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Eb's Return (ATTN ALL)


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Well I can imagine Arinth and Arkin will want to get away from horses as fast as possible? I wanna see them try get off Chief! XD

Well ...I assume medics would of been alerted as soon as they ride into camp with the wounded, so I guess they'd be on their way. Miri could go meet them with Jeral, or remain with the others and help get Eb off the horse, or take away the horses whatever. I'm fine with anything really :p

Guess I'll should put up a reply soon but way too focused on my rl homeworky stuff right now sowwy, maybe tonight. I'll wait to see what you guys decide XD

Edited by Nyanna al'Meara
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*Has a sudden flash of Arinth and Arkin trying to de-Eb a horse by themselves, cannot control her giggles* Hilarity all round!



Nya, did you want to get Miri taking Jeral to the medics?


Jeral, did you want to do another semi-conscious post? (I should hopefully have the medic char CC'd any day now, we could do a side of healing thread if you're keen?)


Arinth and Arkin, do you want to de-Eb the horse and then take her to... who?? How does this work these days? Can we get Sherp to temporarily take over an NPC or something in order to get her locked up? You know, if he wants to do more in this thread then lie around sleeping all the bad stuff off?  :tongue:  Sherp?




I guess the plan from there could be:


Eb languishes in a cell for ?about a week (or more?) IC? 

Arinth, Arkin and Miri take turns/collaborate in guard duty/torturing/ignoring the prisoner

Pahl Ebersol may or may not make an appearance

Jeral recovers enough to walk past/react to her incarceration (depending on the time frame Sherps wants for recovery, whether he still wants to be with the medics when she's released, and how long we wanna keep poor ol' Eb locked up away from all the fun)


Calder returns

Eb is unleashed released




Thoughts and better suggestions??


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Ok, our plans fit neatly Eb! As for who to take Eb to...I'm not sure. I tend to hand characters off to Arinth, but we need someone of a higher rank here and I don't know what NSW's we have.






The rest of the plan sounds great!

Edited by The Bard Babe
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The story with Eb is that she was sent by Calder to keep an eye on Mehrin in order to make sure he didn't do something stupid (he totally does).  So in the course of her week of incarceration, if that's the route that's taken, the paperwork on Eb just kind of disappears into a plot hole only to arrive on Calder's desk a week later.  This might be before or after Eb makes it to see him; there is the slight possibility that Pahl will do something brilliantly stupid that sets Eb free by mistake.

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Oh that would be AWESOME!


Just make sure that if it happens it's when Arinth and Arkin are on duty - can you imagine??

I guess the question is - how does she get incarcerated? Who issues that order? Is there a way we can RP that decision and let Sherper get in a little more on the action?

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We're taking EB (Character EB) to NPC Sherper (haven't decided a name yet), who is an infantry sergeant that hates paperwork (like everyone else). So he'll probably take one look at EB, and then glance at the potential paper work, and then decide to just throw her in a cell for an indefinite amount of time until the boss comes back. 


That's how i have it in my head at least. In the meantime, Jeral can just go have a lie down.

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Ok, everyone ready to keep going? If there are no further ideas/objections looks like following arrival at the Citadel (and Eb's disaster):

  • Miri takes Jeral to meet the medics
  • Arinth and Arkin are left to de-Eb the horse and take her to Sergeant Sherper-NPC
  • Sergeant Sherper NPC banishes Eb to holding 

and then:

  • Eb languishes in a cell for ?about a week (or more?) IC?
  • Arinth, Arkin and Miri take turns/collaborate in guard duty/torturing/ignoring the prisoner
  • Pahl Ebersol may or may not make an appearance and may or may not accidentally release Eb whilst the others are on duty
  • Jeral may still be sleeping... or not
  • Calder returns - perhaps in the middle of Eb having a showdown with Sergeant Sherper-NPC after her release
  • Eb is officially unleashed released. 


*Offers drinks in preparation for the next round* Cheers!!   :biggrin:

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