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9 - 5 Mafia - Day 3 - GAME OVER! MAFIA WINS!


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I find it a coinidence he came back when ithi was day killed. So just keeping a eye out

Do you think an Ithi day kill was more likely done by someone of a Town alignment or of an ANTI-Town alignment?
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Yates I have more experience with zander than anyone in the room, I was making reads off what I see on the forum's. I use what I have and that is all I have on anyone, besides previous games folks post.

So you know him from the forums but not from mafia games? I am really just wondering if maybe you two have a mafia history together from a different site or something.

We are similar thinkers and her reads make sense to me


I have never actually seen her Mafia game but I'd imagine she'd have trouble emulating her thought process


Worth noting I just shared a mentor QT with her and saw her thinking firsthand

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Yates I have more experience with zander than anyone in the room, I was making reads off what I see on the forum's. I use what I have and that is all I have on anyone, besides previous games folks post.

So you know him from the forums but not from mafia games? I am really just wondering if maybe you two have a mafia history together from a different site or something.


We are similar thinkers and her reads make sense to me


I have never actually seen her Mafia game but I'd imagine she'd have trouble emulating her thought process


Worth noting I just shared a mentor QT with her and saw her thinking firsthand


I asked before I got 23/24 or whenever she started making a real contribution. I was just surprised to see a Town read prior to that spurt that strengthened your read. I also forgot that you just mentored her in the game she was the N1 kill so that makes more sense to me.
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Oops that was supposed to say no more experience





I find it a coinidence he came back when ithi was day killed. So just keeping a eye out

Do you think an Ithi day kill was more likely done by someone of a Town alignment or of an ANTI-Town alignment?


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I can't recall her ever using Socratic reasoning. She usually doesn't stand out to me in early game and, albeit this could be bias, but the below really didn't sit well with me even compared to the other pushes on me (excepting Zanders who I mostly forgot about til rereading it just now).

I'll probably do some more research later to make a better comparison, but I was trying to find a recent game of her's besides Psycho and saw that she played in A Wind in the Door in the main forum. Compare these to what she's said so far. Bold is parts I really want you to focus on:






Copied from another thread: "I went to a Christmas smorgasbord today. It was amazing, I tried a lot of things that I have never tasted before. I ate several different pickled herring, different kind of salmons, rabbit, duck, goose, wild boar, fallow deer, red deer, moose and even bear. Afterwards there was cheese and a lot of Christmas candy. I´m so stuffed that I can hardly move. "




Hard claim Survivor


Sleeper Service is one of two wolves


You guys find the other one


It's probably not Sili since Hoya went after him early and nobody seems rustled with his wagon, including him

You are claiming third party?




[v] Tommy [/v]


I have played in too many games were town lost because of third party players or claimed third party players.

Just got to this Tina, sorry didn't see the first time:


Tell me about Manbat. (=Moster?)


Up to eight I have a bunch of pluses for monstr


while his WIMMY opening is something he CAN do as mafia he's more likely to do it as a villager. i think he accumulated a good deal of wolf fatigue in the Champs game and I know he really wanted to be a villager in this game and in all honesty a lot of DMers considering "the big villagery open" to actually be relatively conspicuous and one asset that's big in monstr's scum game is that he's inconspicuous if that makes sense. he knows what will or will not get him intro trouble.


he continues to go strong, has at least one read i think he's more likely to make as a villager (sili town, which i think could be incorrect but i think monstr interpreting sili's lack of an early filter as villagery is pretty monstrish of him) and i appreciate the way he talks to me and to tom. it would be hard for him to take the line he took with tom irt to me getting aggressive around page ~7 - “it may be tiresome to you tom” - as a wolf. tom points out correctly that monstr doesn't usually get involved in spats between people he likes as a wolf, he usually just reads them villager and giggles


there are some things he does early that i log in the back of my mind as mildly mafian and he hasn't touched any of them. his posting just seems pure, filterless and we think similarly. i usually say "i can read monstr perfect by day 2 EOD" but i'm actually pretty close to just bluereading him outright today. i'm extremely confident he's a villager.

Okay. Thanks. Good to know.



So far I feel that Mish/Cory, Dice/Csarmi and Err is town.

