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Posts posted by Songstress

  1. You belong to the Brown Ajah!


    The Brown Ajah is dedicated to the gathering of knowledge. Browns are often historians of some kind, but members of this Ajah can be interested in any field of knowledge. It is said that Browns have little or no idea of what is going on in the world, and they can at times be absent-minded and easily distracted. Browns are, however, excellent researchers and know the ins and outs of the White Tower Library very well.


    This is your result in its entirety:


    Brown Ajah: 5

    Yellow Ajah: 5

    Green Ajah: 4

    White Ajah: 3

    Blue Ajah: 3

    Red Ajah: 3

    Gray Ajah: 1



    Hmmm.... interesting.

  2. Your desktop wallpaper is the cover art to one of the books


    I'm thinking about that one... I think I should want ToM, in that case.


    (ebook version)


    For a while I used the e-book cover art from A Crown of Swords for my desktop wallpaper.


    Lately I've been using stills from the HBO version of A Game of Thrones, alternated with a couple of screenshots i pulled while watching the DVD of the first Lord of the Rings movie on my computer. :)

  3. Since no one else has defended him yet, I just want to throw in that I actually prefer BS's new Mat. And new Talmanes is much less cardboard, the pair is quite entertaining.


    I agree :)


    Mat and Talmanes in TGS had me laughing out loud. I actually put the book down at one point, said out loud "oh man, I love this!", picked it back up and re-read the scene.


    It may be a bit different than Jordan wrote him, but different isn't always bad. I can understand why the purists don't like there to be differences, I suppose, but Brandon Sanderson *isn't* Robert Jordan, and he doesn't have to be in my book.

  4. these 4 have probably been asked :unsure:



    1. has anyone considered the possability that Taim is also Mordin?


    Bubba is convinced of it for a few reasons. Taim disappears at the end of tDR when Ishy is severed from the source. LTT's reactions to Taim and utter insitance of KILL HIM and challenging Rand for control of the source whenever Rand is around Taim. and Taim's quizzical reaction when Rand opens a gateway and smug expression when rand talks about Taim having to "learn from him on the fly". we know he's not Demandred, i believe RJ denounced this theory right? but what about Taim being Ishy. (you know, the whole real Taim was killed and is now Ishy using a mask of illusions type thing




    Can't speak to the others, but this one has certainly been considered/discussed:



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