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Clash of Divinity - Advanced Mafia - Day 7 - Reckoning


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No, anyone with a brain would not.  Hell, you haven't even said what this supposed result is. 

There is no logic.  You've said you have some mystical result.  Which is bull.  You have nothing.  It's "a result".

Now this is a very nice backtrack.  I am saying that your result is bull.  And you have no clue about my scumtells.  let's be honest here.


I don't know what kind of roles were put into the game, but as far as I know, there is NO reason for Darthe to have gotten such a result on me.  So there are two possibilities.  He is lying or his ability is bad.  I lean option 1. 


Actually I did.  I stated that I got my own info.  I then logically concluded that this result was inaccurate due to either your role or some role that in some way inhibited me or you, a factor which you have never even mentioned despite it being what town would do.  I then accused you, a method of probing for more information through analysis of reactions, and have found you to be both logically and emotionally wanting.  As to your final point, you were mafia against me in our first game together and I have been able and read you accurately ever since, excepting cases where I was mafia and had you killed.  Here I thought you town and so viewed you and was shown to be wrong.  This has been confirmed by your responses.  Instead of attempting to reconcile logical information or analyze data your only efforts have been to incriminate me and assault my integrity or standing in the game.  That is the original scum tactic and it remains the most effective for its simplicity and for the psychological fact that people believe what they want over what is true.  This essentially proves my case... for anyone who reads it.  



I do think its absolutely worth lynching you.  Anyone would, it just makes sense.

You fake claimed a joke and are now using that as legitimate reasoning to blow off an undeniable bit of logic that you have not and cannot refute.  Your remaining shred of credibility just rotted away and died.

I didn't say you called me scum.  I said you're attacking me instead of defending you.  That sort of semantic response is also a scumtell.


@Dap, I didn't consider the mirror role but it is possible.  I was thinking something closer to a nightly redirector or nexus or the mafia thing that is basically impervious to all investigations.  Can't remember the name atm.  But yeah it seems safer to lynch him.

So you thought instantly that you got redirected back onto yourself by chance and never considered a mirror




=/ not quite.  Didn't want to say this but it looks like between Rag and you that you're both gunning to make me look like an idiot so you can steam-roll me.  I considered three things about this before revealing it.


1) RTE is a new mod.  How do you reconcile a mirror with recruitment?  I've got no clue on this one because it doesn't have precedent that I know of.  It would be almost impossible and definitely balance crushing to have both mechanics in the game where they could swap back and forth, so I assumed that it was a lesser ability.

2) If recruitment exists (pretty confident that it does) then are some townies immune to it?  If not, Tommy revealed a day killing ability.  I don't want to have to deal with someone who is secretly pulling for the other team and gives them a day shot or someone that conveniently gains a 1x power.  So if a mirror exists I wouldn't have been fussed by the loss (sorry TOM!) but it would have verified toms role if Rag wasn't a mirror.

3) Within a couple of days we are likely to all be recruited, dead, or fighting a mult-way battle that is no longer in our favor.  I wanted the quickest leg up on that possible and so I intend to eliminate threats.  If I could test two roles, gain quick info, verify myself immediately and still have a lynch left in the day it would really help me win as town if I was unconvertable and really get me set up for an early recruit if I wasn't.  I suspect we are but that is honest and simple logic.  Playing to my alignment right now doesn't mean I want to find myself in a corner later.


Ok wow...this is sad even for you.


1.  Defense is a new mod.

2.  Defense is possible mechanics.

3.  Defense is 'we are all f'd anyways' so I don't want to play myself into a corner.


This is literally the biggest group of fail logic I have ever seen.


unlynch turin lynch darthe


Now you can say I'm attacking you.

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unlynch turin lynch darthe

I will accept it this time. Please use "vote" instead of "lynch" next time




Official Vote Count


Turin (1/6): Rag

Darthe (1/6): Tommy

Hallia (1/6): Turin

Rag (1/6): Darthe


Not voting: Everyone else


With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.


Deadline: Friday (time will be announced later)

Thought I was voting dice




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wonderful. a train that didnt seem to really be going to result in a lynch outs the doc. Well done.

Fake post




did you see my response to turin about this? Ive just been off mafia for a bit   like a month or so but just before that i played  2 or 3  i think it was three games in a row where the Doc or Cop was forced to claim D1   and i have blown up about it before in those games. Dont believe me?  the only one i really rember was LEY  and thats cause he was the first one. he was cop iirc





im here for another 2 hrs but i probably wont be for deadline. its 3 40am my time. Im quite happy where my vote is

Scum detected


Dap/dice wagons today; load 'em up


Not sure if Darthe is scum or just Darthe


I would guess he's an indie god or something lol



You need a new decector bro cause at best you got 1 outta 2 here cause i aint a baddie


This is a recruit game and thus is Advanced.


