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The Return of DJ's Den

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That looks like it might work and at least I shouldn't have to find a cart full of bananas to get rid of them. 


*pushes button on the left side of his chair and the side room of the tent turns into a big wave pool*


*withdraws from his quiver a boxing-glove arrow*


This should do the trick...

Don't you dare AJ!! I don't just love baboon butts, I lurve all monkey butts and the rest of them! You leave that baby Cyno alone! Oppie, Squish! Attack!! =op


*grumbles about monkeys and looks for a lever or button that might lead to a cart of bananas appearing, but the randomness of them leave DJ going around in circles.* Can we launch them into space or fling them at someone else? :biggrin:


*flings some poo in hopes the monkeys start flinging it too*  Thankfully I have a mini trebuchet to do the flinging with.   Hmmmm....*lights a fuse in hopes some loud fireworks scare the monkeys.*


*carefully picks up his banded and waves smelling fireworks in front of her nose*  This should do the trick....and if not I know of a place to find purple porcupines, that might wake her up. :smile:


Well, Horn, I scooped the poo up with the mini trebuchet.  Ever try to get poo off of fur?   It takes a lot of scrubbing and this wolf doesn't like a lot of scrubbing. 


Starrik? Did you just assault a superior office by flinging poo at her??? Ohhh ohhhhh my fingers are itching... they're itching to type out a ....





For assaulting the Executive Officer with excrement like a primate, you must humble yourself down to a level she herself witnessed. For the next 24 hours (or 5 posts, whichever occurs last), you must include "I love baboon butts" in each post you make! (You may substitute for a picture of a baboon butt, as long as you don't repeat an image.)


That's a good spotfine.  And a funny one too. 


So I wonder what would happen if someone said the words...POO FIGHT!!! Yeah,,,,probably nothing would happen, although with the monkeys in here, you never know. 


*gets covered in pink confetti and streamers*  Who, what, where, why, how????  *shakes confetti out of his coat, but a few streamers trail down his back* I don't think pink is really my color. 


Well if you think it suits me....and I suppose it is better than a pink loin cloth...and less scary looking. :biggrin: Maybe I'll just go with it, or better yet maybe I'll have to chase May down and bring her back in here. hmmmm....where did I leave my trebuchet...*hits a few random buttons and pulls a lever*


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