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The Ultimate Showdown: PART DEUX - GAME OVER, Town Wins


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  On 3/21/2014 at 7:45 PM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/21/2014 at 7:39 PM, Andrej said:

I'm not denying that's a valid point. It also sort of muddies the rest of the completed wagons because I think the others who turned up 3rd party were voting their compadres when they were lynched.


All I can say is that I am Town and a Vig. I knew Dap was lying when he claimed because the evidence doesn't add up. I didn't voice this right away because I am aware of the stigma that comes with Vig claims. Dap was on my list for sacrifices and since then we haven't had any other kills. Him claiming to be a 'compulsive Vig' with the death scene given to us on at the start of D1 should be all the proof you need that he was lying.






Didn't Wombat claim to have blocked all the actions last night? There's only been one night since Dap went.


I KNOW that the Kill which was submitted on me was done at the very very very end of the night because I asked Darthe and he told me. That matched up with what Dap said about forgetting and it being a random.


I don't think a Serial Killer would forget to kill.


Okay, that's great. Do you think Darthe will confirm that for us? What does it matter anyway? Dap claiming his kill against you doesn't necessarily clear him by any means. You don't find it odd that his kill just so happened to 'randomly' fall on one of the most out-spoken consensus town players?


Also, how would you explain the death on N0? Compulsive should say enough. His slot HAD to make a kill and the death scene says it all. Does it sound like a Townie killed Pralaya? You should also remember that Dap replaced into the slot for Ley.


I remember you agreeing that Pral sounded like a Mafia and that it was likely he was vigged.


You do remember saying that, right?


I don't care if someone kills someone I thought was bad.


Now you think Pral was a good guy and so must have been killed by a bad guy? You need to get your story straight - but I understand that's difficult when you making stuff up.

  On 3/21/2014 at 7:52 PM, Ithillian said:

Yes. They were 3rd party. They didn't know each other if they were 3rd party.


What was the point of that.


There was no point.


You just trying to look useful.


I don't think you're looking deeply enough. Notice how on the first wagon Turin and RTE both were voting Dice after he claimed he would be resurrected as Town. End game strategy??


Turin was voting me when RTE was lynched and RTE was voting Lenlo.


Dice votes Turin after he comes back and Turin is voting Pral in the last one.


I guess typically 3rd party are solo only, unless they are Cult, but seeing as how we have ONLY had 3rd party flips it could be that they function like a mafia team (with a QT) but instead have 3rd party roles for more versatility.


  On 3/21/2014 at 7:56 PM, Ithillian said:

I remember you agreeing that Pral sounded like a Mafia and that it was likely he was vigged.


You do remember saying that, right?


I don't care if someone kills someone I thought was bad.


Now you think Pral was a good guy and so must have been killed by a bad guy? You need to get your story straight - but I understand that's difficult when you making stuff up.


I think you should actually check your facts. Yes I remember saying that Pral's death scene made it sound like he was mafia. This was also before we had 3rd party only flips. I also remember saying SPECIFICALLY that the scene gives me the vibe of a SK.


Check my ISO :wink:


AJ says the 3rd parties are working together on a QT.


Turin was a Jester. He wanted to die so he could win.


Don't you think they would have managed to get him lynched a bit quicker if they were all working together?


You shouldn't be trying to convince me - it's not going to work.


You're dead anyways. I want you dead.

  On 3/12/2014 at 6:07 AM, Ithillian said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 6:01 AM, Andrej said:


  On 3/11/2014 at 7:57 PM, Despothera said:

Too many wolves, not enough villa. Had a ton of peeps that weren't active the second half of D1. I really hope those of you who this applies to are able to participate soon, even tho we had a productive D1 interaction wise, the POE is tremendously weak right now. If you're town, start broadcasting it.

This type of post feels pretty townie.


Then again Turin has his try-hard pants on which IMO indicates a town alignment.


This no coroners biz is seriously throwing off my game.


I saw we lynch Womby. His lurkfest needs to end.




Why does it feel Towny? Because it says 'come on Town - let's get our act together'? Well no-one (apart from maybe Len) is going to say 'Come On You Mafias!'


Where did the Turin mention come from? Despo never mentioned him. This seems like a nudge I think.


