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You should be banned from SG because....


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Tis very simple. This is a hardy group. Well, it should be, ideally. >.>


There are many things we don't tolerate *glances at Jelly*


So, this is where we point out why we think people should be kicked out from the group! Or why they shouldn't join in the first place. Personal jokes are welcome. You prolly don't wanna mention people that are whiny and prolly shouldn't be in this group (for real) in the first place. Cause they're gonna get butthurt and weepy and Lily will have to hear all about it. Ugh.







p.s: I'll add the (actually) funny reasons you guys provide to this original post so we'll have a running count. And obviously it's fine to repeat the same person if you have more/newer reasons.






1. Des should be banned from SG because he doesn't like red heads.

2. Verbal should be banned from SG for liking the Twilight Movies

3. Lenlo should never be allowed in SG because he can't tell Leelou and me apart

4. Verbal should be banned from SG for bringing back the BT SG board, after accidentally deleting it.

5. Dav should be banned from SG because he gave Nyn mono and that's not cool, man. NOT cool.

6. Dav should be banned from SG because Dr. Manhattan is not the best pic.

7. Ed should be banned from SG because monkeys belong in the zoo.

8. Barm should be banned from SG because he is a LARPer.

9. Elli should be banned from SG because she breaks her own fingers, instead of everyone else's.

10. Leelou should be banned from SG because she's a short daywalker.

11. Wombat should be banned from SG because you need to have a seizure to spell his handle right.

12. Darthe should be banned from SG because you don't actually need a reason to do that.

13. Darthe should be banned from SG since he majorly lacks the mafia skillz

14  Hallia should be banned from SG because she makes mother Theresa look like a selfish little #%$#5.

15. Nyn should be banned from SG for pointing out Eli's failings ;)

16. Everybody should be banned from SG because Verbal can do that and would find it hysterical.

17. Someone should be banned from SG because boobs.




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