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Trick-or-Treat II Mafia - Game Over - Mafia Wins!!!!


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Darthe maintains AJ is scum until after he starts a push on Pral and salami questions him. Darthe doesn't change his tune when Mish or NotBob are putting pressure on AJ. There are a lot of posts in here including Darthe saying time and again AJ is scum, Mish and NotBob's votes for AJ, Pral's case and then a few posts after. 






Sounds like Lily will hide more than our costumes do...


I think you'll love what my naughty nurse costume is hiding.



Vote Andrej because we already clarified he is scum.  


FoS Des for repeating my vague statement from my first post.

FoS Leelou for voting obvtown Darthe (thats a joke)


A nod of appreciation to Yates for being such a good person.  You could all stand to learn a couple of things.

*Raises glass* Ishy, how are ya buddy?  Still kickin ass?




Vote AJ


Just cause.






Other thoughts: The Mish v. Pral thing is funny how they keep throwing accusations at one another but no votes. Wasn't that the whole basis of your argument in the first place Mish? Hallia is spamming a lot. I like Yates in this game although I think Darthe's bromo attempts are pretty blatant. I'm also curious as to the result of the dark green house's trigger being sprung. I thought there'd be blood  :sad:



Because I still found Moon way more scummy. Did nobody else notice how she tried to use the fact that Darthe hadn't checked in yet as a scum tell? I was poking at Pral to see how he reacted, and he did not impress me, so he's up on my radar right under Moon.



Lol call it what you'd like and thanks for the tip  :wink: I'm going off personal experience that I've had playing with him. It's fine that you don't agree, you can sheep your vote onto Cloud. Also, you say that you're not worried about him not showing up when you literally just talked about how him being gone from the game and posting elsewhere was troublesome. Why the contradiction? Distancing and then defending? That doesn't make much sense.


Speaking of prodding, you deserve some. Throwing around buzzwords on D1 already? Trying to discourage people from voting Cloud? Leelou explained her vote, she didn't just vote with no reason. By using words like "sheeping" for her vote, it makes it look like you're trying to make people think twice about voting Cloud more; if Leelo's vote was a sheep vote... Trying to protect a teammate? Or just buddying? Hmmm. You are more interesteting than either Pral or Moon even.


unvote Vote AJ




Amazingly, Des is town.




So is cloud.  That train can stop now thx.


Oh and RTE.  Not bad logic for him.


Wehn do we lynch Andrej or Aemon?



Hey AJ, they think I'm town because I am amazing. Keep calm and carry on.

Hey Mish, I like your style  :wink:

Hey cloud, cocus on the solution, not the problem. Do you think RTE is mafia?





Checking in for Day 1. :)

First things first. You will notice that I'm less chatty this game. This is because I'm modifying my playstyle. I'll try to create more quality and less quantity. It's a work in progress, I've already tried to adjust my play in the DieHard game and I liked the results.
Several people have pointed out that I just post too much, to the point of being distracting. I place a high value on the opinion of most of those players. Also, I have seen some other players posting a lot in my recent games and I saw how distracting that could be indeed.

vote Moon

It seems that I don't like any of Moon's actions so far. First the unvote, then the confusion, then she gets all defensive and starts explaining her meta.

Cloud just seems to be Cloud for me. Strange ideas and/or at strange times. I don't find him scummy. I lean town on him.

Some things that stand out for me:

  • RTE's meta-defense on Moon in this post. What's the point of bringing that up?
  • This post of Tress pings. Nudging Moon's train, mentions Cloud as if she found him scummy too, but no voting.
  • Pralaya's exchange with Cloud around here. See, he says Cloud is exploiting the Moon move by pushing her. But he doesn't vote Cloud or Moon (both would be logical from that point of view.
  • NotBob, what do you fin scummy about Aemon's post here?
I like Leelou's and Yates' play so far. AJ is weird, I'm leaning town on him because his meta-based nonsense on me is just too bad.