Then a little bit of Street Talk just to lighten the mood and so we knowz you iz Town, Yo.


And hmmmmmmm Wombat. I do need to think about him.


  On 3/12/2014 at 6:41 AM, Andrej said:

I think the SK performed the two kills actually. The knife wounds matches the death scene for Pralaya.

Here is where AJ says he thinks the Serial Killer did the double Kill on the night I died. Thus he thinks the SK did NOT kill me. DAP claimed the single kill on me and no-one else said OI! I did that.


Plus I know it was a lastminute.com kill


AJ now says he thinks that Dap is the serial killer, you know, the one that AJ previously said did the double kill on the night I died. So AJ now thinks that DAP did a double kill on Hally and X? and a single kill on me? you do all see his story not matching up, right?


AJ has changed his story to try and pass himself off as the Vig. AJ has admitted to being a Killer. He's the SK.


He probably did the double kill and killed Pral and was giggling to himself that he managed to actually say that in the Thread and no-one even batten an eyelid.


I bat now.



  On 3/12/2014 at 7:02 AM, Andrej said:


  On 3/12/2014 at 12:29 AM, Darthe said:

The night was a massacre. When the lights went down the terrors that had been hinted at in the day were realized. They stayed together as a group, mostly, but the hunt had to continue for them to gain information on their opponents and so eventually it became inevitable that they would have to split up. That had been three hours ago. Since then you had heard four screams, four shrill breaks in the ever looming silence of this foreign world.


When the dawn began to give the clouds and orange cast two bodies were found with knife wounds in them.


Xthrax has been killed.

Hally has been killed.


On the other side of the region Ithillian had been searching alone through a decrepit building. She was found with a wound in her side, clearly not the blade that had taken the other two. WIthin moments of being found she too expired.


Ithillian has been killed.


It is now Day. You have 72 hours.

I bolded and colored the part I'm talking about. Pralaya's scene clearly indicated a SK IMO. This scene talking about the two turning up dead with knife wounds matches the scene with Pral where he was stabbed to death. It's a typical mechanic that Vigs/scum use guns and SKs use knives for their killings. It's a way to balance against Gunsmiths.

Here AJ again carefully explains that the SK killed Hally and X. Not me. Dap confirmed he Killed me - therefore AJ must not believe that Dap was an SK.


AJ knows an awful lot about SKs doesn't he? I wonder why.


But now he thinks that Dap killed Pral ...




Always remember what you have already said. You can't say that you think Pral and Hally/X were killed by the SK because they had matching wounds, and then spin around and say Dap did it to cover your won behind.








You were quite silly in telling us you were a Killer btw.

  On 3/21/2014 at 8:00 PM, Andrej said:


  On 3/21/2014 at 7:52 PM, Ithillian said:


Yes. They were 3rd party. They didn't know each other if they were 3rd party.


What was the point of that.


There was no point.


You just trying to look useful.

I don't think you're looking deeply enough. Notice how on the first wagon Turin and RTE both were voting Dice after he claimed he would be resurrected as Town. End game strategy??


Turin was voting me when RTE was lynched and RTE was voting Lenlo.


Dice votes Turin after he comes back and Turin is voting Pral in the last one.


I guess typically 3rd party are solo only, unless they are Cult, but seeing as how we have ONLY had 3rd party flips it could be that they function like a mafia team (with a QT) but instead have 3rd party roles for more versatility.

  On 3/21/2014 at 7:56 PM, Ithillian said:

I remember you agreeing that Pral sounded like a Mafia and that it was likely he was vigged.


You do remember saying that, right?


I don't care if someone kills someone I thought was bad.


Now you think Pral was a good guy and so must have been killed by a bad guy? You need to get your story straight - but I understand that's difficult when you making stuff up.

I think you should actually check your facts. Yes I remember saying that Pral's death scene made it sound like he was mafia. This was also before we had 3rd party only flips. I also remember saying SPECIFICALLY that the scene gives me the vibe of a SK.


Check my ISO :wink:

I did.


I saw that you thought Dap didn't kill Pral - because an SK killed Pral.



