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Gray Ajah Midsummer Festival: Picnic Discussion!


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Ahhhh, it's that time of year again. Where the days are long and totally disrupt your sense of time (Really? Is it after 7:30 at "night" already? It's still bright and sunshiny out!). And where the Gray Ajah brings us the Midsummer Festival!


Summer's full of lots of nice fun things, and one of the lovely things to do when it's nice and warm and sunny out is to have a nice picnic!


So, what does picnic mean for you guys? Do you prefer the back yard or to head out to the park or the woods somewhere? Do you bring everything all ready or do you pack the BBQ and charcoal? Do you remember any particularly fun picnics that you'd like to share? This thread is for you to discuss all things picnic! :)


We have done various things. Bringing marinated meet and typical picnic stuff to the park, sandwiches, chips and cookies on a hike, to baguette, Brie and sparkling waters when we watch theater in the park or concerts in the park.


I think it depends on the mood/location/company.


Wanna divide it up into sections? Family stuff or romance?


They are definately something that we do out of the house - its just not the same in the garden, lol!


We go to one of the parks nearby: and around this time of year is so great because we can go and have one after I finish work. There is a really nice park between my work and home so my bf and I sometimes meet there. He will pack most things and I might pick up something from the shop on the way (cold drink for example) and we sit outside for a couple of hours and catch up


We can have a picnic anywhere!


I like to go for picnics by the river, bring a basket with fruit, cheese, maybe some meats. A bottle of wine is always nice. :)


Otherwise we can just go to the park and have a picnic with the kids. 


One of the best picnics I went on was before a performance of Twelfth Night. It was performed outside in the ruins of an abbey after everyone had sat around and eaten their picnics, there was staging for seating, but the stage was sorta incorporated into the surroundings. I went with friends and it was a great picnic and a great play!


That sounds lovely, Via!! We used to have Shakespeare in the Park (several times a year) and Christmas by Candlelight (Christmas is in summer here, remember) at a lovely park in the middle of the Cape Peninsula. Everyone would bring their picnic baskets and we'd picnic while watching various Shakespeare plays, or listening to Christmas Carrols. This would usually start late afternoon into the evening.


but is that not why the are called sandwiches????? :smile:


I agree though - eating on the beach seems such a great idea in theory, not always in practice though!


I think for me it definitely means out of the house, although I don't know that I've ever been on a proper picnic with a blanket and basket and everything. We usually just called it a picnic when we were going to the park and brought lunch along in a cooler.



For the beach, I think sandwiches are a good idea. You can put them in tupperware or ziploc bags and then you have a container to eat them out of as well :). Maybe bring a cooler to keep things cold? Maybe some fruit that's easily washed if it gets sand on it? Like grapes?


I reeeeeally wanna go see Shakespeare and have a picnic. Those are two incredibly awesome things combined into one event. I didn't even know that happened. XD


Picnics for my family are really BBQs and they always happen at the same place, this big national park where we almost always have a whole area to ourselves, with a massive open space and lots of trees and a creek which I always used to go exploring in. It used to just be me and my brothers and parents, and we'd play cricket or french cricket and eat and we'd bring the dog and eat some delicious food, but now the family's bigger and everyone's busier, so we don't go as often. But last time we went, it was the same crowd, but this time everyone brought their partners, and their dogs and my very pregnant sister-in-law got to sit in the shade and watch, and one of my nearly sisters (long time gf of my youngest brother) spent the entire time swapping between the three dogs, though she spent most of her time with the tiny puppy. The only people who were missing were my gf, because she was at rehearsal, and my niece, who was at her dad's that weekend. And the boys all threw the baseball around and the girls played boules, and everything was generally very lovely.    :)


BB, that sounds lovely! It always surprises me how similar South Africans and Australians are :)


I must just say though, that to us you either have a picnic (taking along all prepared food) or a braai (baaaarbie / BBQ) where you still cook stuff. You don't do those twice together *grins*


we always take grapes to picnics, so we can throw them for the squirrels that life in the parks.


This one time their was a squirrel squirreling about, and we threw a grape for it, and it went and found it and was sitting their eating it. So another grape was thrown for it, but this time it hit the squirrel on the head!!!!!! :ohmy:


The squirrel was fine, and found that grape too, but it was the funniest thing - I insert a 'bonk' noise whenever I remember it :biggrin:


Thank you all for your happy picnic discussion :)


I invite you to continue to discuss all things picnicky if you like, but officially, the Gray Ajah Summer Festival has concluded, so as far as such matters as Aspirant credit are concerned, only posts made prior to this one may be counted.


I hope you have all enjoyed the Festival! :)

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