That is literally what I'm talking about. Playstyle, meta. Tomato, tomahto. The nonsense (as you call it) I'm talking about comes from the two games we've played together. In one you were mafia and the other you were town. In one you spammed a ton and the other you didn't at all.



Then he unvotes him just because Csarmi mentions that he is changing his playstyle? Wow, that was quick and instant.






Refuse to be on a train with her.




Vote Salami


Why CS?


So, Not Bob doesn't read the case then unvotes because he refuses to be on he same train as Kat? Whether you are distancing yourself from Kat or trying to delay a Cloud lynch, you just hit the top of my list, Not Bob. I'm happy with a Cloud lynch today because I lean more toward you protecting than distancing.


Sounds like it's competing train time.


vote NotBob



And, now he is Csarmi's best friend? Another vague vote. Competing train? Right. 


And, then he does an OMGUS vote on Darthe.


Csarmi's and Andrej interaction does seems forced and contrived. Maybe a distancing maneuver? Too early to say.


Anyway, unvote vote Andrej 




Pralaya said both quick and instant, looks forced.

As a matter of fact, all of his post looks forced.

The suggestive and subjective reasoning of everything past the second quote shows me that laya is trying to go for whatever is easiest.

unvote vote laya



Of course you have a town read on AJ. Sheerly cause NB is scum.





Pralaya said both quick and instant, looks forced.

As a matter of fact, all of his post looks forced.

The suggestive and subjective reasoning of everything past the second quote shows me that laya is trying to go for whatever is easiest.

unvote vote laya

So, changing my vote from someone who has the highest vote count to someone who has a very low vote count (but who I find more scummier) is going for the easiest?

Are you trying to statistically validate yiur logic?

The cloud train is stalled. The AJ train is movin on up. Free association of either slot with a vote limit is not acceptible premise for shifting a vote. Care to argue the point?







Pralaya said both quick and instant, looks forced.

As a matter of fact, all of his post looks forced.

The suggestive and subjective reasoning of everything past the second quote shows me that laya is trying to go for whatever is easiest.

unvote vote laya

So, changing my vote from someone who has the highest vote count to someone who has a very low vote count (but who I find more scummier) is going for the easiest?

Are you trying to statistically validate yiur logic?

The cloud train is stalled. The AJ train is movin on up. Free association of either slot with a vote limit is not acceptible premise for shifting a vote. Care to argue the point?



Seriously? 2 votes vs 7 is moving up? Is that your argument?







vote Pralaya


Are you intentionally leaving out quotes of mine so that you can twist the context of my posts for your benefit? I think I was pretty clear in response when people directed comments or questions my way. And on the Csarmi portion, how could it look forced and contrived if the discussion was between myself and Leelou? Convenient those quotes never showed up. I unvoted Csarmi after the fact because I liked his response. I questioned NotBob on moving his vote to Csarmi after unvoting Cloud because of Kat's post. Seemed like another random move by him and I wanted clarification.


@Darthe - I like you better when you play this way.


And, now you are OMGUS voting me and Darthe, in whom you had the most suspicion, is now better? This post exactly follows the case that I made earlier.

You seem threatened by whoever votes you or points a finger at you.

You did the same with NotBob.

You the same with Darthe.

And, now you are doping the same with me.


Regarding Csarmi, I was pointing out how you voted him for a vague reason of meta and unvoted him as soon as he says that he has changed his meta. 




Laya train is best train, AJ train is worst train evar.

Sheep me for teh win.



Just read the case he crafted against me, you'll get it.

Actually I do find your unvote on me weird. I have a hard time raeding you, not sure what to think yet.
What do you think about RTE? And if you believe Pray's "case" on you stinks, why aren't you voting him?

My read on AJ hasn't changed. I was playing around for interaction, nothing more. That case was simple plausinle enough to get the ball rolling.





