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Despothera's House of the Undead Mafia! Game over! Town wins!!!!!


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Yates, I don't really have a restriction. I mean, you could say I have one. I guess you'd be right in saying I have a restriction on my vote.

But my role is that I have to be the hammer on the complete train or not on it at all.

It's a pain in the behind, because if I don't hop off a train that builds too fast, I could get screwed.


So yes and no for restriction.


The only clue I got is that it's easier for me to die if I screw up. Despo has been pretty evasive, even when I went all out and used candles and rose petals. The only thing I can think of is that it means the lynch "majority" goes down when I mess up.


Anyways, lynch Maw. Or Mish. Either or.

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Yates, can you clarify what you're getting at a little more?

What exactly do you need "clarified?"


As an aside, I also have a restriction in regards to my vote. As in, I can't join the train at all or something dire may happen.

In this post, berf claims something "dire" may happen if he's on a train.


Later, Ed posts this:

I can only hammer on a train. If I am part of a complete train but not the hammer, it's bad juju.

Here, Ed claims "bad juju" if he's not the hammer on a lynch.


That's two negative utility vote restrictions. Also, as Wombat pointed out, we have a lynchproof Miller - which is also negative utility.


The Mish claims to be a vampire hunter vig that can "vig" a target and the target only dies if they are a vampire.  Which sounds freaking crazy.  Though as I type this I'm realizing her claim *could be* legit to counteract all the negative utility roles if real.  It's just weird, though, because that's not how vig roles typically work and when Ithi flipped she didn't flip with any weird qualifiers.


There is some other stuff going on but this is what I'm noticing.

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Ithi did actually have a weird qualifier. It was "Heroic" iirc. Anyways, I think we're getting distracted from the task at hand. We need to lynch Maw. He played his alleged role about as anti-town as is possible. I don't believe him one bit.

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Yates, can you clarify what you're getting at a little more?

What exactly do you need "clarified?"


Basically your thinking as to what is significant about there being two such roles. Which you already answered just now.



As an aside, I also have a restriction in regards to my vote. As in, I can't join the train at all or something dire may happen.

In this post, berf claims something "dire" may happen if he's on a train.


Later, Ed posts this:

I can only hammer on a train. If I am part of a complete train but not the hammer, it's bad juju.

Here, Ed claims "bad juju" if he's not the hammer on a lynch.


That's two negative utility vote restrictions. Also, as Wombat pointed out, we have a lynchproof Miller - which is also negative utility.


The Mish claims to be a vampire hunter vig that can "vig" a target and the target only dies if they are a vampire.  Which sounds freaking crazy.  Though as I type this I'm realizing her claim *could be* legit to counteract all the negative utility roles if real.  It's just weird, though, because that's not how vig roles typically work and when Ithi flipped she didn't flip with any weird qualifiers.


There is some other stuff going on but this is what I'm noticing.


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Yates is barking up the wrong tree with Mish.



Ed is voting right now..yet he needs to be the hammer?



Maw needs to show up soon or I'll be switching my vote.  And when I say show up soon..I mean with something other than sarcastic comments. 

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Ithi did actually have a weird qualifier. It was "Heroic" iirc. Anyways, I think we're getting distracted from the task at hand. We need to lynch Maw. He played his alleged role about as anti-town as is possible. I don't believe him one bit.

Well, because she was one of the heroes.  I do believe there are other "heroic" characters.  Heck, there could even be other vig's.  What is bothering me about her claim is that she can only kill vampires. 


I *may* be "barking up the wrong tree" as Peace claims but that is a - I'm trying to think of the right word without cursing - HIGHLY questionable claim.


Then again, I thought Maw's claim was BS and at least his unlynchability was proven.  Heck, even the fact he was "looking for love" was mod confirmed - which seems very specific.

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Ed is voting right now..yet he needs to be the hammer?

Yeah, but he's not on a wagon getting lynched. Though you raise a good point. I need to see if Ed voted on Days 1 or 2...


Okay - Ed voted for Berf Day 1 here.


Though he did hammer Ley here.


I don't see any votes Day 2 - but that's when he claimed he *had* to be the hammer.


@Ed - what happens if you are on a wagon that ISN'T lynched? Anything?

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I'm bored of this day. I don't understand what the hold up is.

I'll jump on the miller wagon if there is nothing better out there.  Lord knows I'm on here enough to coordinate with Ed if need be in order to avoid an "accidental" hammer.  But right now I think we have time to sort out these other roles.


Are you not concerned that Mish was was conveniently in Ithi's chambers the same night she died - just in case there's a watcher?

Are you not concerned that Mish claims she can only kill vampires when Ithi didn't seem to have such a restriction

Are you not concerned that we have two vote "restriction" claims out there?

Are you not concerned that we have people like Tiinker just sliding by without contributing to the game?


I want this stuff sorted out.

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Nothing. That's why I can throw my vote around on a train.

I can be the first on a lynching train as long as I hop off before the hammer.

Are you set on Mish or are you willing to hammer Maw if need be?  If so, we need to work something out.

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So yates: If you know what the OP said, why are you asking questions that you already know the answer to?


Tiinker is lurking and sarcasming even more than i am, but apparently its okay when he does it.


I think MIsh's claim actually makes sense. There are probably more hunters of specific types of undead then there are just general undead hunters, and Van Hellsing WAS a vampire hunter.

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So yates: If you know what the OP said, why are you asking questions that you already know the answer to?


Tiinker is lurking and sarcasming even more than i am, but apparently its okay when he does it.


I think MIsh's claim actually makes sense. There are probably more hunters of specific types of undead then there are just general undead hunters, and Van Hellsing WAS a vampire hunter.

1. I know what the OP says. I also know that at the end of the OP is a warning about over analyzing the OP and scenes.. This is something that was quoted and pointed out to me already. So I'm not going to make assumptions about how people claim their roles work. Especially when a similar role has already flipped and did not appear to work the same way.


2. a. Who said anything about you being scummy for lurking? I'm willing to vote you - IF I HAVE TO - for being a miller.

2. b. Are you just parroting the point I brought up about Tiinker last night [RLT]? Because no one thinks it's okay.


3. Again, are you parroting me? I'm quite sure there are other heroes in this game. The reason I don't believe Mish's claim is because her claim, while similar to a flipped role, does not match up. Nor does it add up in terms of balance. Buying it because you like the claim name is derpy. We have already seen claims of Perceval and Frankenstein. Not much of a stretch to put Van Helsing out there. Especially if your actual mod given name is Vlad Dracula...


I believe Mish. I'm inclined to believe Maw because his unlynchable worked out and I'm persuaded by the scene. That leaves Ed for me really...

Do you blindly believe all claims? I'm leaning towards believing Maw only because of mod confirmed information. I'm leaning towards not believing Mish SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE OF mod confirmed information. There's a disconnect here. Please help me understand.


Where is everyone else?

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