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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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It's like you've never tried to argue a case ever, Zan. 


Sad thing is you're prolly town.



Its NEVER a sad thing when I am Town unless youre a wolf.......


I just need to not talk to you in this game for a while. 

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It's like you've never tried to argue a case ever, Zan. 


Sad thing is you're prolly town.



Its NEVER a sad thing when I am Town unless youre a wolf.......


I just need to not talk to you in this game for a while. 




That honestly does make me sad.  But i really really dont think I've done anything that would actually upset you.  Only thing I did was disagree with your case on Besie,.  that's it.  I mean come on its Mafia, this type of stuff pretty much happens in almost every game.  Ive not been rude, or insulting at all.  Heck I havent even voted for you yet.  I dont see at all what you're "upset" about hence why I'm not able to buy into it my dear.

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I would shoot Pizza.  Backing off of Lenlo pretty well negated all the reasons I didn't think he would do what he was doing as scum.


But in the meantime, I'm itching to [v]Nolder[/v].


He was scrappy as hell throughout NBC, and if it left me with a scum lean on him for most of the game there was a thread of towniness to it that prevented him from ever getting mislynched.  I haven't felt any of that attitude here and it's starting to worry me.

Hahaha what? This is funny because I addressed this line of thinking in the last game where you and others hounded me all game and were wrong.

I mean in the end you made the right decision and never dropped the hammer but the pressure was there all game.


Anyway like I said last game you can't just compare attitudes from game to game. I know people like to think they can but they just can't.

Let's say you're mafia 4 times in a row like I was before I went on break. The first game you're going to have a fresh attitude but the 4th game you might just be exhausted of the same role and it has nothing to do with being scum or town necessarily nor does it have anything to do with meta. How you act from game to game is like 1 part meta 2 parts unique randomness based on irl feelings and 1 part the people/mechanics/etc imo.


Point is comparing attitudes from game to game is even worse than comparing meta which is unreliable in the first place because people act different from game to game even with the same roles. Why don't you focus on things I've done in this game rather than my attitude from last game?  



Well here's the thing.  I recognize you were on the hot seat for pretty much all of NBC, and that might have been grounds for more hostility and frustration, but I got a general sense in that game that town!Nolder tends to tunnel himself.  He can make wishy-wash reads and post read lists that totally contradict his posts leading to them, but when he drops a hard statement he'll defend its validity to the death even when it really doesn't make that much sense.  I guess stuff like apologizing to Sooh twice in case you upset her strikes me as off when town!Nolder is pretty adamant that his reasons are well-founded.


You said the fight between Lenlo and Pizza looked like "nonsense oneupsmanship to me", but you didn't really read it.  Are you planning to read it?  Are you suggesting it looked like v/v violence or do you think there was scum motivation behind it?

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I never backed off my reasoning.

Thing is, I try to be a nice guy (even though I'm often not).

Nothing wrong with saying sorry if you've unintentionally upset someone.

Although now she's upset with Xander so I'm not sure it was even my fault to begin with.


No I wasn't planning on reading it.

Did you read it? Do you have an opinion of it that doesn't jive with my oneupsmanship theory?

I am not suggesting it's v/v I don't know and don't care because even though their words may have been game related I didn't get the feeling that the argument was if you take my meaning. It looked like just a regular argument you could have with anyone at any time about any stupid thing.


And again, I didn't read it so my impression could be wrong.

If so I'm open to hearing about it.

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Nol what are your current thoughts about Shad?

Let me get back to you on that.

We have a conversation ongoing.

Or maybe it's done idk. We'll see.




Actually I'm going to try to go back to sleep I only had 3hrs.


well glgl and look forward to hearing back from you.

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@Nolder I would say it entailed a lot of uh-huh! nuh-uh! by the end, beyond the point where I would expect a town player to suddenly have some sort of epiphany and back off.  But Pizza also laid out his case on Lenlo pretty explicitly in the process, and I don't know that you can really solve his slot without reading it.  I struggle to accept 'wanting a NK vote count = scum grasping for information' as an honest thought, and he was pretty committed to this when I questioned him.  Curious where you stand on Pizza and why.

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Zander you have one bullet that you must fire and you have to shoot it as soon as you read this post. If you hit a wolf you win, if you hit a villager you lose.


Where's that bullet going?


Everyone is free to answer, but want Zander's answer the most.


Id either follow the Tress rule and shoot Nolder or shoot Tina


I would shoot Pizza.  Backing off of Lenlo pretty well negated all the reasons I didn't think he would do what he was doing as scum.


But in the meantime, I'm itching to [v]Nolder[/v].


He was scrappy as hell throughout NBC, and if it left me with a scum lean on him for most of the game there was a thread of towniness to it that prevented him from ever getting mislynched.  I haven't felt any of that attitude here and it's starting to worry me.


Are you voting Pizza?  if not why not?

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Zander you have one bullet that you must fire and you have to shoot it as soon as you read this post. If you hit a wolf you win, if you hit a villager you lose.


Where's that bullet going?


Everyone is free to answer, but want Zander's answer the most.


Id either follow the Tress rule and shoot Nolder or shoot Tina


I would shoot Pizza.  Backing off of Lenlo pretty well negated all the reasons I didn't think he would do what he was doing as scum.


But in the meantime, I'm itching to [v]Nolder[/v].


He was scrappy as hell throughout NBC, and if it left me with a scum lean on him for most of the game there was a thread of towniness to it that prevented him from ever getting mislynched.  I haven't felt any of that attitude here and it's starting to worry me.


Are you voting Pizza?  if not why not?




I may have missed it Dice but why Tina or Nolder atp?


What is your take on the Pizza/Len situation and Pizza's backing away from his read?

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@BFG the 13 was a typo  u will see the numbers go from 12



and im not talking math anymore seeing as apparently i cant do it

Hey now. That whole math thing got completely out of hand imo.

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@BFG the 13 was a typo  u will see the numbers go from 12



and im not talking math anymore seeing as apparently i cant do it

Hey now. That whole math thing got completely out of hand imo.




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Zander Nolder is the Tress Wombat School of Vigs. 


Rule 1  Shoot Nolder N1


Rule 2   there is only one rule



Tina cause im not seeing what i see as town tina but shes barely been here too.   Im waiting to see more from her but at this point im considering voting her



lolololololol Poor Nolder....we may be able to add Darthes name there as well!!!!!


ok fair enough on Tina

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