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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Btw, I responded to Pizza's "Please to village Lenlo" but he hasnt gotten back to me yet. Lookin forward to it.


You reached the Yates Event Horizon.


So scummy and with dishonest arguments that for pages and pages, and hours and hours, I just think you're caught-er and caught-er scum, and then it dawns on me that you're a townie because a scum wouldn't do X.


Why "Yates" event horizon, because he faked a guilty result on me in game three, and made a mistake with his leans list which added an extra person to the game, hilariously, and it got worse and worse for hours and hours, so I just assumed he was caught and smirked my happy smirk and kept taking potshots at him here and there, until dat moment when I saw he had a legitimate reason to act that way.


If you were a scumbag, you probably would have walked away a few posts after the screw me post. I don't get what is accomplished by continued camping in the thread after all that.


I'm not saying you'd be scared of me or something, as a wolf, it just isn't accomplishing any kind of scum aim.


While I can't clear you for the same reason why I should look town objectively, since I was the aggressor in our tiff, there's a different kind of futility at work in that I think that a very large number of scumbags would not be sitting here right now still talking to me. It's going nowhere and you had a natural exit point, several of them, and you're still camping.


I've never used this town-tell before and may never again. I also can't say you're fully clean.


But that washes away a ton of that suspicion.




I really wanted to go to bed thinking I've accomplished something more major than partly clearing a scum read. I can't say that. But it has been useful to me, particularly if this is correct.


PS- Yates Event Horizon is now trademarked, and probably won't ever be used as a town-tell again.


In a more general form, this is pretty common: players looking scummy at face value but pressing their perspective with a particular style and level of conviction that appears to run counter to a scum win condition.  I've seen it in probably every game I've played (I gave you a bit of a pass last night for something along these lines), and you sort of have to make a judgment call on whether you think the player is being sincere or trying to back out of a jam.  It's... at least a little odd to me that this seems to be a foreign concept to you.  Is this case different and I'm misunderstanding you?  If not, what made the argument with Lenlo significant enough for you to drop the vote when this is something you've explicitly avoided doing in the past?

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Sounds good.

Let's try to get inside each other's head.

Maybe with some hypotheticals?


Hypothetically if you had a roleblock who would you block tonight as of right now?


I would block Dice. He's not really a suspect of mine but that's part of the problem, I don't have a good read on him. Other than arguing he's been kind of low key this game and he also has very good instincts with night powers. I also don't see many others calling him town just quite yet which gives me pause because Dice is one of those players who usually gets townread early or it doesn't happen at all.

I think I would block Besie. She's someone I don't trust at this point in the game, and I think she's cunning enough if mafia to create serious problems for town. 


Where do you stand on Pizza? If you have said I apologize. I don't recall off the top of my head.




Again with this type of I KNOW AND UNDERSTAND BESIE'S Scum game remark.  Again I dont feel that that is really possible for you to do.   Also the cunning enough comment is quite interesting coming from you considering Cory, Pizza and myself are in this game and have ALL proven we were cunning enough to create serious problems for town.  I know you love Besie and we both do know how smart she is but do you HONESTLY feel shes more likely to do this then say one of the 3 of us or someone more experienced in this game.


Im really finding the merits of your case against Besie very weak....they seem almost manufactured to me.  Like perhaps youre picking a target you feel may be easy pickings for you.

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This is fine, but BFG should be far higher.

Activity level aside, I never saw what was terribly scummy about BFG in NBC. Nothing has bothered me here so far, either, but I need to take a fresh look at that game and figure out what I missed before I'm willing to make a stronger stance one way or the other.

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I dont hate this but it seems your scummier leans are stemming more from PoE then really casing...is that a fair assessment Shad?

That's pretty fair.




Then you understand why this concerns me some right??!!

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I dont hate this but it seems your scummier leans are stemming more from PoE then really casing...is that a fair assessment Shad?

That's pretty fair.




Then you understand why this concerns me some right??!!



Not really, no.



Town Shad builds cases, like in Matrix against Lenlo.  I like to feel youre a bit more confident with your reads.  Though fwiw Im thinking that there MAY have been some similarities between this game and Nightmare for you in that regard.  I guess maybe Im not feeling #FULLTOWNSHAD atp is what Im getting at.

