG round firing a green orb through its' chest.  




        A blue-white beam of purified Ardent Energy shot forth from the Satellite, and the ground disappeared in a cloud of smoke.  


        A quick study of the body confirmed that this man was not the slayer.  Hayden wasn't even sure if he could kill the slayer, but he had hopes that this weapon might draw him in.  It saddened him that things had turned out this way, but footage of the Slayer on his Earth Orbital Station, of his complete disregard for the preservation of Ardent Energy reserves or of human collateral, said that this man couldn't be trusted.  The order was given to clear out, and Hayden found a seat on the wreckage while his staff swarmed like bees back towards their drop ships.  


        Almost five hours later Hayden found himself watching a lone Imp sauntering across the rubble, fireball juggling between its hands, when the Slayer arrived.  There was no fanfare, no pageantry.  He was simply there one moment, striding confidently towards his objective from behind some wreckage.  Hayden held the BFG in oustretched hands, the trap set.  He was nervous, though this frame would never show it.  


        "We could've been allies you know." He found himself saying.  


        The Doomslayer punched him in the face, ignoring the BFG completely.  Samuel Hayden felt the shell of his armor crack from that hit, and he slammed backwards into the stone.  A second hit came in, smashing him back again.  Then a third.  Had he made a mistake?  In the Slayers hands a red sword of pure energy lit up, lifted high overhead.  Samuel felt his failure in that moment, knew that somewhere he had miscalculated.  This wasn't a man, driven by its goal, but a monster.  Just as the weapon began to slink forward a fireball hit the Slayer in the back.  The imp?   The crucible went dark, knocked free by the blast.  The imp began to teleport around the crater, flinging fireball after fireball as the Slayer turned to engage.  He bent and picked up the BFG.  NOW.  The weapon, fantastic force of destruction though it was, was a trap.  Hayden had it keyed to a teleporter, which itself only went to a room coated in D'Nurian scrawl that would hold back even the Slayer until released from the outside.  White light glowed around him and he was gone.  


        Samuel Hayden bent over to pick up the Crucible, igniting its red blade.  The world was chaos, and demonic destruction had taken its toll, but he would be the man to right those wrongs.  He alone could lead humanity, towards a brighter and fuller future.  They would learn to use this energy source, learn to conquer Hell itself.  From the shadows the imp leapt at him, and Hayden spun like a whipcrack to impale it on its blade. 


        Yes, they would conquer Hell itself.




  3. Hey all, I went on a bender last night and  totally remade this game to fit six people.  The problem?  It didn’t work, not as role madness.  I sent a good few 2 AM Messages to some mafia friends, but barring that they sign up in the next couple hours that seems pretty moot.  Thankfully, my dear wife has volunteered to fill one more seat, and I’ve got a 7p setup I think has pretty good equilibrium while remaining true to the experience I promised.  She’s played one game before under a username she can’t even remember, and I won’t be helping her at all for obvious reasons.  Additionally, she may get subbed if someone pops in soonish.  Randing in just a few hours once she’s got access and can post!

  4. On 7/17/2022 at 9:59 PM, Zander? said:

    I'll help like I said if ya want bro but you also know I'm always down to lunch wolves !!!!!!! You choose....if I play well comod a game another time for sure

    I say play!  We will do one, but when players arent at such a premium 🙂

  5. Hammer can come anytime now, so before we get silenced by twilight I just wanna say again:


    to verbal: I’d lead you towards shooting voodoo.  Reread the interactions of today and make your own call, or even holster if you feel comfortable.


    to AJ: good luck man.  Trust your reads, and if you’re fooling me then we’ll played.


    to sinister: trust your teammates.  It’s the best we can do this late, set a course of action and follow through.


    to tripped: if you know you’re not a wolf, the PoE is wrong, then you’ve got a lot of weight on you to show it.  

    to voodoo: if you aren’t a wolf then welcome to mafia 🙂 it’s a joyful mess, and good luck to ya trying to get through it this game.

  6. 7 hours ago, whiskey delta said:

    @Darthe from the philosophical standpoint I don’t agree with what you think “perfect Townie” play looks like. Your aggressiveness has made you harder, not easier, for me to read. Maybe that’s a me problem but I never said I was good at this game either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    My aggressive play style has always been part of my town game but I don’t think it’s directly townie unless it’s hunting.  Definitely not a You problem, but I know a lot of well respected and high skill players who are aggro townies so I’ve never felt like it was “bad” per se. angry pigeon and John mcclane come to mind.

  7. Hey new people, don’t let this make it to deadline without voting.  If you so what will happen is the wolves will all vote the same person at a designated time about 2 minutes before DL, and that’s a win for them with the current votes.

  8. Fortunately, you made one a few posts where you did something a player of your experience should never do as a wolf.  Meanwhile Voodoo leaned into the "lolz im so derpy idk anything" schtick.  I'd be surprised if I'm wrong on either of you.  And then Tripped gets PoE'd.  

  9. 3 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    IMO, at this point if we get lucky and lynch a wolf either thru RNG or Wagons, I think we'd learn more about the other wolves based on that flip, then we will by D3s votes and "hunches".


    Between you, Hallia, Tripped, and Whiskey, a lot of all your plays are doing a wonderful job of setting the other up for sus if you get NKd. 

    Okay.  Vote, and let's see how it goes.

  10. 9 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    If there are 3 wolves, out of 7 players currently alive, that means ~42.5% of us are wolf, and ~57.5% Town. Which directly translates to the odds of picking wolf vs villager. The 75% you cite earlier, is only valid on D1.


    If we remove Verbal from that pool it's basically a 50/50 if we assume we he cannot be a wolf.

    If he is a wolf, that tips the odds to 33% wolf to 66% villager. 


    It is kinda sus that you're using D1 odds and pushing that as why going random is extremely bad (75% vs 57%)


    I can't rule out a game where Darthe & Hallia are teamed. Nor a game with Darthe and Verb. Or Verb and Hallia. Or anyone else. I only know I am a villager, and with all the sus going on, if I pick anyone besides me, the odds are 50/50.

    I understand what you're saying.  It's basically an inverse of the proof of the monty hall problem, and the math will hold up.  


    What I'm arguing, which I said less explicitly but did say in that post, is that the fundamentals of what make this a game don't care about statistics. It's literally saying nothing to say "when I exclude myself I know that half of you are wolves".  That doesn't contribute anything of meaning to state. You're actually highlighting the problem with it.  If you RNG a vote onto verbal, with no mind for the context of the game, that'd be really dumb right?  Why?  Because of his gameplay informing your decision making.  Throwing away a week of 9 peoples play on a dice roll because you can't be bothered to do better than roll a die is poor sportsmanship.  That's what I'm arguing against.  YOU make the decisions, and YOU own the consequence.  Don't pawn it off.


    Rant over.


    P.S. if you can't rule out anything *to a reasonable degree* aka "x is more likely than y", well... This game's abnormally difficult.  If you're town though that is a real liability, cause assuming we do well today we've gotta do this exact same thing tomorrow, and again the next day.  


    P.P.S. Hally+Me is literally mathematically eliminated.  That one you should be able to rule out, not even exadurating.

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