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World's End Mafia - town wins comprehensively


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Dice is a villager though



Cory....theres like no way possible there could be a 4 man scum team in a 12 player game.....like im horribad at same setup and mechanics stuff....but is it even possible???!!!!



With the night lynch mechanic and lack of wolf roles so far it's actually not implausible.



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He is!  Not great yet, but he's on antibiotics and he's behaving normal instead of making me hold him 24/7, just still has a bad cough.


And I'm down from a fever and chills to just a sore throat.


And the holiday visiting madness has pretty well subsided.


Life is good in my village!

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I really really feel like youre doing a spot on Scum version of someone I know.........like the name is like right on the tip of my tongue..










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Think of the game in terms of how many players the village can mislynch before losing.


In a standard 13er, the answer is four. 13 -> 11 -> 9 - > 7 being must lynch.


Having basically a guaranteed night lynch in a scenario where villagers are only lynched in this game leads to...


12 -> 11 -> 9 -> 8 -> game. With LYLO being actually at night instead of at day. That's till four mislynches.


That's... interesting to say the least. Honestly the game might lack balance with 9 villagers and 3 wolves. Think of this way. If village lynches a villager every night:


12 -> 11 -> 9 -> 8 -> 6 (push) -> 5 -> must lynch. That's 5.5 lynches the village has barring role shenanigans in a 13er. That's... a little much.

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It's actually very possible we have four wolves.

I guess the outside the box theory is that we could also have a Serial Killer with no wolf kill and that's what did me in, but I think that's probably not right considering Besie sort of let me know they were killing me.

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9. Nolder




Catching up from page 31:





Lenlo for his plan.

Sooh for being defensive about Nomi early in the game.

Cory much for the same reason as you, I'm just more wary of Cory.

Shad I don't remember I'd have to look it up it was something he said.

The nulls I have to look into more anyway so no explanation.


So you have literally no opinion about anything I've done since like page 1. Good to know.

Posting on phone SUCKS.

Do you think you've done anything else noteworthy?

Gee thanks. Now I feel awesome about spending ~4 hours in front of this game last night. 


I don't know if I necessarily have a tendency to do noteworthy things in mafia, and I still don't see how that is noteworthy.

Sorry. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad.

It was a genuine question with the aim of seeing how you view your own game so far.








Sounds good.

Let's try to get inside each other's head.

Maybe with some hypotheticals?


Hypothetically if you had a roleblock who would you block tonight as of right now?


I would block Dice. He's not really a suspect of mine but that's part of the problem, I don't have a good read on him. Other than arguing he's been kind of low key this game and he also has very good instincts with night powers. I also don't see many others calling him town just quite yet which gives me pause because Dice is one of those players who usually gets townread early or it doesn't happen at all.


I think I would block Besie. She's someone I don't trust at this point in the game, and I think she's cunning enough if mafia to create serious problems for town. 


Where do you stand on Pizza? If you have said I apologize. I don't recall off the top of my head.

I had him as null on my reads list on page 28.


I don't think I'm ready to take him out of null but I did like that big note list he posted.

Shows a lot of engagement with the game.


Engagement with the game? lol...


Pral you have me voting and not voting.



His engagement with the game wasn't engaging enough to engage voting on two engagement levels. *cough*




Who's lynch would give us the most information on other players?



That was a BFG-only proposition, sorry.


And I don't really believe in conditional-villager flips; I think when a villager flips you learn nothing and gain nothing but a dead villager. The only goal is to lynch a wolf, not gather information. You gather far better information reading the thread.



FWIW I really liked the question he asked.



10. BFG


There's not much I can quote about you. Lol. You're just so calm and up for anything. I love it.


Let me see if I can find something. Mmmm...




I stand by my lack of read on Besie and generally there are players I have trouble reading for [whatever reasons] and I'm not just going to fabricate a read because it pleases people. This is me going pretty much at about 100%. If you're expecting the volatility and anger of my previous games I think my newfound emotional health has erased those facets of my game personality for at least some time.

