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*spazzes out and dies*


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Me, too! Me, too! Pretty please, BenT?


And can we expect another BenT Potter story any time soon?


LOL god, I really gotta' get me those books.... :look


But I don't wànt them in Dutch! *stamps foot*

and I already got my yearly supply from the states :(


Oh well, I'll have to do with the movie till then.




Mysti, I'd assume they sold the books in English in HOlland, as well. At least they do here in Norway. And you don't have to buy it from the US if you buy online. There is a perfectly good British Amazon, also =) (amazon.co.uk)


I know but I like to keep my online money transactions to a minimum. Plus the cost is much higher than when I do it through my book/chocolate trade I have going with a friend in the states.


I came across a package of 3 English Harry Potter books here (hardcover) and they cost in total almost 100 dollars. Now, im sorry but that's a tad too much for me. I rather spend that money sending belgian chocolate to my friend and getting my books from him. this way I'm not only getting my books but he too gets something that costs a lot in the States.


Tried to find them in soft cover, but they don't seem to import them in soft cover in english. *shrugs*


really, i wouldn't mind if Harry dies. though i do want to see something bad happen to the malfoy's



and you should read the books, much better than the movies



ps the first Dumbledore was so much better than the second one.


I agree with Silver. The movies have nothing on the books! But if you can't have both then I guess the movies are ok for now :P


And I have a feeling it's not going to be very easy on Narcissa and Lucius, though I hope it all works out for Draco. For some reason I have a soft spot for Draco.

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I personally think it would be hilarious if the book was called "Harry Potter Dies at the End". I think I'll call it that regardless of what actually happens in it.


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