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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Won´t be able to give this more time right now so I´ll post what I got so far. I decided not to focus on Pizza - Lenlo at first but those with less content.


Nikon: whether he is town or mafia I feel sorry for him for having to catch up 48 pages. There is no way to see if he is town or mafia yet. 




tried to explain how she saw the Dice - Zander argument without trying to make it into a bigger deal than it was

have clear town reads on Cory and BFG = takes a stand (even though I don´t think she explains her read on BFG).



* she is very vague about most players. 

* her back and forth on Lenlo is strange. It seems like she happend to go against the stream and then trying to correct herself so she could follow it instead. Still never comes to a conclusion about him. Her final thoughts is that it´s easy to mislynch Lenlo and that those suspecting him is suspicious. That argument hasn´t much to do with this game at all.

* she seems unvilling to take a stand on Pizza even though she mostly seem to suspect him. She says he buddied the vocal players initially, that he is condemning her for awkward tone, he is supecting Lenlo (see above) and that she can´t clear him yet. I wondered why she accused Pizza for condemning her for awkward tone - Pizza never answers this and she dropped it too. Not sure what´s going on between those two (in the game). 



Result: scummy

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She seems to be going with the flow* a lot and a lot of her posts are not game related. She asks questions but don´t do anything with the answers. I have not played with her before so I can´t judge her from previous games so I don´t know why Zander is saying she is town. 


* many have had the same oppinion so it´s hard to say that this is purely negative. I have expressed some of the same thoughts.


Result: null - scummy





She is posting a lot, asking a lot of good questions. Still, I don´t know what she thinks about people. She posted a list where she was uncertain of most people, I don´t know why she posted that list at all. 


Result: depends on what she will contribute with next.






A big ?.  He is saying that he don´t want to say much during D1 so it´s hard to say anything about him. 


Result: null 








So of these people I guess I find Sooh  most scummy. BFG is in an category of her own. I will take a new look at Lenlo (and others) later.


Right now [unvote] .


Wether or not I decide to change my mind or not about Lenlo, my vote isn´t doing any good right now. 


Those that I won´t take another look at are Dice and Cory. Dice because I have not seen anything yet to change my town read on him and Cory because I know I won´t get any wiser by that. 

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Ok, but why Nikon over Nolder? Or even Shad or Bessie...


Shad I think has at least some quality posts and I'm willing to give him a little space to see what he'll do with it now that time is being more compressed.


Besie I'd probably be more insistent with if not for Zander. I know that might be wrong and stupid but a handshake is a handshake and I have no reason to not at least consider a person we both have in the PoE at this stage.


Nolder... IDK. Something about his little lost puppy act appeals to me in a dumb way, which is probably me and not what anyone seriously attempting to read the slot should make. He's certainly in my nulls.


Lost little puppy?
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Catching up from page 31:




Lenlo for his plan.
Sooh for being defensive about Nomi early in the game.
Cory much for the same reason as you, I'm just more wary of Cory.
Shad I don't remember I'd have to look it up it was something he said.

The nulls I have to look into more anyway so no explanation.

So you have literally no opinion about anything I've done since like page 1. Good to know.

Posting on phone SUCKS.


Do you think you've done anything else noteworthy?


Gee thanks. Now I feel awesome about spending ~4 hours in front of this game last night. 


I don't know if I necessarily have a tendency to do noteworthy things in mafia, and I still don't see how that is noteworthy. 

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Pizza. Once again, did you even read dices logic? I still, after all this time, have no idea where his numbers came from! He was acting as if it was guaranteed we would hit a townie with a town controlled 2nd VC. I was arguing with him because I thought, and still do, that the logic he was using was horrible.


You know what I did when someone poked real holes into the idea, like Shad? I considered them. Guess what? Now im at the point that the entire thing was stupid and based on my misremembering the rules of the game.


we can lynch 1 person at a time. there are 13 people. 1 gets day lynched 1 gets NK that leaves a 1 in 10 chance of finding scum with the night lynch. Its not that hard.



Good morning! I´m here and I will put a little more time into the game this morning. I think I want to do an iso on a few people. I have read the whole thread but that doesn´t mean that I remember much. I started to take notes but that fell after page 15. lol 


Here are my initial thoughts:


First - who is voting who? It feels like there are few people voting and those who did unvoted. 


