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Posts posted by Songstress

  1. *grabs a few water balloons*


    Welcome! I think you'll fit riiiiight in around here.


    I'm Tress, mod of this here forum... I also hang out in the Black Tower and the White Tower, hope we see you around :biggrin:


    Feel free to ask any questions that occur to you!

  2. Excellent plan!  We're so glad you've joined us :happy:


    Poke around and explore a bit, and ask us if you have any questions.  


    Oh, and don't miss the social community section - it took me far too long to get involved in the social groups here. It's a great way to make friends, and you can join any or all that appeal to you. 

  3. 8 hours ago, DusanDukaJankovic said:

    Here, not sure, maybe League of Legends, or DOTA, or even World of Tanks..


    Can you be a dear and help the staff out by posting in this thread to ask Verb to change your name back to whatever it is supposed to be? (Mirdraal, maybe?)


    Because I am pretty sure tallying up the roll call points is going to give Niniel a headache if she ends up having to do it this month. :wink:

  4. On 2/11/2018 at 1:59 PM, Ryrin said:



    2. What is your favorite type of chocolate?




    Unsweetened Chocolate

    Bittersweet Chocolate

    Semisweet Chocolate

    Milk Chocolate

    Sweet Baking Chocolate

    Dark Choclate

    White Chocolate (Commonly called a chocolate, it's not a true one -- legally.)

    Any other type of chocolate.




    Dark chocolate.  Always.  :wub:

  5. Whee! A new victim!


    What? Don't look at me, I'm innocent.


    I swear I am not the one responsible for the M'Hael's extended absence.


    *shakes head vigorously*


    *falls down*


    *reaches up to grab a brownie*


    Okay, I may have helped.


    But it was Leyrann who pushed him into the hole. 

  6. Yeah, most American chocolate isn't the best quality.  Cass brought me some Aussie treats when she was here in September, and they were good.  I should go scout for more imported chocolates, there's a little coffee shop around the corner from me that stocks some UK treats.


    I try to veer away from the big Hershey and M&M/Mars brands and go for smaller brands with higher quality overall, although I do loves me some Ghirardelli.  


    Usually I pick anything dark chocolate.  The Milky Way Midnight is one of the few M&M/Mars that I'll grab any time.


    Love KitKats, too.

  7. Welcome to our rabbit hole!  :biggrin:


    We're glad you've found us... take a poke around, and don't forget to check out the social groups.  They're a great way to make new friends, and you can join any or all that capture your interest.  :happy:


    If you have any questions, be sure to ask - there are a lot of helpful sorts lurking around here who would be steer you in the right direction.


    Maybe.  :unsure:  :laugh:

  8. I've read all of the Shannara books so far and really liked them - it might be a bit of nostalgia, it was one of the first fantasy series I remember reading after college, and I did a big binge of them a couple of years ago.  I haven't read the Landover/Magic Kingdom series yet, it's on my wish list on Amazon so I don't forget to pick them up eventually.  I have a huuuuuuge amount of stuff that I've already got that I haven't read, though, so... it'll be a bit.


    I just finished the 2nd season of the show a couple of days ago.  It was well made, which isn't surprising when I realized halfway through that the showrunners are the same guys who made Smallville, which I loved.  I'd say it's pretty loosely based on the books at this point, they definitely took a lot of story liberties to make it an interesting show.  And i think the show as created works well, if you take it as a separate thing.  Kind of like Game of Thrones, except I'd say it may be even more loosely connected to the source material than GoT. :laugh:


    I wouldn't put it among my favorite shows,  but I'm interested to see if they manage to find a home for another season and would definitely watch it for grins if and when they do. 

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