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Lord of the Rings Mafia [Advanced Mafia] Town Wins!!!!

RandA lThor

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XD Lots of fury *nodnod*


Yeah, I've been lazy... my brain's rather out of it lately.

But I have been doing some thinking, just don't like to post or vote unless I do have a really strong gut feeling *shrug* besides, should not have signed up for mafia on the phone... :rolleyes:


Anyhoo...dayy, cometh... :sleep:

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You should do less sitting and waiting and more adding your thoughts Thorkin. You've offered very little since coming into this game.

Duly noted, kind sir, except one usually doesn't speak much during the Night. I'm waiting like everyone else to add my thoughts now that I've caught up. I'm not the only trying to catch up so ask them for their thought likewise if you wish.


For now I'm going back to my corner and will check back on lunch break. *Nods*

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Back in Lothlorien, Galadriel looked into her mirror to see Frodo and Sam walking through Mordor, going to their final destination.  Galadriel sighed and stepped back.  So much was at stake right now.  If only her ring was able to help the Fellowship in their quest, but it was one of healing and protection.  She walked back to talk to her husband Lord Celeborn, when suddenly she gasped as she felt something in her stomach.  She collapsed, never to breathe again.



Elrond wandered in Rivendell, wondering if there was anything he could do to help the Fellowship now.  He knew that the fate of the world rested on their shoulders alone, and not those of any warriors, but he could not find a way to help them any more.  Perhaps if he journeyed to them, he could give them knowledge and wisdom that would be necessary.  Besides, what would there be to lose.  He could even bring some warriors with him and perhaps aid them with military support.  He quickly gave the command to everyone remaining in Rivendell and set out to find the Fellowship.



Frodo and Sam kept walking through Mordor, yet after 2 days, they realized that they had gone in a huge circle.  Or all the rocks in Mordor looked the same.  Tired and depressed, they set out on a different path, in a crevice or valley between two peaks, hoping that it would suit them better.  They walked until night, until they were too tired to go any further, and took out their blankets.  Frodo took first watch, and Sam laid down to go to sleep.


Frodo started to think about what they would do when they reached Mordor.  It would be no easy task to reach the fires of Mount Doom.  While he was thinking, he did not hear the blood gushing out of Sam's throat.  He turned around later to wake Sam up for his turn to watch, and then gasped as he saw Sam lying in his bed, dead.  He quickly took out his sword, but could not see an attacker anyway.  He cried out, thinking it was his own fault for taking Sam with him.  Miserably, he fell into his blanket, and tried to fall asleep.



Elrond reached Caradhras and thought of how he was going to scale the mountain.  There was no way that this enormous peak could be climbed, easily at least.  He walked off from his men, to get some fresh air and to be alone.  He did not see the shadow behind him though, and when he turned around, he was already as good as dead.  He yelled one last time as he died in a horrible fashion.


Cloud, Galadriel, Town Absorber has been killed.


BG, Sam, Town Mason and Shelob Hunter has been killed.


Despo, Elrond, Town Doctor has been killed.


It is now Day 4.


Official Vote Count:


Not Voting (16): Ley, Tigs, Thorkin, WBK, Dap, Peace, Nya, Tina, Pank, Dice, Noli, Talya, Chuckles, Hally, Heart, Turin


With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


Deadline: http://www.timeandda...ngs Mafia Day 3

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