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Anyone else starting to think Nikon's lack of posting stems from randing wolf???

Almost pure rand.


This game is significantly more active than the last games he played in after which he stopped playing because it took up to much time. This says nothing for his alignment though.


I talked to Thane a few weeks ago about maybe starting up a less intense series of games that do something to mitigate high-volume posting so people like him and Nikon can still play. I might yet follow up on that.  :smile:

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Anyone else starting to think Nikon's lack of posting stems from randing wolf???

Almost pure rand.


This game is significantly more active than the last games he played in after which he stopped playing because it took up to much time. This says nothing for his alignment though.


I talked to Thane a few weeks ago about maybe starting up a less intense series of games that do something to mitigate high-volume posting so people like him and Nikon can still play. I might yet follow up on that.  :smile:




One cannot simply control Zander....they can only HOPE to contain him!!!!





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I dont hate this but it seems your scummier leans are stemming more from PoE then really casing...is that a fair assessment Shad?

That's pretty fair.




Then you understand why this concerns me some right??!!



Not really, no.



Town Shad builds cases, like in Matrix against Lenlo.  I like to feel youre a bit more confident with your reads.  Though fwiw Im thinking that there MAY have been some similarities between this game and Nightmare for you in that regard.  I guess maybe Im not feeling #FULLTOWNSHAD atp is what Im getting at.



Fair enough.  #FULLTOWNSHAD is probably never going to show up to this party.  Me, my wife, and Ollie all have the flu, and frankly I've barely been able to keep up with the game let alone take charge of it.

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Time for me to do a list I suppose


Cory - I like his play so far. It seems to be consistent with his good villager play. He's taking more of a back seat as opposed to telling people what to think, and he is open to changing his mind on people. I think that's more consistent with him being town than scum.


BFG - I'm still waiting for the big cases, but I feel good with her so far. She digs into posts and people's comments and seems to be solving to me. 


Lenlo - I do like his approach. He seems open and willing to engage. 


Zander - A bit on the backburner, but with the level of engagement from others it makes sense for him to want to see that played out and pointing out oddities in posts as he sees them. 


Shad_ - So far seems consistent with towny Shad. I know you have tricked me in the past, so I'll keep an eye out for that :smile:


Tina - Utterly on the fence about her. I have seen her do this sort of behavior both as wolf and town in the past, but her suspecting me makes me think more town than wolf. At least that has been a pattern in the past. 


Dice - I need to see more that isn't just mechanical thoughts about the game. 


Nikon - POE only. I don't know Nikon as a player, and I can see that Christmas may make it difficult for people to spend time on here and in the thread. Add to this how much I know he usually posts around the board and so far I'm very much in the nulls about him.


Nolder - Has not much thread presence so far in my opinion. He did give some reads, and followed up by giving me a "pressure" vote. 

AskThePizzaGuy - It takes time for me to read him, and when I finally settle on an opinion I'm paranoid as heck about being wrong. I'm supposed to be able to read this one right, right? I think the tunneling one player approach is something we sort of expect from him by now, and his reversal of opinion on people is also not a new thing (see Nolder in the last game they played here). What I don't see is the humor that I expected. The tone is odd in most of these posts, especially the pressure posts. I feel like I'm still on the fence, but the fence is at this point leaning towards the scummy side. 


Besie- She does ask a lot of questions, and she did present some good cases, however I don't think the Besie I know is showing up in a lot of her posts. To add to that I don't think she has followed up much on her suspicions. This just rubs me all wrong. 


I don´t remember how I usually view you. It´s been months since I played. But that doesn´t matter in this game anyway. Did you not like Nolder´s preassure vote because it was aimed at you or something else? There are actually parts of this list that I agree with...




Good morning! I´m here and I will put a little more time into the game this morning. I think I want to do an iso on a few people. I have read the whole thread but that doesn´t mean that I remember much. I started to take notes but that fell after page 15. lol 


Here are my initial thoughts:


First - who is voting who? It feels like there are few people voting and those who did unvoted. 


