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Vampire Diaries Mafia- Mafia Wins!!!


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I don´t know how Time has planned this but it´s common that mods gives the mafia fake claims if character reveals are allowed. So I don´t think we should base too much on character claims. 

This is what I've been saying


Besides, you only claimed coe. Being a fan of the series, who are wou? How nobody asked you Darthe?

More fishing... 

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So lets get moving here. Nobody has asked who I viewed which is disheartening but I supoose it waits for morning.

If I die it should be obvious.

Cos if it had been a mafia found, you would of told us with your claim

^ pretty much.


Darthe making it seem like it's interesting that people aren't fishing for his viewings makes his claim look even sketchier imo.

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I do agree with Dap - sketchy, but no one else has CC'ed. 


I guess we will see and know more soon - since night 2 ends in like 2 hours I think... 


I know I wouldn't be opposed to hearing about Darthe's views when he is able to give them. 

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Ftr: I never asked for info OR asked for a CC.


And I think following the formula of "Don't vote Player X without a CC" has hurt town so many times recently its insane but FINE, keep following that formula. Yknow, its not like we've had SEVERAL games lately and a ton within the past year that had no cop, so following such a formula is kinda foolish.



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Morning came, and everybody prayed that they were as lucky as they'd been the night before... Mayor Lockwood sat in her living room waiting for Tyler to come down for ten minutes before she got irritated with waiting and went upstairs to check on him. Pausing outside his bedroom door, she knocked and called out his name. When there was no answer, her heart seemed to stop, and she closed her eyes to pray as she opened the door... hoping that she wouldn't find what she suspected. Finally daring a peek, she let out a cry when she saw the bloodstained sheets under Tyler, whose eyes stared unseeingly ahead with a look of shock on his face and his chest ripped open... Sobbing, she ran from the room to call the sheriff and other members of the town when she saw that his heart lay on the bedside table next to him...


TinaHel, Tyler Lockwood- town vanilla has been Night Killed...


it is now Day 3


Deadline: Monday December 16 20:00 EST http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20131216T20&p0=263&msg=Vampire+Diaries+Mafia+Day+3

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Official Vote Count


Womby (9/9):   Aidanna, Des, Ragnarok, AJ, Arez, Hallia, John Snow, Leyrann, Basel

AJ (2/9): Goldeneyes, Tina

John Snow (1/9): Player

Despo (1/9): Darthe

Theodora (1/9): Womby


people not voting (2/16): Izabella, Theodora




Theodora (7/8): John Snow, AJ, Basel, Aidanna,

Darthe (2/8): Tina, Despo

Despo (1/8): Darthe

Goldeneyes (1/8): Theodora

Leyrann (1/8): Arez


Not voting:

Hally, rag, dap, Ley, golden,


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Here's the issue I have with that

Des was the biggest out speaker to your claim. Makes sense for you to view him, but doesn't make sense for him to do if he was mafia.

He would know he would very likely be viewed. Dumb move for mafia


So yea. If I accept your claim, the viewing doesn't make sense unless there are other forces at work

If I don't accept your claim it makes more sense but without a counter seems strange.


I'm thinking des is town though. He was my town read

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Yeahhhhhh Darthe just exposed himself even more than before. Kills one person who spoke out against him, claims a guilty against the other.


There's a reason I spoke out as much as I did against his claim. I'm the Cop. No guiltys yet unfortunately. Wish I didn't have to CC tho. If y'all dumped that formula I wouldnt have had to most likely.


Vote Darthe

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And yes, completely friggin bizarre that this is the third game in a row I got roled cop.


(To the claim)


I'm not particularly on board with Darthe ATM but this seems like an attempt to save yourself


Good point about Tina though, she was the other to really not be ok with darthes claim

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des is scum

Yeahhhhhh Darthe just exposed himself even more than before. Kills one person who spoke out against him, claims a guilty against the other.


There's a reason I spoke out as much as I did against his claim. I'm the Cop. No guiltys yet unfortunately. Wish I didn't have to CC tho. If y'all dumped that formula I wouldnt have had to most likely.


Vote Darthe


This is hilarious, I now have a headache. The two most consistently scummy meta DM players in the game go head to head to see who is the filthiest. I'm going to ISO you both tomorrow and I already feel like I need a shower.

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I agree with Dap, character claims would help a lot in deciding who is who.


Someone else mentioned that Tina was one who doubted Darthe's claim and was consequently NK'd. This could also be mafia trying to frame Darthe. Just an idea.


@ Ley - on gut, who do you believe more?

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