  On 3/15/2014 at 6:27 PM, Darthe said:

They were chasing something. A breeze in the air, a shadow in the light, a whisper on the winds of time. Neither of them knew what it was but they were drawn and so they ran forth. It slithered, slid and slipped down narrow pathways. They each saw it disappear around a corner. When they arrived there it was standing still. They saw it at the opposite end of the lane. Each pulled out a small blade. They ran forward and struck out. Their opponent crumpled, dead. They fell.


Dap and Amega have been killed.


The moon waned. It was almost out of sight. The sun had not yet risen.


It is twilight.

On Night 2 ... AJ was jailed. he's confirmed this.


And it looks like Dap killed Ameg and Ameg killed Dap.


With no evil SK vibes for either of the Kills.


Because the SK couldn't Kill. Because he was in Jail.


Dap was claiming Vig. Maybe Ameg was a Bomb.

  On 3/21/2014 at 8:00 PM, Andrej said:


I think you should actually check your facts. Yes I remember saying that Pral's death scene made it sound like he was mafia. This was also before we had 3rd party only flips. I also remember saying SPECIFICALLY that the scene gives me the vibe of a SK.


Check my ISO :wink:

@ AJ ... do you still think that Pral is Mafia? Is he a returnee? These new alive people coming in half way through are not good for my Game Hold.

  On 3/12/2014 at 10:08 PM, amegakure said:

im not being dodgy... irritated possibly but not dodgy.. Case me dont case me lynch me dont lynch me. It matters not im here to help town win. and when im dead ill still help town win :) its the cirlce of mafia.


Now im going back to getting this siggy to work.

Ameg was a Bomb. Ameg killed Dap


Dap killed Ameg ... but it wasn't a creepy SK death scene


AJ is the SK.


There were no other deaths on the Night that he was Jailed.


I rest my case.


AJ seems to have legged it anyways lol.


The wish might not work btw.


You should all run up a Lynch on him just in case.


I´m very, very tired and need to go to bed. I have tried to read the last posts but I´m too tired to get it. Ithi - could you please explain everything in one post. Pretend that you are talking to a little kid that needs a lot of explanations. Take one thing at a time. I´ll read it tomorrow morning.



Speaking of kids. My daughter´s birthday is on Sunday. Tomorrow we are going to have a birthday party for her friends. I´m used to baby trollocs but this is 13 rl kids. Quite scary. On Sunday we have the whole family coming over. If I disappear then you can assume that I got a heart attack. *not really joking*


Of course.


AJ states he kills but is the Vig


AJ then stated that he thought Dap was the SK and that he killed Pral on Night 1.


Prior to making the Killer Claim ... AJ linked the Pral and X/Hally deaths together and said the SK did them because they were similar Creepy.


Dap claimed my death on the same night as Pral and Hally died horribly... and at this point AJ was happy with this and pointed out I had been killed by someone different to Pral. He now says Dap killed me and Pral although our death scenes do not match. This is because he now wants us to think he is the vig and forgot he previously took great pains to explain that they were different.


AJ was jailed on the night that no spooky SK kills happened. Dap vigged Ameg and Ameg Bombed Dap.


He also pointed out that no-one else has been spooky killed since Dap died, but Wombat says everyone's actions were blocked.


He seems to think that the 3rd parties know who each other are, have a QT and thus can be worked out in Lynch patterns - and backtracked away from that idea rather quickly.



so in Summary


AJ is the Serial Killer


I appreciate the summary. It's a good case and him bring the serial killer also explains my town read on him. I still want to Lynch dice though. Cult > serial killer and if we are lucky he will shoot one of them tonight. I'm almost tempted to double his shot tonight and unleash hell upon the cult Hahaha.

  On 3/21/2014 at 10:04 PM, _CLOUD said:

I appreciate the summary. It's a good case and him bring the serial killer also explains my town read on him. I still want to Lynch dice though. Cult > serial killer and if we are lucky he will shoot one of them tonight. I'm almost tempted to double his shot tonight and unleash hell upon the cult Hahaha.

What if the Cult have recruited him? I don't think you should leave a killer alive.




How can you double his kill?


Hmm yeah he could have gotten recruited I guess. I need to go through his posts tomorrow. I can't really double his shot but if we plan who to kill then it achieves the same effect.


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