I couldn´t read everything in the back and forth between Lenlo and Pizza but I think I got the major parts (because they were stated again and again and again...) First to Lenlo - I did not agree with Pizza. I was the second vote on your train, before Pizza. Second - my thoughts about it now:


* my reason for voting Lenlo was that it felt like he was trying to accuse Dice without actually doing it. Like he didn´t dare to vote him but still wanted to make him look scummy. Someone asked me (Shad? Zander?) why that would make him mafia. I have seen that many time, where mafia don´t want to take responsibility for leading someones lynch or being afraid of definite statements. 


I think this was Pizza´s first reason for voting Lenlo too and in that we agree(d). But I didn´t like the way he went after Lenlo and said that everything Lenlo said was scummy. He was obviously tunnelling Lenlo. I´m not sure what I feel about his unvote because I don´t think I really understand the reason for it. Need to read it again.


I liked Lenlo´s post #812 and now I need to figure out if I want to unvote him or not. I´ll see as I re-read some stuff. 



Even though I have a problem with Zander´s amount of posting I think he looks really good. 


Cory - don´t know but haven´t seen anything scummy. I kind of liked some of his posts toward Pizza but they haven´t really been about this game but more a meta-talk about how to approach mafia. I see that he posted a new list while I´m writing this so I will check it out.


BFG - she is asking a lot of questions, which she does as both alignments. She posts a lot, which is a good sign since I know that she has been afraid of posting too much as mafia earlier. (This is from at least half a year ago so I don´t know how it is now.) I still don´t think I have seen any results of the answers she has been given. Yesterday she just ended with "I´ll wait and see what Tina says when she comes back". (Which seems to be built on Cory´s suspicioun of me.) Well, now I´m back so I hope that I could get some clear statements about everyone. 


Nikon - isn´t here.


Shad - he posted a lot but he got mixed up with Zander-Lenlo-Pizza in my head so I don´t really remember his thoughts.


Nolder - Is laying low. Answers when questioned. Nothing so far.


Besie - I see that many of you think she is town but I haven´t payed attention to her so far (sorry Besie). Will need to iso.


Sooh - didn´t get good vibes from her earlier. I think it was about Lenlo. She had a bad feeling about Lenlo, then wanted to clear him, then liked what I and other said about him and then... I don´t know what she has written after that. Need to iso as well.


Who did I forget? 



i dont know if im remembering correctly but im pretty sure you as town tend to find me scummy even when I town (ie British Monarchs)  what about me specifically makes you feel good about me?



I don´t know if we have played in many games. I tend to mix up people. What I do remember is that I had a hard time with your constant lololol and BIG WORDS, spam and posting pictures. And posting a lot. I just didn´t like the way you played. You still do this in a way. I wish you would sometimes stop for a minute and write one big post instead of commenting on everything. But that is what it is. What I see this game is that you are asking good questions, making good comments and I also like your vote on Pizza. You are focused. If I ever get to re-read your posts I will give you a more specific answer. 





i dont know if im remembering correctly but im pretty sure you as town tend to find me scummy even when I town (ie British Monarchs)  what about me specifically makes you feel good about me?


Lol you have that as a tell on her as well??



I´ll consentrate on what is happening in this game. 





She seems to be going with the flow* a lot and a lot of her posts are not game related. She asks questions but don´t do anything with the answers. I have not played with her before so I can´t judge her from previous games so I don´t know why Zander is saying she is town. 


* many have had the same oppinion so it´s hard to say that this is purely negative. I have expressed some of the same thoughts.


Result: null - scummy





She is posting a lot, asking a lot of good questions. Still, I don´t know what she thinks about people. She posted a list where she was uncertain of most people, I don´t know why she posted that list at all. 


Result: depends on what she will contribute with next.






A big ?.  He is saying that he don´t want to say much during D1 so it´s hard to say anything about him. 


Result: null 








So of these people I guess I find Sooh  most scummy. BFG is in an category of her own. I will take a new look at Lenlo (and others) later.


Right now [unvote] .


Wether or not I decide to change my mind or not about Lenlo, my vote isn´t doing any good right now. 


Those that I won´t take another look at are Dice and Cory. Dice because I have not seen anything yet to change my town read on him and Cory because I know I won´t get any wiser by that. 



This is a lot of MEH .  WIll need to ISO Tina but this part of her list I really dont like.  Like straight up there has been scummier play from people who have been more or less generally Town Read then any of these slots imo.