I couldn´t read everything in the back and forth between Lenlo and Pizza but I think I got the major parts (because they were stated again and again and again...) First to Lenlo - I did not agree with Pizza. I was the second vote on your train, before Pizza. Second - my thoughts about it now:


* my reason for voting Lenlo was that it felt like he was trying to accuse Dice without actually doing it. Like he didn´t dare to vote him but still wanted to make him look scummy. Someone asked me (Shad? Zander?) why that would make him mafia. I have seen that many time, where mafia don´t want to take responsibility for leading someones lynch or being afraid of definite statements. 


I think this was Pizza´s first reason for voting Lenlo too and in that we agree(d). But I didn´t like the way he went after Lenlo and said that everything Lenlo said was scummy. He was obviously tunnelling Lenlo. I´m not sure what I feel about his unvote because I don´t think I really understand the reason for it. Need to read it again.


I liked Lenlo´s post #812 and now I need to figure out if I want to unvote him or not. I´ll see as I re-read some stuff. 



Even though I have a problem with Zander´s amount of posting I think he looks really good. 


Cory - don´t know but haven´t seen anything scummy. I kind of liked some of his posts toward Pizza but they haven´t really been about this game but more a meta-talk about how to approach mafia. I see that he posted a new list while I´m writing this so I will check it out.


BFG - she is asking a lot of questions, which she does as both alignments. She posts a lot, which is a good sign since I know that she has been afraid of posting too much as mafia earlier. (This is from at least half a year ago so I don´t know how it is now.) I still don´t think I have seen any results of the answers she has been given. Yesterday she just ended with "I´ll wait and see what Tina says when she comes back". (Which seems to be built on Cory´s suspicioun of me.) Well, now I´m back so I hope that I could get some clear statements about everyone. 


Nikon - isn´t here.


Shad - he posted a lot but he got mixed up with Zander-Lenlo-Pizza in my head so I don´t really remember his thoughts.


Nolder - Is laying low. Answers when questioned. Nothing so far.


Besie - I see that many of you think she is town but I haven´t payed attention to her so far (sorry Besie). Will need to iso.


Sooh - didn´t get good vibes from her earlier. I think it was about Lenlo. She had a bad feeling about Lenlo, then wanted to clear him, then liked what I and other said about him and then... I don´t know what she has written after that. Need to iso as well.


Who did I forget? 


Was gonna say me but you caught it


Want to hear more from you hun



Vote Count:


Lenlo (4): Dice, Tina, Askthepizzaguy, Besie

Tina (1): Cory

Pizza (1): Lenlo


Not Voting: Nolder, BFG, Zander, Shad, Sooh, Nikon


With 12 remaining, 7 votes needed to lynch

I think it's probably


Lenlo (2): Dice, Tina

Pizza (1): Lenlo



I unvoted and have not revoted


I mean, it's really as simple as "if Pizza is a wolf he realized he wasn't gaining any actual traction on Lenlo anymore and decided to flip it around and make it look like some long-term strategy in which he had control" in terms of the potential wolfiness of that post. Funny he brings up Yates since I've always thought Yates and Pizza are similar style players (with Pizza being a tad more active, involved and communicative) and that "180 read change because I can" is sort of something right out of the Yates wolf playbook. Control is important to both of them, specifically looking like they are in control even when they aren't.


Of course, there's certainly reasons he could be a villager doing that or earnestly making a read, so unfortunately not so easy. Pizza's sort of a nightmare to read. lol.





@pizza   are you gonna tell me that all that len back and forth was a test?

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Catching up from page 31:




Lenlo for his plan.

Sooh for being defensive about Nomi early in the game.

Cory much for the same reason as you, I'm just more wary of Cory.

Shad I don't remember I'd have to look it up it was something he said.


The nulls I have to look into more anyway so no explanation.

So you have literally no opinion about anything I've done since like page 1. Good to know.


Posting on phone SUCKS.


Do you think you've done anything else noteworthy?


Gee thanks. Now I feel awesome about spending ~4 hours in front of this game last night. 


I don't know if I necessarily have a tendency to do noteworthy things in mafia, and I still don't see how that is noteworthy. 

Sorry. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad.