I have a really hard time reading you :unsure: (for similar reasons that I struggle to read Clov and AJ) This game I think I'm going to need flips before I feel completely comfortable, I like to think the fact that I'm not actively mafia reading you for not coming hard out of the gate is progress for me :sad:I have no intention of tinfoiling any time soon, and the fact I think it would be tinfoil is probably telling.


Ok I'm delving into ISOs tonight. Extended family gathering tomorrow so I won't be around during the day, but will be around before deadline.

Before ISO's I can't say I'm that different to the consensus












Groups are only vaguely ordered.

Zander seems inquisitive this game, isn't focusing in one place too much

Sooh's difficult to explain, I haven't disagreed with any of her reads this game, or positions in thread.

Lenlo is mostly his response to pressure and his mechanics thoughts.

Cory is difficult. He hasn't hit any of the reliable tells I have for his mafia game, there are a few points of minor concern - his lack of read on Besie is one, the lack of follow through with a reread is another. In general I feel he's cruising in his 70% range which is both town and mafia for him, I agree with most of his posts and reads. Need him to ramp it up to 90+ to be more confident and not tinfoil.

Besie isn't pinging me this game like Diablo. She's acting differently, but I don't know that's her town game and there are very very minor things I disagree with /shrug

Nolder seems pretty relaxed so far, mostly waiting for more from him.

Dice I feel I should have a stronger opinion of him, I remember feeling better about him, but can't remember why and this is a pretty major concern.

Bottom 4 has a large element of POE about them, and less reason to feel 'good'

Nikon is almost completely null and here by POE. His 'catch up' seems focused on things that don't seem important to me, but I have knowledge of previous games he doesn't have. His catch-up didn't take him much past his first posts so I don't know why he couldn't have posted that much from the start. Desperately need him to start playing.

Shad I'm having a hard time remembering his stances, I get being busy in RL, but that doesn't stop him being mafia either. He's made a few observations I like, but there's something missing. His recent post about voting Pizza and if Pizza dies he'll kill Shad as well, while he's voting Nolder seems all sort of off. I like his position on Sooh

Tina is interesting, she's not addressing Cory, I remember in past games where Tina's been town and Cory mafia she's pretty much blackmailed him into reading her correctly and this game she seems more passive. Cory's unvote was 'odd'. Her initial posts were very focused, since then she's broadened a bit, but I'm left a bit /meh

Pizza is always going to be the same things; he seems more surface level this game, he hasn't handled multiple suspects, his reads aren't as well explained. BUT he's more aggressive than, say, Middle Earth, he's excusing differences in his mafia game, which is something he did that game and I don't remember from his town games. I will try to do a real meta search here, but that will come after ISO's from this game.

This doesn't feel right at this point, but I'm not sure why.

Odd things that probably aren't important

Pizza and Cory are both reading Besie conditionally on Zanders read of her.

Cory's unvote of Tina was really interesting timing, although I'm not sure what to make of that right now



I can´t get too focused on Cory and making him satisfied. I´ll play and I hope he will see me as town. Cory is going up and down between null and town. I don´t base that on what he believes about me. I haven´t found anything scummy with his play so far. He doesn´t seem to have an agenda. (But... I need to add a but... I´m not sure I would notice if he had one.) 


I don´t see how you (or anyone) can have Sooh that high on the list.


To answer Cory´s earlier question: Right now I´m most sure about Zander and Pizza. I wish I could be as sure about Dice as I was earlier but he hasn´t done much lately. 


From the posts I have read today not much have changed my mind. I think I just need a flip. If people would rather vote Sooh than Pizza then I´m okay with jumping on that train.



Teeleedeedeedee. There they are all standing in a row...

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The night lynch mechanic is an extremely powerful tool for the village that gets considerably stronger if villagers are being mislynched, so the wolves have to have something to balance that out. The fact that two role-less wolves has flipped bothers me in itself unless Shad is some super mega sleeping alphawolf.