I don´t understand this. Can you explain? 

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Iso´d Shad.


Still want to know what he meant in #361. (Sucks to not have a nk?) Was it a joke? Know something that I don´t?


He talks a lot about other games and compare people to how they played in those, which doesn´t help me at all since I either didn´t play in those games or have forgotten them. 


He still hasn´t voted. 


Still he feels into the game and have some good comments. I feel like he is trying to explain things more than make small things look scummy. 


Result: Null to town. 



I have delibrety not read Lenlo-Pizza. My initial thoughts was that Lenlo was scum and that is of course why I voted him. Pizza shared some of my thoughts on how he was handeling Dice. But then I didn´t agree with his tunnelling and saying that everything Lenlo did was scummy. And that unvote doesn´t really look good either. I have no idea how to read this. Both look scummy to me but Lenlo more so first and Pizza then later. 


My daughter will soon arrive so I will give my read list and then I´ll be back when she has gone to sleep.

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OK you seen my message on what I intend to do if people try to lynch her today right???


But more importantly then that reminder is the bold, i honestly dont remember if you were in Diablo or followed it but how is that really even a sensible comment when she only has 1 game of Mafia experience.  Also then using your logic, I see the Besie I KNOW and have been reading her Town so what do you make of that?


Also pertaining to your read of Nolder,  You dont like the fact he hasnt had much thread presence thus far....well the same could be said about others in this game as well.  So Im a little skeptical of that line of reasoning from you and that youre using it to call him on it.  Also almost kinda seems like part of the reason youre sussing him is the fact he's sussing you which I also don't like.



Could you please clarify and elaborate on these things for me Sooh?


Zan - if I was to shy away from everyone who threatens hell and damnation if I push the wrong person I would probably be even more crap at this game than I am. I can't rely solely on your assurances of her towniness, and if she is town she should be able to show it to more of us. 


Your read on her has been noted. What you see in her which I can't see is irrelevant for my read of her. 


I AM sussing Nolder for his suspicion on me. Now he has later explained that he was using it as a push and a reaction test, so pending further engagement and involvement from him my read stands for now but may be subject to change. I never said ANY of these reads were solid. Some may be, some are less so. We are on D1 and there have been several people as you pointed out who have had little presence in the thread so far. 

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Sounds good.

Let's try to get inside each other's head.

Maybe with some hypotheticals?


Hypothetically if you had a roleblock who would you block tonight as of right now?


I would block Dice. He's not really a suspect of mine but that's part of the problem, I don't have a good read on him. Other than arguing he's been kind of low key this game and he also has very good instincts with night powers. I also don't see many others calling him town just quite yet which gives me pause because Dice is one of those players who usually gets townread early or it doesn't happen at all.

I think I would block Besie. She's someone I don't trust at this point in the game, and I think she's cunning enough if mafia to create serious problems for town. 


Where do you stand on Pizza? If you have said I apologize. I don't recall off the top of my head.




Again with this type of I KNOW AND UNDERSTAND BESIE'S Scum game remark.  Again I dont feel that that is really possible for you to do.   Also the cunning enough comment is quite interesting coming from you considering Cory, Pizza and myself are in this game and have ALL proven we were cunning enough to create serious problems for town.  I know you love Besie and we both do know how smart she is but do you HONESTLY feel shes more likely to do this then say one of the 3 of us or someone more experienced in this game.


Im really finding the merits of your case against Besie very weak....they seem almost manufactured to me.  Like perhaps youre picking a target you feel may be easy pickings for you.


No, I don't know and understand Besie's scum game, but I do know and understand Besie just a little bit. I am giving her a friggin compliment here. I know she can be cunning if she wants to be, and I feel fairly certain that she'll be a formidable force to recon with as mafia in the future and perhaps even now.


I don't understand why you're suggesting she's easy pickings. She's no easier than anyone else in my books, and I have never condemned her. Heck I didn't even place a vote on her. 


Your defense of her is starting to bug me. You don't need to be her knight in shining armor. I think it will be better for both her and you if you let her defend herself instead of doing it for her. 

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I don´t remember how I usually view you. It´s been months since I played. But that doesn´t matter in this game anyway. Did you not like Nolder´s preassure vote because it was aimed at you or something else? There are actually parts of this list that I agree with...



