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Posts posted by Songstress

  1. 4 hours ago, Basel Gill said:

    I'm on my first read of Warbreaker now.  I don't think I've even heard of Skyward before. 


    Skyward is his next project... it was just announced right after Oathbringer was released, I think.  :laugh:

  2. Welcome to your new home, Forshookt!  :laugh:


    Hope to see you around the place - I'm mostly lurking in the Black Tower and the White Tower, personally.  


    Let us know if you have any questions, there are a lot of helpful sorts that would be happy to answer!

  3. Welcome, Captain!  :biggrin:


    We're glad you've joined us!  Make sure to ask if you have any questions - and I'll second Illian Tear's suggestion to make sure not to miss the social groups.  It's a great way to make new friends.

  4. Hi, Jesse!  Nice to have you here!


    Take a peek around the boards, and make sure to ask if you have any questions.  We have a very helpful bunch of members who'd be thrilled to help.  :biggrin:

  5. It's here!  A few days late, due to my being out of town and whatnot, but... you, my darling denizens of the Black Tower, are not forgotten!




    We haz them!  Three, count 'em, THREE new members joined our ranks in the month of February.


    The first to brave tainted saidin was failemandarb, who also braved potential criticism of her chosen screen name as one of the least liked characters in the series.  Srsly. :wink:


    We were joined next by jbarlow1, who seems to have avoided the WoT character screen name dilemma entirely. :laugh:


    And finally, the extremely tainted Terra jumped right in to the insanity.


    If you've missed any of their welcome threads, make sure to pop in and say hello.  Or whatever crazy thing strikes your fancy, because this is the Black Tower, and random gibberish in way of greeting is certainly not out of place.





    We does not haz them!  (Yet...)


    Staff is discussing potential changes to the promotion requirements, stay tuned for details and/or actual promotion-type things!





    Our February Saidin Class (i.e. Welcome to the Black Tower, and What in the World Do I Do Next?) is underway - it's still early in the process, so if you're new around here and a bit lost (or not so new but still lost), sign up here (or give Nikon a poke).  If you're unable to view the Farmhouse to see these threads, please let us know so staff can make sure the admin in charge is soundly beaten about the head and shoulders.





    Darthe is currently looking for signups for an advanced mafia game, apparently about a girl.  Or "About a Girl".  Whichever.


    For the non-mafia-players, Niniel hosted a Winter Olympics game in the month of February, which has now ended because the Winter Olympics has also ended.  See how that works?   If you have suggestions for other non-mafia games we can run for fun and profit, feel free to post them here. 





    By popular request, this new section will (at least until such time as the board software allows people to stay current with private boards and notifications) link to the new and/or popular threads in the BT public board and other boards visible to members only.  I shan't include the usual social group business threads like the roll call and the points reporting/spending threads - unless that's something folks feel they need.   And this thread will be updated through the rest of the month, until the next Tainted Times is issued, with newly created or newly popular threads.




    The New Hotness (threads started since the last Tainted Times, February 1st):

    You are invited to watch a Harry Potter Joust at the BotRH

    Welcome to the Black Tower, failemandarb!

    Welcome to the Black Tower jbarlow1

    Welcome to the Black Tower Terra

    2018 Winter Olympics

    I want a garden and will pay with points

    When does spring start?

    My Asha'man Coat

    February Saidin Class (2018) (private board)

    Ithillian vs. DJ training match (private board)

    Leyrann vs Illian Tear (private board)


    Old and Busted?  (older threads that have seen recent activity):

    Saidin Classes for BT Members

    Marvel Universe - need some help here

    The infamous 250,000 post thread

    The Way of Kings

    Saidin class signups: next class starting soon (private board)

    Challenge Thread (private board)





    The 250,000 Post Thread update:

              As of February 1, 2018:          237,370 replies

              As of March 4, 2018:              237,437 replies


    67 posts in a month?  Guys.  We're slacking.


    The Battle for Spam Supremacy:

              Black Tower:                         711,031 posts (up 444 from February)

              General Discussion:            981,875 posts (up 3,328 from February)


    Between D&D and the mafia forum, we languish further behind than ever.  Have we lost our will to spam?  HAS THE BLACK TOWER BEEN GENTLED?





    This has been your February Black Tower news, brought to you by the letter TAINT and the number YELLOW.  


    Journey before pancakes ~


    ~ Tress, Storm Leader of the Light 


  6. Welcome!! We're glad you've found us :biggrin:


    Make sure to poke around the site and explore - don't neglect the social community section, it took me far too long to get involved there, and I shudder to think I nearly missed out on making a lot of great friends.


    I personally hang out at the Black Tower, which sounds like it would be right up your alley, and the White Tower.  All of the groups have a different focus and flavor, and you're welcome to join any or all that appeal to you. 


    Any questions, feel free to ask here  - there are a lot of helpful sorts who would be happy to answer!

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