After seeing the most recent push on Pral, I really think AJ would be a more interesting lynch. 


unvote, vote AJ

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unvot vote NotBob


Consolidation. I'll set an alarm for 6 hours from now to move my votes if needed. If I got this right, we have 8.5h till deadline.


What are your current reads? Not Bob has now 6 votes on him, while Pral has 4. You could have evened the trains out a bit more but instead you added another vote on Not Bob. AJ has already said that he is only voting for Not Bob for consolidation purposes, and RTE is voting him because he wants him to post more which he already did. And to top it off Krak has placed an useless vote on AJ after misinterpreting one of his posts. This whole situation feels iffy.


I prefer NotBob to Pral. Krak should be lynched (at least he started playing, but that stab+disappear don't sit well with me), but I can't see 10 votes accumulating on him before the deadline.


Wary of RTE (mostly when he pointed out Moon's playing scummy all the time and such posts (speaks for others) , Tress (seems to be fence sitting in most of her posts), Dap (he is being weird).


I'm reading Yates, Leelou, Pral and Mish townish. Cloud/Darthe are just being themselves.


NotBob just reads as a usual NotBob to me, with actually more gameplay material added than his usual D1. Could go either way, I suppose.

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unvot vote NotBob


Consolidation. I'll set an alarm for 6 hours from now to move my votes if needed. If I got this right, we have 8.5h till deadline.


What are your current reads? Not Bob has now 6 votes on him, while Pral has 4. You could have evened the trains out a bit more but instead you added another vote on Not Bob. AJ has already said that he is only voting for Not Bob for consolidation purposes, and RTE is voting him because he wants him to post more which he already did. And to top it off Krak has placed an useless vote on AJ after misinterpreting one of his posts. This whole situation feels iffy.


I prefer NotBob to Pral. Krak should be lynched (at least he started playing, but that stab+disappear don't sit well with me), but I can't see 10 votes accumulating on him before the deadline.


Wary of RTE (mostly when he pointed out Moon's playing scummy all the time and such posts (speaks for others) , Tress (seems to be fence sitting in most of her posts), Dap (he is being weird).


I'm reading Yates, Leelou, Pral and Mish townish. Cloud/Darthe are just being themselves.


NotBob just reads as a usual NotBob to me, with actually more gameplay material added than his usual D1. Could go either way, I suppose.



...and yet your vote remains parked.


Eventually players need to vote scum.  Some do it early some do it later.  I chose to do it early.


Unvote, Vote AJ

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That's pretty good Leelou.  


Personally, I am thinking a Pral/Mish team looks plausible.  


Mish is town.



Leelou, I don't see how all those posts you just quoted support your scum read on AJ. You only mentioned that you found him pushing for Pral's lynch bad, and that AJ's lynch would be interesting.

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vote NotBob


Let's lynch this dude and see his flip.


Why aren't you willing to move to Pral if you believe his case on you to be so bad? I would think that you would go for someone that you have a better scum read on?


Why lurk? Make yourself a part of the game. If you're Town, then show it.


Personally I'd say kill the lurkers, but I know the stigma around here for that sort of business.


Dude, lurkers don't have to be scum. I hope some players will step up their game and be more active, but calling them scum makes you more difficult to read this game if that makes sense to you.



My vote was on Pral. I unvoted and move it to NotBob because there doesn't seem to be any traction gaining on Pral. Like I said, with NotBob's play (which always seems scummy) I'd rather lynch him and remove any doubt. Plus it would give us a train to analyze. The way he plays gives the mafia an easy person to park their vote on given that he flips Town. So I want to find out.


So you're saying that you know he'll flip town?  Sweet, thanks for that freebie.



Lol nice attempt at misrepresenting. I'm clearly saying that IF he flips town then he would've been an easy target for the mafia to vote for. Hence the talk about train analysis.



After seeing the most recent push on Pral, I really think AJ would be a more interesting lynch. 


unvote, vote AJ



What makes my lynch interesting?