I probably noticed it more since it was aimed at me. Now that he has explained his motivation I'm more null about it, but I still feel like I need to see more from him. More evidence that he's actually reading and solving. 

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Sounds good.

Let's try to get inside each other's head.

Maybe with some hypotheticals?


Hypothetically if you had a roleblock who would you block tonight as of right now?


I would block Dice. He's not really a suspect of mine but that's part of the problem, I don't have a good read on him. Other than arguing he's been kind of low key this game and he also has very good instincts with night powers. I also don't see many others calling him town just quite yet which gives me pause because Dice is one of those players who usually gets townread early or it doesn't happen at all.


I think I would block Besie. She's someone I don't trust at this point in the game, and I think she's cunning enough if mafia to create serious problems for town. 


Where do you stand on Pizza? If you have said I apologize. I don't recall off the top of my head.



Again with this type of I KNOW AND UNDERSTAND BESIE'S Scum game remark.  Again I dont feel that that is really possible for you to do.   Also the cunning enough comment is quite interesting coming from you considering Cory, Pizza and myself are in this game and have ALL proven we were cunning enough to create serious problems for town.  I know you love Besie and we both do know how smart she is but do you HONESTLY feel shes more likely to do this then say one of the 3 of us or someone more experienced in this game.


Im really finding the merits of your case against Besie very weak....they seem almost manufactured to me.  Like perhaps youre picking a target you feel may be easy pickings for you.

No, I don't know and understand Besie's scum game, but I do know and understand Besie just a little bit. I am giving her a friggin compliment here. I know she can be cunning if she wants to be, and I feel fairly certain that she'll be a formidable force to recon with as mafia in the future and perhaps even now.


I don't understand why you're suggesting she's easy pickings. She's no easier than anyone else in my books, and I have never condemned her. Heck I didn't even place a vote on her. 


Your defense of her is starting to bug me. You don't need to be her knight in shining armor. I think it will be better for both her and you if you let her defend herself instead of doing it for her.

Sooh :wub:


Yeah, he is being defensive. But then again, you were the same in the beginning of the game towards Pizza. I hope I can prove my alignment to you :happy:

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I had him as null on my reads list on page 28.


I don't think I'm ready to take him out of null but I did like that big note list he posted.

Shows a lot of engagement with the game.


What do you make of the whole Pizza/Lenlo argument? Still null after that?


I couldn't concentrate on it. I skimmed 99% of it.


This kind of attitude is sort of provoking to me. 


None of what neither Pizza nor Lenlo has said the last 20 pages has colored your read of them one bit?


Not one bit. The conversation looked like nonsense oneupsmanship to me.

I could be wrong I guess having not really read it.

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Zander you have one bullet that you must fire and you have to shoot it as soon as you read this post. If you hit a wolf you win, if you hit a villager you lose.


Where's that bullet going?


Everyone is free to answer, but want Zander's answer the most.

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Sounds good.

Let's try to get inside each other's head.

Maybe with some hypotheticals?


Hypothetically if you had a roleblock who would you block tonight as of right now?


I would block Dice. He's not really a suspect of mine but that's part of the problem, I don't have a good read on him. Other than arguing he's been kind of low key this game and he also has very good instincts with night powers. I also don't see many others calling him town just quite yet which gives me pause because Dice is one of those players who usually gets townread early or it doesn't happen at all.


Very strange question to me....Like why choose to go with roleblocker as opposed to say Cop or Vig.  Not sure if it really means anything but something that struck me as odd.


Agree with 2nd Bold.  Like to hear more from Dice and others concerning him,


I felt like cop or vig would have been seen as breadcumbs/role hinting.

Roleblock basically asks the same question (who do you not trust?) without the baggage imo.

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Time for me to do a list I suppose


Cory - I like his play so far. It seems to be consistent with his good villager play. He's taking more of a back seat as opposed to telling people what to think, and he is open to changing his mind on people. I think that's more consistent with him being town than scum.


BFG - I'm still waiting for the big cases, but I feel good with her so far. She digs into posts and people's comments and seems to be solving to me. 


Lenlo - I do like his approach. He seems open and willing to engage. 