I´ve seen survivors in a lot of DM games but it´s often in larger games. This is my take:


1. If fake = mafia -> lynch


2. If right then there are no guarantees that he will side with town. He does what needs to be done to win. He is not town! -> lynch


3. A common fake claim for another 3rd party role (like sk) -> lynch



I don´t know how many games I´ve been in where everyone says that we can lynch the survivor later and then town has lost.










Greeting, everyone! Been out of mafia a while but here goes...


I have to admit this should be amusing to watch you try to read someone you've never seen before… commence!

yeahh.... it has started.... will take time getting used to tracking all new names for me.....

I am going to say this now so I don't make dumb mistakes later:


I think I have a bad tendency to box out players I don't know very well. I haven't played with either of you before, so here's my tl;dr - my name is Cory, I tend to post a lot and get really involved in games. I'm very competitive. So here's a little quick question/answer for both of you - if it seems not game-related or inane please answer it anyway to humor me:


1 - Do you prefer being town or Mafia? What aspect of the game do you enjoy?

2 - What do you think makes you valuable as a townie?

3 - What do you think makes you valuable as Mafia?


Err, off the top of your head do you have any links from DM you think would be good examples of how you play as a villager and as Mafia? I will probably browse old games when I get the chance for myself but want to give you the opportunity to see what games you are proudest of.

:) i feel like being interviewed again before a new job :P


well i have played 3 games online so far.... however i have played a lot of mafia games with large group of people in the university.


here are the games in the order i have played them[redacted]



1. i have enjoyed playing as both townie and mafia. but i think it was more fun when playing mafia.

2. & 3. dont know about valuable but if i remember correctly (since the last game i played was in more then half a year ago), in the first few days i got suspected/lynched/killed because in the beginning of the game i tried to guess the dynamics of the game (may be over thinking them) e.g. guessing the number and role of mafias/godfather and special role players in the game. people who have played with me might be able to tell better.

It sounds conversational and I like his avatar, thought it goes without saying it's a tone read premised on one post. The blue parts resonated with me. Nothing struck me as dishonest.


I get the feeling I'll confuse their gender at some point. Her/him. Talks like a she. Male avatar. Weird.

How could Err ever have posted answers to these that would sound dishonest? Why would anyone lie in an answer like this? Why does Sili take this as a town tell? As he says, from just one post. I´m not sure if it´s a fluff post (trying to look active) or pre defending Err or whatever.



Can you tell me what all of your names are on other sites - I get a bit confused.



I don´t the emo posts. I don´t know what to do with them. Is it:


1. Genuine feelings? If so, I don´t get what started it.

2. Some kind of game play/checking people´s reactions/setting traps etc? If so, I don´t find it to be an enjoyable gamestyle.

3. Trolling? If so, just stop.


I could absolutely follow Dice and Csarmi on Tommy. I´m still on Sili because he seams to play a bit cautious. I think that a Tommy lynch would give me some info about other players.


I´m not sure about Manbat. Some of his posts look townie but I didn´t like that he stopped talking to me but turned to Cory to ask about me instead and then just agreed with him. I´m not sure about his oppinions about Tommy either. He seems to be on the fence about him. But as you can see, I´m on the fence about Manbat.

You have a nice level of paranoia. I can understand it but you have some wacky reads.


fwiw we don't lynch for information. that is never happening here.

He has still not starting to suspect me here. I´m having a "nice level of paranoia" that he "can understand". = It looks like he knows I´m town and trying to win me over by being nice.



Final one is chopped so that it fits, but you can see the full post here if you need it. Shouldn't really matter though. LMK what you think.

I'll be damned if that isn't almost copied.
And what does that mean for her alignment to you?

I don't know yet. I'd say it's slightly more villa than otherwise but really am not sure

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Alright. Finally caught up. My wtl pile still looks like this:


Darthe, Ley, Zander, Turin, Seph


I might be willing to take Seph out [because <3 Tress] pending a satisfactory answer to 526.

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I find it a coinidence he came back when ithi was day killed. So just keeping a eye out

Do you think an Ithi day kill was more likely done by someone of a Town alignment or of an ANTI-Town alignment?

