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About Taymist

  • Birthday 11/09/1972


  • Member Title
    BotRH Infantry Blademaster

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    I love playing Runescape, reading (mainly science fantasy/sci fi), and writing (hence the RP stuffs). I'm also a wee bitty obsessed with all things fibre related as I knit, spin, crochet, felt and sew. Distraction is likely when encountering sheepies and alpaca.
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  1. Bless your cotton socks, that's adorable. Thanks, Del. Sweet of you to think of me. I have super fond memories of you, Min and Nae joining DM...and then causing mayhem! Plus of course, your time when you first joined the Whites. πŸ™‚ Glad you're back too. ❀️
  2. Yeah, really sorry you weren't aware, Boopsy. *hugs* Manny (Twin's banded and Warder) and I were in touch with Twinnie's husband, Bill, offline and he kept us updated once she was no longer able to communicate with us herself. She was 59 when she passed in October 2020. I'm not at liberty to share details but suffice to say it wasn't really a shock. She'd been ill and in pain for quite some time, and had had complex health issues for many years which resulted in hospitalisation several times. Kristine was only ever an active member at the Band as far as I know, and predominantly when we were based at our offsite proboards. She wasn't so well or widely known on the main DM site. She died of sudden cardiac arrest in September 2017 leaving a young son and daughter behind. She was very good friends with our Twinnie too given the Band was generally a very tight knit group. WhiteWolf aka Owen was the RP Admin for many years and he passed, also unexpectedly, in December 2021 after a brief undiagnosed/misdiagnosed illness that got out of hand. His partner 'phoned me to break the news in the January. He wouldn't let her tell me that he'd been ill or how bad it was prior to that because he didn't want to spoil my Christmas.😭 Lily that sounds really rough, I simply can't imagine shouldering that. Rhea, my sincere condolences. *big hugs*
  3. Aww it sounds as if the divorce was the best thing for you and the young lad. Much healthier. Seattle looks like fun. I have a dear friend from there and she's forever sending me info about it and postcards. Well, I did the opposite lol. I got married at the start of November. So between that and Christmas, the last 6 months have been hectic and crazy. Settling down into a normal routine again now but still caring for Mum which doesn't leave a lot of time to breathe. πŸ™‚
  4. This. Same area, same reasons. Makes the most sense to me. Not the immediate aftermath but soon enough after for a lot of flux and tension. Sounds like it could work. I think this would go without saying. Their numbers were culled greatly. I'm inclined to prefer the idea that on the whole the Towers have decided to become one operational unit. It just makes sense. But obviously, people being people, there will be factions who don't like it or agree with it. Whether that's as suggested with the Reds, or angry BT folks, or both... and the tensions between older and younger generations is just natural within any body of folk. Admittedly I'm looking at this from the point of view of what would persuade me to make an effort to actually come back and write given my time is sorely limited. Lean more on the Books than the Legacy RPs. If you're having an effective clean slate, there's little point dragging over complications from the old stuff. Would you be allowing Legacy characters to be transferred over, given some of the lifespans involved, if people wanted to? 25 years is nothing to a Sister for instance. Quibster 😎 good to see you.
  5. Love this idea. Gives lots of freedom for creativity. Also provides real possibility for tensions between those who yearn for what was and those forging new paths into the future. It also plays well with what Mat said below. If much of the land is damaged/destroyed/warped, then we can legitimately corral characters of many different types in a much smaller area together. Agreed. I definitely like the "after" concept. Everything we're familiar with still happened but it frees us up to write without so much restriction because the whole world has essentially changed.
  6. I, Taymist, have read the above and rules, and would like to join the Roleplay! Yes to the Legacy Group access, please.
  7. Bio HERE for Loraen, @Dar'Jen Ab Owain and *poke* for Arie. Not sure how active I'm going to be but since I'm about for the time being...consider me present.
  8. I may have a stash of that from Corki and I may have some from Horn... I can't confirm that though *shifty* I'm with Heavy on this one... never use that term in Ireland. Dear heavens. Where are you going for cruise, sweetie? I need a vacay... I can hide in a suitcase, honest. *hops up on the bar and leans over to pour a Bandy* Long time since I had one of these.... I miss my Cav bandeds. How's life Jea?
  9. πŸ₯° Awww. I don't think some of us ever truly leave do we? lol *hugs tight*
  10. Ooompf *hugs back* This why we love you! *grabs the MG Guiny* Much better. I[m good thanks, MG. Recovering from the Christmas and Hogmanay chaos. Yourself? πŸ™‚
  11. Ha ha, fab siggy. My Band persona is totally jealous. Happy belated birthday, Cross. Hope your day was wonderful. πŸ™‚
  12. Gosh, this thread. So many nails hitting things on heads. I've been dwelling and moping the last wee while thinking about friends lost. From DM in particular. It's just over two years since WhiteWolf passed away and that especially guts me every time I think about it. Likewise with Twinflower and Kristine. Hard to think they're no longer living in this world with me. But all of that sort of helps me be less sad about the people who've just not been on DM, as I know they're still living their best lives out there somewhere and maybe one day they'll return. And then familiar faces like Del pop up once more and that's just wonderful. ❀️
  13. I'll tag Dicey on FB. Best chance of a response. πŸ‘ And hi *stabs people generally and liberally whilst looking for Guiny*
  14. Oh I'm not involved/active any more. Just trying to be helpful as I noticed your query when Arie tagged us all. πŸ™‚ Sure she'll keep you straight. Good to see you though!
  15. @Wayward_fool you'll probably find some or all legacy bios on the PSW Wiki, even if you just want to see them for reference. Here's your Blue Sister and here's your Yellow. Skechid is still listed on the old BT RP website but I don't see the bios on there.
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