Zander - A bit on the backburner, but with the level of engagement from others it makes sense for him to want to see that played out and pointing out oddities in posts as he sees them. 


Shad_ - So far seems consistent with towny Shad. I know you have tricked me in the past, so I'll keep an eye out for that :smile:


Tina - Utterly on the fence about her. I have seen her do this sort of behavior both as wolf and town in the past, but her suspecting me makes me think more town than wolf. At least that has been a pattern in the past. 


Dice - I need to see more that isn't just mechanical thoughts about the game. 


Nikon - POE only. I don't know Nikon as a player, and I can see that Christmas may make it difficult for people to spend time on here and in the thread. Add to this how much I know he usually posts around the board and so far I'm very much in the nulls about him.


Nolder - Has not much thread presence so far in my opinion. He did give some reads, and followed up by giving me a "pressure" vote. 

AskThePizzaGuy - It takes time for me to read him, and when I finally settle on an opinion I'm paranoid as heck about being wrong. I'm supposed to be able to read this one right, right? I think the tunneling one player approach is something we sort of expect from him by now, and his reversal of opinion on people is also not a new thing (see Nolder in the last game they played here). What I don't see is the humor that I expected. The tone is odd in most of these posts, especially the pressure posts. I feel like I'm still on the fence, but the fence is at this point leaning towards the scummy side. 


Besie- She does ask a lot of questions, and she did present some good cases, however I don't think the Besie I know is showing up in a lot of her posts. To add to that I don't think she has followed up much on her suspicions. This just rubs me all wrong. 


I don´t remember how I usually view you. It´s been months since I played. But that doesn´t matter in this game anyway. Did you not like Nolder´s preassure vote because it was aimed at you or something else? There are actually parts of this list that I agree with...




Good morning! I´m here and I will put a little more time into the game this morning. I think I want to do an iso on a few people. I have read the whole thread but that doesn´t mean that I remember much. I started to take notes but that fell after page 15. lol 


Here are my initial thoughts:


First - who is voting who? It feels like there are few people voting and those who did unvoted. 


I couldn´t read everything in the back and forth between Lenlo and Pizza but I think I got the major parts (because they were stated again and again and again...) First to Lenlo - I did not agree with Pizza. I was the second vote on your train, before Pizza. Second - my thoughts about it now:


* my reason for voting Lenlo was that it felt like he was trying to accuse Dice without actually doing it. Like he didn´t dare to vote him but still wanted to make him look scummy. Someone asked me (Shad? Zander?) why that would make him mafia. I have seen that many time, where mafia don´t want to take responsibility for leading someones lynch or being afraid of definite statements. 


I think this was Pizza´s first reason for voting Lenlo too and in that we agree(d). But I didn´t like the way he went after Lenlo and said that everything Lenlo said was scummy. He was obviously tunnelling Lenlo. I´m not sure what I feel about his unvote because I don´t think I really understand the reason for it. Need to read it again.


I liked Lenlo´s post #812 and now I need to figure out if I want to unvote him or not. I´ll see as I re-read some stuff. 



Even though I have a problem with Zander´s amount of posting I think he looks really good. 


Cory - don´t know but haven´t seen anything scummy. I kind of liked some of his posts toward Pizza but they haven´t really been about this game but more a meta-talk about how to approach mafia. I see that he posted a new list while I´m writing this so I will check it out.


BFG - she is asking a lot of questions, which she does as both alignments. She posts a lot, which is a good sign since I know that she has been afraid of posting too much as mafia earlier. (This is from at least half a year ago so I don´t know how it is now.) I still don´t think I have seen any results of the answers she has been given. Yesterday she just ended with "I´ll wait and see what Tina says when she comes back". (Which seems to be built on Cory´s suspicioun of me.) Well, now I´m back so I hope that I could get some clear statements about everyone. 


Nikon - isn´t here.


Shad - he posted a lot but he got mixed up with Zander-Lenlo-Pizza in my head so I don´t really remember his thoughts.


Nolder - Is laying low. Answers when questioned. Nothing so far.


Besie - I see that many of you think she is town but I haven´t payed attention to her so far (sorry Besie). Will need to iso.


