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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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Tess says that AJ and Rag are town. I say Des and Wombat could be town. RTE believes AJ to be town after talking to him. Des and Tom say that they know the other one is town. Cloud and Mish say that they share a PM that says that they are both town. 


If we pretend that this is all true then we have Turin, Lenlo, Dap and Csarmi left. I actually doubt that we have so many town investigative roles but who knows what powers that the non town have. If there is recruiting going on then the only thing we can trust is the coroner´s report. 


I asked Cloud a question that I don´t think he answered. (Or I missed it.) It sounded like he knows that third party can recruit as well. Is that true, Cloud? It´s quite possible that Mish or Cloud have recruited the other. I had a town read on Mish before but she has been very quiet lately. She has mostly stuck up for Cloud. 


I believe Csarmi to be town. His claims has sound convincing. 


Then we have Turin, Lenlo and Dap. Dap admitted to kill Ithi without having to. If we only have third party people then that means nothing. I could lynch Turin or Lenlo. 

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Tina, who did you view Night 2?


Also Lenlo was the one who talked with AJ and not RTE so if you believe that AJ is town the you should also believe Lenlo. I find this the most difficult claim to believe because Lenlo supposedly cleared AJ after only talking to him.


TG: What is your exact role and who did you investigate each Night?


And to answer your question when I told Lenlo that third party could also recruit I wasn't specifically talking about this game. Mish and I started the game with the same role PM which said that we were Masons.


Yeh, sorry. It was Lenlo, not RTE.


I found out RTEs alignment N2. 


I agree about Lenlo. Clearing someone after just talking during the night is not very reliable.


Yeh, sorry. It was Lenlo, not RTE.


I found out RTEs alignment N2. 


I agree about Lenlo. Clearing someone after just talking during the night is not very reliable.


Okay, a lot to process. I'm bout to go over the claims real quick but real quick I'll say that altho talking to someone isn't a reliable way of "clearing" them, I could still see Lenlo doing just that. Tbh I believe his claim more than others.


Just gonna use Tina's list.
I wanna delve further into all the claims and go over which seem more believable to me.
2. Des - hydra, investigative role - Obviously I know our role, and if need be it could be vetted
2.5. Tom - hydra, investigative role - Obviously I know our role, and if need be it could be vetted
3. TG - gets alignments, dreamer? - TG was ambiguous about the type of role he has, didn't divulge any results, made it seem like he knew RTE was scum even tho I showed earlier it would be impossible with a normal Dreamer role to have known that, and Dreamer is an easy role to fake as scum.
6. Cloud -twin/mason - Meh. I've seen him act crazy scummy before as town, and I could see Mish and Cloud asking for mason roles... so I'll accept it for now. Could easily see him having been converted to scum after the game started somehow tho.
7. Turin - bodyguard - Don't buy it for one second.
8. Mish - twin/mason - I kinda agree with Tina. I had a town read on her before, but she's still been awfully quiet and kinda looked opportunistic with her push on me yesterday. She also seems to not consider for a second that Cloud could have been recruited or something, and considering how antitown Cloud has looked this game... that's a bit hard to swallow.
10. Lenlo - talking jailkeeper - I buy his claim because talking Jailkeeper is unique but not overpowered as it can have negative utility as well as positive utility. I don't really consider it an investigative role either tbh even with the talking thing. He started towntelling a bit as well, and his claim didn't seem like a panic button thing and was corroborated by AJ.
11. TinaHel - cop/coroner - I buy it wholeheartedly. Tina looks town, and she claims credit for the coroner flip we got. Someone could CC that if she was scum, and I see no way scum could benefit from town getting a coroner on someone, so she's pretty much confirmed imo.
12. Ley Dap - compulsive vig - His role was sort of confirmedish before, so there's that. I also had a town read on Dap before he died, so again, there's that. Unfortunately I have also been wary of him possibly switching alignments on resurrection. He hasn't really spoken up since he got resurrected either, not a good sign. Either way with a bunch of OP town roles I could see some kind of Necro/CL type role that resurrected people but switched them to their side.
13. AJ - no role yet but he's vetted by two different people. Def feel he is town.
15. Salami- phoenix - useless, but also prob telling the truth about his role since he started hinting at it early and seemed to want to draw a NK or lynch at various times.
16. Rag - no role claim, but vetted by me and Tom
19. Wombat - no role claim, could possibly have a PR, vetted town by Tina


Blue = I buy the claim or they have been vetted by someone

Purple = On the fence or possible tinfoil candidate

Red = Don't buy the claim
So personally I would say that the best lynch order for town would be Turin>TG>Dap. We could also possibly tinfoil about Cloud and Mish actually being scum together instead of masons, or that one of them recruited the other or some shibazz. But they could also likely be cleared by other roles if they are town.