1. Turin: meme maker- 

2. Chaelca (Mentored by Csarmi): First game but has a mentor. There are an amazing amount of noob things being put on thread. It looks like trying to hide by looking noobish.(I can't possibly be mafia as I don't know what is going on) leaning mafia.

3. Andrej - Manmohan Singh - Vanilla Town -[/size] Lynched Day 1

4. Darthe:(claims some sort of info role) I had impression from Darthe that he was saying that he would be able to help town as long as he was kept around a few days. He sort of reiterated that with one of his recent posts. Now is claiming some info on Rags. He is either truly roled up town or faking mafia IMO. Darthe loves his fake claims so waiting to see what Rags response is.

5. TheRagnarok:(claimed unkillable independent-think that is a joke) Stated what I think of his case on me. I can see his possible town motivation somewhat as I was the main person advocating AJ lynch. He is acting very stubborn about what appears to be a weak case. Waiting to see what happens in his response to Darthe's allegations.

6. WBK Ley 2.0: Not really enough to go off or ATM. Kronos wasn't very active. In fairness tho he said he was away and then in an accident so... waiting to see what Ley has to contribute and if his play matches his earlier town play.

7. GF:(claimed Doc) not cc'ed at this point. So putting him in the town column. would like less ambiguous/haiku style posting however.


8. Hallia: overly jokey IMO and also quite defensive when mentioned in reference to a previous game in which she was mafia. The promised reads never materialized in my opinion. things promised and not delivered ping mightily with me. I think she is mafia.


9. Dap: Is all over the place. I liked his response to Tommy re: the shooting and also could see how some of what chuckles did was pingy. I didn't agree with the linking between AJ and chuckles. Dap does a lot of crazy things and likes to change his look frequently. He is currently null to me.

10. Chuckles Tommy(claimed 1x day vig): As mentioned earlier, Chuckles I had as possible mafia. Tommy has been very active and seems to be working toward keeping the conversation going. The little bit of setup has been not unreasonable, if not to my taste. moving him towards town. not there yet tho due to the confirmed town list.

12. Ley - David Cameron - Vanilla Town - Killed Night 1

13. Golden: Not as active in this game as I expected. Might be due to extreme activity elsewhere. I didn't like the way he seemed to point at me and then back off. he is in the second tier of suspects tho

15 Dice: Outrage posts really ping with me. And his explanation about it didn't ease my concerns. His following onto AJ in the manner he did seemed a bit weird. When AJ flipped town Dice moved waay up my list of mafia suspects.


So my top 3 are Hallia, Dice and Chaelca. In that order. Rags/Darthe  interaction will likely yield a mafia one way or the other.



Vote Hallia



Funny. that highlighted bit was what made me sus of AJ. You never spoke up in agreement with his saying it yet now you use it.

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Tommy Darthe was talking to you about my meta. Well when you quoted all my stuff you proved what he was saying. I dont go aggressive as mafia. I know this. im trying to fix it but i haven't been mafia for a while now.



Are you a man of your word tommy? cause if so i will make you a deal. 


and trust me you dont wanna shoot me.



In case tommy doesnt agree  Vote Turin

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Tommy Darthe was talking to you about my meta. Well when you quoted all my stuff you proved what he was saying. I dont go aggressive as mafia. I know this. im trying to fix it but i haven't been mafia for a while now.


Are you a man of your word tommy? cause if so i will make you a deal. 


and trust me you dont wanna shoot me.


In case tommy doesnt agree  Vote Turin

Hmm? I don't follow, what's the deal?

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Read through the Rags/Darthe back and forth and I am finding myself believing Darthe more than Rag. I don't see a good reason for Darthe to make his claim of having a view on Rag if it is a lie. Rags defense does feel a bit strange. The whole making a "joke claim" as defense doesn't sit well. Like it is just a shtick to draw heat away without actually making a statement.



Dice, I didn't mention the jokey thing re: Hallia because I was suspicious of AJ and his pushing it made me doubt if it was real. He has since flipped town so I cast that doubt away. Do you disagree that her content has been less than desired? The biggest thing to me was that she made a big thing out of my mentioning her style in a recent game she was mafia. made a post about being caught up and that her reads were coming. It took 4.5 hours to get the bits and bobs she gave out. Under delivering on promises is a big red flag for me. (not unlike emotional posts that feel fake. especially if they are categorized as the chiding town) 


I still think Hallia is mafia, but no one else seems to agree yet.


unvote, vote Rags


obviously I would be willing to switch to Hallia.