Sooh - didn´t get good vibes from her earlier. I think it was about Lenlo. She had a bad feeling about Lenlo, then wanted to clear him, then liked what I and other said about him and then... I don´t know what she has written after that. Need to iso as well.


Who did I forget? 



i dont know if im remembering correctly but im pretty sure you as town tend to find me scummy even when I town (ie British Monarchs)  what about me specifically makes you feel good about me?



I don´t know if we have played in many games. I tend to mix up people. What I do remember is that I had a hard time with your constant lololol and BIG WORDS, spam and posting pictures. And posting a lot. I just didn´t like the way you played. You still do this in a way. I wish you would sometimes stop for a minute and write one big post instead of commenting on everything. But that is what it is. What I see this game is that you are asking good questions, making good comments and I also like your vote on Pizza. You are focused. If I ever get to re-read your posts I will give you a more specific answer. 





i dont know if im remembering correctly but im pretty sure you as town tend to find me scummy even when I town (ie British Monarchs)  what about me specifically makes you feel good about me?


Lol you have that as a tell on her as well??



I´ll consentrate on what is happening in this game. 





She seems to be going with the flow* a lot and a lot of her posts are not game related. She asks questions but don´t do anything with the answers. I have not played with her before so I can´t judge her from previous games so I don´t know why Zander is saying she is town. 


* many have had the same oppinion so it´s hard to say that this is purely negative. I have expressed some of the same thoughts.


Result: null - scummy





She is posting a lot, asking a lot of good questions. Still, I don´t know what she thinks about people. She posted a list where she was uncertain of most people, I don´t know why she posted that list at all. 


Result: depends on what she will contribute with next.






A big ?.  He is saying that he don´t want to say much during D1 so it´s hard to say anything about him. 


Result: null 








So of these people I guess I find Sooh  most scummy. BFG is in an category of her own. I will take a new look at Lenlo (and others) later.


Right now [unvote] .


Wether or not I decide to change my mind or not about Lenlo, my vote isn´t doing any good right now. 


Those that I won´t take another look at are Dice and Cory. Dice because I have not seen anything yet to change my town read on him and Cory because I know I won´t get any wiser by that. 



This is a lot of MEH .  WIll need to ISO Tina but this part of her list I really dont like.  Like straight up there has been scummier play from people who have been more or less generally Town Read then any of these slots imo.



I don´t understand this. Can you explain? 



Yes Im not a fan of your reads list and reasoning behind them tbh.  Like BFG's looked pretty good thus far for example.

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OK you seen my message on what I intend to do if people try to lynch her today right???


But more importantly then that reminder is the bold, i honestly dont remember if you were in Diablo or followed it but how is that really even a sensible comment when she only has 1 game of Mafia experience.  Also then using your logic, I see the Besie I KNOW and have been reading her Town so what do you make of that?


Also pertaining to your read of Nolder,  You dont like the fact he hasnt had much thread presence thus far....well the same could be said about others in this game as well.  So Im a little skeptical of that line of reasoning from you and that youre using it to call him on it.  Also almost kinda seems like part of the reason youre sussing him is the fact he's sussing you which I also don't like.



Could you please clarify and elaborate on these things for me Sooh?


Zan - if I was to shy away from everyone who threatens hell and damnation if I push the wrong person I would probably be even more crap at this game than I am. I can't rely solely on your assurances of her towniness, and if she is town she should be able to show it to more of us. 


Your read on her has been noted. What you see in her which I can't see is irrelevant for my read of her. 


I AM sussing Nolder for his suspicion on me. Now he has later explained that he was using it as a push and a reaction test, so pending further engagement and involvement from him my read stands for now but may be subject to change. I never said ANY of these reads were solid. Some may be, some are less so. We are on D1 and there have been several people as you pointed out who have had little presence in the thread so far. 




Im surprised you of all people make that comment :wink:



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Zander you have one bullet that you must fire and you have to shoot it as soon as you read this post. If you hit a wolf you win, if you hit a villager you lose.


Where's that bullet going?


Everyone is free to answer, but want Zander's answer the most.

So cliche but so good...


Ok I'll bite and I'm going to go big and go for deep wolf.


The person who eats my bullet is....






I think BFG is playing a middling game so far and it seems aimed to please more than to suss wolves and win.



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