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  • Club Leader

Vote Count:


Not Bob (6) – RTE, Aemon, Hallia, AJ, Tress, Salami

Pral (4) – Darthe, Cloud, Mish, Ishy

Andrej (4) – Pral, Krak, Leelou, Not Bob

Cloud (2) – Dap, Kat

Lenlo (1) – Yates

Hallia (1) – Lenlo



With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch

Deadline – Monday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST (I think I'm GMT -8 for you Europeans) That's just over 8 hours, folks. 


Not voting – Verb

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I can't people all those who decided to jump over on the AJ train... You had one big train, one semi-big train, and one non-existant. Krak, big FoS for being the first on that. Small chance of a complete lynch now. And FoS on Csarmi for his jumping on the NotBob train at the tming he did.

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Me and NotBob. Other than one generic post talking about players, all your posts today and yesterday have just been focused just on the two.



I'd describe that as trying to consolidate rather than tunneling.



Oh really? Notwithstanding the fact that you are speaking on behalf of him, did you even try to see what happened?


When Andrej first voted NotBob it was not for consolidation. It was for "competing train time"

At that point, NotBob had ....you guessed it.... 0 votes. Andrej just sheeped Aemon's FoS to create a train


Sounds like it's competing train time.


vote NotBob




Of course, after that he voted me and then randomly voted him back on the pretext that he is consolidating

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unvot vote NotBob

Consolidation. I'll set an alarm for 6 hours from now to move my votes if needed. If I got this right, we have 8.5h till deadline.



What are your current reads? Not Bob has now 6 votes on him, while Pral has 4. You could have evened the trains out a bit more but instead you added another vote on Not Bob. AJ has already said that he is only voting for Not Bob for consolidation purposes, and RTE is voting him because he wants him to post more which he already did. And to top it off Krak has placed an useless vote on AJ after misinterpreting one of his posts. This whole situation feels iffy.



That is a very good point

This is why competing trains are so fun
















vote NotBob


Let's lynch this dude and see his flip.



Why aren't you willing to move to Pral if you believe his case on you to be so bad? I would think that you would go for someone that you have a better scum read on?


Why lurk? Make yourself a part of the game. If you're Town, then show it.


Personally I'd say kill the lurkers, but I know the stigma around here for that sort of business.



Dude, lurkers don't have to be scum. I hope some players will step up their game and be more active, but calling them scum makes you more difficult to read this game if that makes sense to you.


My vote was on Pral. I unvoted and move it to NotBob because there doesn't seem to be any traction gaining on Pral. Like I said, with NotBob's play (which always seems scummy) I'd rather lynch him and remove any doubt. Plus it would give us a train to analyze. The way he plays gives the mafia an easy person to park their vote on given that he flips Town. So I want to find out.


So you're saying that you know he'll flip town?  Sweet, thanks for that freebie.


Lol nice attempt at misrepresenting. I'm clearly saying that IF he flips town then he would've been an easy target for the mafia to vote for. Hence the talk about train analysis.


After seeing the most recent push on Pral, I really think AJ would be a more interesting lynch. 



unvote, vote AJ



What makes my lynch interesting?

I can't see the If you are talking about AJ

Care to point it out?



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I can't people all those who decided to jump over on the AJ train... You had one big train, one semi-big train, and one non-existant. Krak, big FoS for being the first on that. Small chance of a complete lynch now. And FoS on Csarmi for his jumping on the NotBob train at the tming he did.


And, this one is funny.