And Dice, your post voting me looks choppy. Like something is missing.  Also looks a bit like a soft claim, 

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well, after reading the previous pages, here's what i think


For GF, Hallia, Golden: it's quite hard for me to judge them as they don't post that much (for GF i must have missed the post where he hinted to be a doc, though). I voted GF first, due to his lack of posting, but he got more active afterwards.

For Ley 2.0. it's too early to tell...

For Rag, he posts a lot but when attacked goes in counter offensive. So, either attack is the best defense, or he's hiding something.. tend to go with my gut feeling and would say he's mafia. At one point, he went against Darthe (who defended himself quite well i must say) and that strengthened my opinion.

For Darthe: he's testing, trying to get replies and information. This being great for me, seeing i need some information on everybody and anything ( :tongue: )

For Tommy: he's constructive, but perhaps a bit too confident.


Vote Rag

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Re-reading thread


AJ never once looked scummy so the people who went after him with nonsense reasoning should be lynched


Will investigate the interactions when I'm at a PC tonight


Still feeling Dice is lock scum for this reason (and others)


Unvote Darthe


Vote Dice


Dice is the safest lynch for today.

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Tommy Darthe was talking to you about my meta. Well when you quoted all my stuff you proved what he was saying. I dont go aggressive as mafia. I know this. im trying to fix it but i haven't been mafia for a while now.



Are you a man of your word tommy? cause if so i will make you a deal. 


and trust me you dont wanna shoot me.



In case tommy doesnt agree  Vote Turin

You realize saying "trust me, I ain't scum" isn't really gonna do anything for me, right?


At least Darthe has a claim that can be verified


What have you done apart from attack townies and now Turin?


Turin, do you feel Dice has had an organic progression to suspecting you, or is this coming out of nowhere?

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Three things.


1) Nobody can rationally give an explanation of how this works out in my personal favor.  It helps town one way or another and makes me a huge target for town and scum if I am lying and town and scum if I am honest.

2) Rag hasn't done the first thing that town does when accused of being mafia.  He has had plenty of time to.  He hasn't claimed town or a role.  That should say enough on its own.

3) Instead of defending himself or explaining how a situation could make sense, even in vague or thin ways, Rag's initial response has been to attack his attacker, make this about him and I.  That also is not the town response to this sort of pressure.  But by all means don't take my word for it.  Recall when you yourselves have been mafia and outted.  When you have been town and lied about.  Do those responses fit up with the way he is reacting?  No.



P.S. Nobody has voted for him and I have two ??? votes.  That either indicates severe caution on the parts of the scum teams or idk what.  In any case I don't like it.  


This makes sense to me. Am I alone in this? I'm supposed to believe Dap's proposition that Darthe is on some suicide gambit to kill a possible mirror along with a day vig, why? Cause Darthe would get strung up immediately after. It doesn't make sense to me to try some gambit where you are likely to be lynched immediately after. Yes, people win with their team even if they are dead, but does anyone really relish the thought of joining a game just to die quickly and not get to play? 

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my deaql tommy is you shoot Turin. If he doesnt flip as a bad guy or gets janitored then i will be quite happy to help you lynch me.

Explain your case on Turin please


Tommy has a point.... I'd like to know why Turin has to go.... and, on another hand, could you specify for me why Golden would be safe, Tommy?

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Tommy Darthe was talking to you about my meta. Well when you quoted all my stuff you proved what he was saying. I dont go aggressive as mafia. I know this. im trying to fix it but i haven't been mafia for a while now.



and trust me you dont wanna shoot me.


Turin, do you feel Dice has had an organic progression to suspecting you, or is this coming out of nowhere?


It does feel a bit out of left field. Also he took just the one part of my dislike of Hallia jumped on it while disregarding the remaining case. The using the fact I said something that someone else had previously noted is invalid IMO. When AJ said it I thought he was mafia (frankly that he seemed to know a bit too much, have too good a handle on the game setup and was trying to get in front) Since He has now flipped as town the possibility of him making that read up vanished and my doubt about my own read there was relieved. 


also the post is strange. First banging away at his meta and that he is trying to change it. No better time than the present. I have dice as a potential recruit. He would make sense. 

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