It was a genuine question with the aim of seeing how you view your own game so far.

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@Dice - to put an end to the maths discussion


There are 12 players, assume 3 mafia if we lynch a townie there's a mathematical chance of 3 in 11 that mafia is lynched with the night vote. Where are you getting 1 from? Or 13?

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Kind of loving Besie's entry on p15.  I feel like she's put more effort into looking around and analyzing people in this game than in the entirety of Diablo already.




Been napping now I'm off to dinner.

Before I do..





i know you touched on Sooh a bit but this still feels a little....i dunno hollow maybe, to me.


Ok. Well some players don't engage much if you don't vote them.

I'm exploring my options here to see what I can get out of her.

Was kind of hoping Sooh would post BEFORE I had to explain that since that will change the way she behaves but oh well.


You have exactly one post on me that you find me scummy for and add your one vote to pressure. You do this 2am my time and respond yourself 8am my time. If you want to find me rustled you might want to wait until a time I'm actually around. 


D1 takes time for me. I don't usually have a ton of casing/suspicion early on unless somebody really steps in it. I'm not that player. I can try to read posts for intent, but really I'm not very good at it. Especially not this early on. 


FWIW the "I only voted X to get him/her to engage more in the game" is a good defense to use to explain a vote. I know, because I've done that as a wolf. 

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Kind of loving Besie's entry on p15.  I feel like she's put more effort into looking around and analyzing people in this game than in the entirety of Diablo already.




Been napping now I'm off to dinner.

Before I do..





i know you touched on Sooh a bit but this still feels a little....i dunno hollow maybe, to me.


Ok. Well some players don't engage much if you don't vote them.

I'm exploring my options here to see what I can get out of her.

Was kind of hoping Sooh would post BEFORE I had to explain that since that will change the way she behaves but oh well.


You have exactly one post on me that you find me scummy for and add your one vote to pressure. You do this 2am my time and respond yourself 8am my time. If you want to find me rustled you might want to wait until a time I'm actually around. 


D1 takes time for me. I don't usually have a ton of casing/suspicion early on unless somebody really steps in it. I'm not that player. I can try to read posts for intent, but really I'm not very good at it. Especially not this early on. 


FWIW the "I only voted X to get him/her to engage more in the game" is a good defense to use to explain a vote. I know, because I've done that as a wolf. 


I didn't even find it scummy really, it just stood out to me.

I wanted to pursue that and see how you would react.

I don't think I need to defend or even explain a vote this early so you're off base there, especially considering it was the single first vote on you with no case or advocating for a lynch.

I'm sorry if I upset you but are you trying to say this is scummy or even odd behavior for Day 1?


I'm trying to get a bead on you and the message you're sending me right now is over defensive.

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Time for me to do a list I suppose


Cory - I like his play so far. It seems to be consistent with his good villager play. He's taking more of a back seat as opposed to telling people what to think, and he is open to changing his mind on people. I think that's more consistent with him being town than scum.


BFG - I'm still waiting for the big cases, but I feel good with her so far. She digs into posts and people's comments and seems to be solving to me. 


Lenlo - I do like his approach. He seems open and willing to engage. 


Zander - A bit on the backburner, but with the level of engagement from others it makes sense for him to want to see that played out and pointing out oddities in posts as he sees them. 


Shad_ - So far seems consistent with towny Shad. I know you have tricked me in the past, so I'll keep an eye out for that :smile:


Tina - Utterly on the fence about her. I have seen her do this sort of behavior both as wolf and town in the past, but her suspecting me makes me think more town than wolf. At least that has been a pattern in the past. 


Dice - I need to see more that isn't just mechanical thoughts about the game. 


Nikon - POE only. I don't know Nikon as a player, and I can see that Christmas may make it difficult for people to spend time on here and in the thread. Add to this how much I know he usually posts around the board and so far I'm very much in the nulls about him.


Nolder - Has not much thread presence so far in my opinion. He did give some reads, and followed up by giving me a "pressure" vote. 

AskThePizzaGuy - It takes time for me to read him, and when I finally settle on an opinion I'm paranoid as heck about being wrong. I'm supposed to be able to read this one right, right? I think the tunneling one player approach is something we sort of expect from him by now, and his reversal of opinion on people is also not a new thing (see Nolder in the last game they played here). What I don't see is the humor that I expected. The tone is odd in most of these posts, especially the pressure posts. I feel like I'm still on the fence, but the fence is at this point leaning towards the scummy side. 