  On 3/17/2014 at 9:45 AM, _CLOUD said:

Lol do you seriously think anyone would recruit me in their team? :laugh:


Oh god you are so funny...



I         O

:unsure:  F

O       I



Your believe that TG is a Dreamer seems to come from him saying that he is the Cop of my dreams, but it could have also only been in reply to Wombat including that in his poem. Hmmmm.

  On 3/17/2014 at 5:59 AM, Turin Turambar said:



:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: @ how all the roles you mentioned are often aligned with scum


Freudian much, Turin?




  On 3/17/2014 at 6:18 AM, csarmi said:

I have zero sympathy for people missing deadline with night actions. There's no excuse for that. If you can't do your basic job (some activity, doing your actions, voting), either don't sign up or replace out.


With that said, I would say Dom just don't wanna have to lie about more actions as needed.


Eh it was more of an oversight than negligence on our part. Forgot to keep track of the night deadline, we were too ensconced in a deeply moving discussion about existentialism at the time.




But yeah, we both def felt bad. Darthe whipped us with a wet noodle.


  On 3/17/2014 at 6:36 AM, Turin Turambar said:



Inb4 Mish rails about meme misuse :tongue:


And I gotta say Turin, no one lolcats quite like you and Tommy. To be frank, I think you're just as enamored with him as I am! Too bad I got him to myself this game, your jealousy about this has been noted







  On 3/17/2014 at 9:57 AM, _CLOUD said:

Your believe that TG is a Dreamer seems to come from him saying that he is the Cop of my dreams, but it could have also only been in reply to Wombat including that in his poem. Hmmmm.


  On 3/16/2014 at 6:56 PM, TGlems said:

##unvote Lenlo


It seems I have been claimed.  But I'm not a cop.  I am too terribly inventive to bring a "I wanna be cop" to a BYOR game.


Here's where TG first states that he is not a cop


  On 3/16/2014 at 7:04 PM, TGlems said:


  On 3/16/2014 at 6:47 PM, WWWwombat said:

Scramble On, And now's the time, the time is now, to sing Cloud's song.

He's goin' 'round the drain, He got to stop his train, on his way.

He been this way ten years to the day, Scramble On,

Gotta find the cop of all his dreams.


I am the cop of Cloud's dreams.



  On 3/16/2014 at 6:59 PM, Ithillian said:



I can't actively investigate people.



And yes, here is where he says he is the cop of your dreams, and also says he can't actively investigate people. This goes in line with a Dreamer claim.


Tbh I thought there was one more dream reference, mayhap it came from Wombat?


Are you thinking Wombat corroborated his claim?

  On 3/17/2014 at 10:12 AM, _CLOUD said:

I think Wombat is town. I'm still not sure about the whole Dreamer thing though. It doesn't really sound that inventive to me.


Well we haven't gotten the particulars of the role yet... there could be some inventive elements if he's telling the truth.


Dreamer is a pretty cool, and not often used investigative role tho. That and Sensor are my favorite investigative roles in fact, as they require more cunning to use but also have the potential to be far more effective than normal cop views.


Tbh I hate to say this but I'm starting to think he might not be lying after all while looking back over stuff...


Only one I'm sure on is Turin atm. Other stuff will get sorted as we get all our investigation results out and stuff.

  On 3/17/2014 at 11:34 AM, Tommyrod said:



Des you can hammer Turin since everyone is fussing about how I don't let you wear pants

Oh I meant to respond to that- I don't personally care that much hehe. Youre doing just as good of a job applying pressure with the vote as I would.


I just said that to silence the naysayers.


Funny that peeps think we don't trust each other tho :tongue:


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