It's a bit trickier in a game where wolves are getting wrecked, as they have more influence over the night lynch and can cause deadlocks like the situation we are in.


It could be that the wolf nightkill is dependent on whether or not the wolves hold night majority; giving the wolves two night-kills in response to the village lynching correctly early seems sort of jerk modding that I doubt is in Pral's wheelhouse.


Like, the wolves are only given an NK if the majority of "androids" are villagers.

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It's actually very possible we have four wolves.

I guess the outside the box theory is that we could also have a Serial Killer with no wolf kill and that's what did me in, but I think that's probably not right considering Besie sort of let me know they were killing me.


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This is really a fascinating set-up. Pral could have done a lot of things.


If we're dealing with four wolves, I'd put more weight behind the unlikelihood of Shad/Nikon being wolves together if Shad flips wolf (which seems a given as he's pretty much trolling at this point) and the game doesn't end and gun for Nolder first. I'd at least have some time to go through everything again before N3, because I am not going to let this game go past N3.

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I'm not going to tinfoil on Dice even in four wolf situation.


There is no world where Dice tries to talk me into following my heart on Tina when I was distracted by the Pizza lynch because A) he knows I am liable to just take over a game outright and get the lynches I want and B) there's just no equity in Dice bussing at that particular point in the game. Especially if there's four wolves, as mislynches are inherently of great value and Pizza is certainly a "value" lynch for the wolves. In a game where the wolves know they can never truly get rid of me, they aren't going to make the mistakes of putting the controls in my hand and give me a help in assessing a conflicted read I wanted to pursue. Especially Dice, because Wolf!Dice inherently fears my ability to read him - he's not going to damage his team's equity to try and earn my favor because he knows I'm pretty damn liable to figure him out anyway with enough time and ultimately I have all the time in the world this game.


Occam's Razor: He's a villager. I know that's a me-dependent read, but Dice just isn't going to take that angle with me. The rest of his play holds up to his general villager game besides some mild paranoia I had early that was quickly resolved.

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BFG I have a new mission for you to add onto your previous mission.


Do you think you can take on this task?

Hit me with it :)



We both know that Dice is prone to long absences at times, where he can pickup unjustified heat.


Should that happen and you are alive, I want you to protect him for me.

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And here's the last of it!


11. Pizza


I actually liked annoying you before your lynch :wub:


And well done on shooting me :laugh:


12. Shad







Nailed that one exactly on the 9001 post. Dat timing.






Cory is crying himself to sleep tonight.



Who's in the lead now between Cory and Zander?



I would shoot Pizza.  Backing off of Lenlo pretty well negated all the reasons I didn't think he would do what he was doing as scum.


But in the meantime, I'm itching to [v]Nolder[/v].

He was scrappy as hell throughout NBC, and if it left me with a scum lean on him for most of the game there was a thread of towniness to it that prevented him from ever getting mislynched.  I haven't felt any of that attitude here and it's starting to worry me.



v v v




Luv you Shad! Regardless of any of this stuff




Besie what are your thoughts on Shad?

Lol. Ahaha. Okay let me check out what I have and give you a proper answer.

Okay, so confession: I'm a bit biased. Okay, a lot biased. In both prev games I read/played he was town so I'm inclined to want to believe him. I've been trying to push that out of the way to see him properly. I've agreed with most of the things he's said, except once where I didn't like his thought process (on Nikon & Lenlo).

I feel like I really want to see what he says while he's here now, and see of anything changes. I did the same to Pizza, and he made doubt in my mind... so I'm not sure if it's such a great idea...

At the least, I put him as null. I don't see anything else. Need to iso.


Besie: http://skepdic.com/recencybias.html


Just something to keep in mind; it's cognitive. Try to think as objectively as possible using your experience as a set of previous examples as opposed to future indicators.


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To conclude with...


My updated iso list!





Proper Mafia:

Besie & Tina


Additional awesome people:

The rest


Towny townies:

Pizza & Cory







I may drive you guys crazy, but




I love you all :wub:













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