When you posted the following





I'm conflicted about NotBob. On one hand he usually plays weird, at least the first few days of a game. On the other, he's being even weirder than normal now. However, it does give me more of a town vibe on him honestly, I feel like he's vanilla townie trying to stir the pot; I can't remember right now if I've seen him as mafia before, but I can't see how he'd play like that if he was mafia, when you're bound to get even more attention then... But we're too close to deadline to get another successful lynch I'm afraid; wich is partially my own fautl for not being online enough yesterday to post this then. I'll be around to switch my vote before deadline, but I think we would be better off switching to another train to be honest, if we can get enough folks online. I think Aemon, or one of AJ/Pral would be good lynches; Aemon, well look back at the cases done against him, and AJ/Pral for the fact that both have had a few soft pings and they've gone against each other so much. My gut feel says that at least one of them is mafia, I'm leaning more towards both doing some serious distancing from the get-go to get the one who doesn't get lynched first some town cred.


For now, I'll unvote vote Pral because he has the most votes of the two, and because he's given me more pings lately than AJ. But I'll be around to consolidate if needed.





the vote count was 




Vote Count:


Not Bob (7) – RTE, Aemon, Leelou, Mish, Hallia, AJ, Tress

Cloud (2) – Dap, Kat

Pral (2) – Darthe, Cloud

Andrej (1) – Pral

Lenlo (1) – Yates

Moon (1) – Salami

Hallia (1) – Lenlo

Leelou (1) – Not Bob



With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch

Deadline – Monday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST (I think I'm GMT -8 for you Europeans)


Not voting – Ishy, Verb, Krak





That's right. I had the "most votes" which was just 1 vote more than AJ. So, you had a big train and a bunch of smaller trains and you jumped on one of the smaller one and you are now FoSing others for doing the same?

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I can't people all those who decided to jump over on the AJ train... You had one big train, one semi-big train, and one non-existant. Krak, big FoS for being the first on that. Small chance of a complete lynch now. And FoS on Csarmi for his jumping on the NotBob train at the tming he did.


Really? I mean AJ and Pral are now tied and NotBob is still up there. I can go back to consolidate if I need to, but right now I'm thinking AJ will be a more informative lynch. Especially with your reaction. 

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Pral had 2 votes, AJ only one. With the amount of hours left, and the amount of people that had checked in lately, I chose the player that would require one less vote to get a full lynch on. I really don't want to lynch NotBob because of what I explained before; I think he's town. Krak's vote made the trains even more uneven and unlikely to get a lynch secured. As we can now see.

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I can't people all those who decided to jump over on the AJ train... You had one big train, one semi-big train, and one non-existant. Krak, big FoS for being the first on that. Small chance of a complete lynch now. And FoS on Csarmi for his jumping on the NotBob train at the tming he did.


Really? I mean AJ and Pral are now tied and NotBob is still up there. I can go back to consolidate if I need to, but right now I'm thinking AJ will be a more informative lynch. Especially with your reaction. 



So your only reason for voting AJ is him pushing against Pral, and that he will be an interesting aka more informative lynch? In your case you copy pasted a bunch of quotes but never even explained what you find scummy about AJ, and why you think that Pral is town. You only showed the inconsistency about Darthe thinking AJ is town, while telling everyone that he is mafia at the start of the game which he had already admitted before your post.

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  • Club Leader

Vote Count:


Not Bob (6) – RTE, Aemon, Hallia, AJ, Tress, Salami

Pral (4) – Darthe, Cloud, Mish, Ishy

Andrej (4) – Pral, Krak, Leelou, Not Bob

Cloud (1) – Kat

Lenlo (1) – Yates

Hallia (1) – Lenlo



With 19 alive, it takes 10 to lynch

Deadline – Monday 8PM MST/ 11PM EST (I think I'm GMT -8 for you Europeans)


Not voting – Verb, Dap




Just over 5 hours to go!

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I'm not defending him; I haven't said a word to that sort, thank you very much. I've said that I found either of them a good lynch, but I'm questioning the timing of votes. Why now, so very close to deadline, start a third train? We have random lynch in the game rules.

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Unvote, Vote NotBob


I doubt that either Pral or AJ are going to get lynched right now because they have both been tunneling on each other and the opinions are split when it comes down to them. I think everyone should just move to NotBob right now to avoid a random, he also doesn't appear to have any PR.

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