Town alignment imo, even discounting how much more likely it is for town to have a daykill

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I missed that. This is why I need to do a re read lol. 


Yates I think if it was town, I won't necessarily call it wrong


Soon think ithi isnt mafia, she has been the main one prodding. I will work on that to be of some help here.
Sorry for my lack of posting, had a little bit.of catching up to. I am curious about Darthe and turin.

Turin I was wondering why you are switching tour vote so much. It seems as if your trying to get others to split up their vote. I understand why you jumped to ley. It seems you defend ithi in most games. But why jump back to Darth. It seems from your suspicion darth was you and ithi #1 target because of his responses. Why not vote darth in the first place.
this just a suspicion.
Ithi does he normally change his votes this often?


Most people seemed to believe her, so yes it seems very unlikely. It is not like Ithi was targeting a few people, she narrowed it down to 1 who she 100% believed to be mafia. I believe that it was the mafia. Would be curious to hear other's thoughts.

yates from almost all of your posts I believe you to be town. that was the only thing, and I wanted to hear what people had to say. I believe it was a coincident for now :)

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seph, on 18 Apr 2015 - 9:37 PM, said:snapback.png

I don't know if Darth is mafia. If he was I feel like he would, or should be more inclined to defend himself. He obviously is not just taking it. Just he was already irritated by the 5th page. Ithi is really trying to push everyone for darth

You can almost always find a flaw in anyone's post and make a argument. But I feel like while I want to trust dice,and his vote of confidence with ithi as everyone else. We know regardless that she can help or hurt the town..... that is pretty dangerous, because the point of the game is to win. So how long before she turns on the town.
With no solid evidence on anyone it seems like the logical choice, as it could always be a cover as well.

I feel as if Cory, clov, and turin, and zander are in the town. I would say dice as well but if it turns ithi was mafia after all, he did give his word. His word is why I want to give her the benefit, and the fact she has tried to prod alot of people into giving her responses.

Im so lost on what to do lol. But that is kind of where I am now. Sorry ithi <3

This is the right quote yates

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This is the right quote yates

I think maybe you are answering a different question? My question is this; do you think the person that shot Ithi is more likely Town or Scum? I ask because eventually someone is going to claim the shot and I want you on record - based on what you know RIGHT NOW - sharing your thoughts given the current game state. I'm not going to tie you to anything but I think it will help to have a sense of what your current thoughts are without the noise of other people weighing in on that because a lot of times meta gets involved and I think that might cloud the issue for you.
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Yes i believe it was Mafia, It isn't like ithi was pointing in a variety of directions, just at Darthe. Do I feel like it could of been town maybe im on a 90- 10% split there. everyone pretty much believed Ithi. unless someone can explain how that would benefit the town to me?

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Yes i believe it was Mafia, It isn't like ithi was pointing in a variety of directions, just at Darthe. Do I feel like it could of been town maybe im on a 90- 10% split there. everyone pretty much believed Ithi. unless someone can explain how that would benefit the town to me?

Thanks. There are plenty of Town reasons for it but that's a discussion that is sure to happen later. I just wanted to see what your gut was telling you. Also, I'm assuming that's YOUR gut and not coming from Tress, yes?
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Okay, I'm done with it right now. Haven't caught up yet, but Darthe's being so much of an asshole this game that I want him gone, regardless of alignment.


[v] Darthe [/v]

Not cool, Ley. Not cool.
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Probably the only thing worth wondering about unless RTE would like to explain what Phase Changer means

Really? I have to be the one to ask? Fine.


@RTE - What does a "phase-changer" do? Thanks!



Immediately advances the game to the next phase.

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@Yates. Last one I can recall off the top of my head was Cory in the previously mentioned Thrawn game. He was pivotal to catching Tommy after I got vigged. FTR: at that point I wanted him lynched for the same reasons you gave. What I learned then was that some players are valuable enough to the game solve that the risk is worth it. No offense to dice but he isn't Ithi. There is a reason she is usually the N1 mafia kill.


My take is that it was more sensible as a mafia kill. If it was a townie pulling the trigger there I see it as a bad play.


Also the ability to end phases (which is what this sounds like has been both alignments here in Ithi's revenge of the Sith game.

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