Besie- She does ask a lot of questions, and she did present some good cases, however I don't think the Besie I know is showing up in a lot of her posts. To add to that I don't think she has followed up much on her suspicions. This just rubs me all wrong. 

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Kind of loving Besie's entry on p15.  I feel like she's put more effort into looking around and analyzing people in this game than in the entirety of Diablo already.




Been napping now I'm off to dinner.

Before I do..





i know you touched on Sooh a bit but this still feels a little....i dunno hollow maybe, to me.


Ok. Well some players don't engage much if you don't vote them.

I'm exploring my options here to see what I can get out of her.

Was kind of hoping Sooh would post BEFORE I had to explain that since that will change the way she behaves but oh well.


You have exactly one post on me that you find me scummy for and add your one vote to pressure. You do this 2am my time and respond yourself 8am my time. If you want to find me rustled you might want to wait until a time I'm actually around. 


D1 takes time for me. I don't usually have a ton of casing/suspicion early on unless somebody really steps in it. I'm not that player. I can try to read posts for intent, but really I'm not very good at it. Especially not this early on. 


FWIW the "I only voted X to get him/her to engage more in the game" is a good defense to use to explain a vote. I know, because I've done that as a wolf. 


I didn't even find it scummy really, it just stood out to me.

I wanted to pursue that and see how you would react.

I don't think I need to defend or even explain a vote this early so you're off base there, especially considering it was the single first vote on you with no case or advocating for a lynch.

I'm sorry if I upset you but are you trying to say this is scummy or even odd behavior for Day 1?


I'm trying to get a bead on you and the message you're sending me right now is over defensive.


Fair enough.


The reaction game goes both ways. I also want to see how you react to things.

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Sounds good.

Let's try to get inside each other's head.

Maybe with some hypotheticals?


Hypothetically if you had a roleblock who would you block tonight as of right now?


I would block Dice. He's not really a suspect of mine but that's part of the problem, I don't have a good read on him. Other than arguing he's been kind of low key this game and he also has very good instincts with night powers. I also don't see many others calling him town just quite yet which gives me pause because Dice is one of those players who usually gets townread early or it doesn't happen at all.

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Sounds good.

Let's try to get inside each other's head.

Maybe with some hypotheticals?


Hypothetically if you had a roleblock who would you block tonight as of right now?


I would block Dice. He's not really a suspect of mine but that's part of the problem, I don't have a good read on him. Other than arguing he's been kind of low key this game and he also has very good instincts with night powers. I also don't see many others calling him town just quite yet which gives me pause because Dice is one of those players who usually gets townread early or it doesn't happen at all.

I think I would block Besie. She's someone I don't trust at this point in the game, and I think she's cunning enough if mafia to create serious problems for town. 


Where do you stand on Pizza? If you have said I apologize. I don't recall off the top of my head.

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Time for me to do a list I suppose


Besie- She does ask a lot of questions, and she did present some good cases, however I don't think the Besie I know is showing up in a lot of her posts. To add to that I don't think she has followed up much on her suspicions. This just rubs me all wrong.

I get where you're coming from. I've not posted an updated list for the past 30 pages. I've been wanting to do a reread first, but we have family over so I can only do that tonight.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean with the Besie you know. I enjoyed wolf more than villagery (no offence). Maybe I just don't sound as into it? I'll get my mind focused and be in it again tonight when the family leaves.

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Time for me to do a list I suppose


Besie- She does ask a lot of questions, and she did present some good cases, however I don't think the Besie I know is showing up in a lot of her posts. To add to that I don't think she has followed up much on her suspicions. This just rubs me all wrong.

I get where you're coming from. I've not posted an updated list for the past 30 pages. I've been wanting to do a reread first, but we have family over so I can only do that tonight.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean with the Besie you know. I enjoyed wolf more than villagery (no offence). Maybe I just don't sound as into it? I'll get my mind focused and be in it again tonight when the family leaves.


It has more to do with that your posts sound awkward. I'll be looking forward to your reread and reactions.

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