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[Mafia Game Over] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Mafia Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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How is that scummy? (And I didn't know that >.<)

I have exams and the deadline is pretty close, so you can case me and vote and I've already claimed and everything, so I can't do much




I meant he didn't claim doc, cuz I remember I asked him and he said no or something


He didn't say it straight out but he made it painfully clear that he was the doc and that he was going to protect himself.

He did. I can only assume that I saw only the actions which were actually performed, and that the blocking action prevented the protect action from actually going through.


I find that incredibly unlikely. Very odd.



That's the first time I've made someone's gut do flips :P


Anyway dude seriously if you need to lynch me to smoke out the scum them I'm all for it, ill even self vote if needed



*sigh* Stop trying to get yourself lynched please? It's annoying.


How is that scummy? (And I didn't know that >.<)

I have exams and the deadline is pretty close, so you can case me and vote and I've already claimed and everything, so I can't do much


How is that not scummy? And you should have known that because Darthe selfvoted and everyone commented on it. 


I'm not sure why he wants to get lynched.

I can't decide if its a ploy not to get lynched or a malicious thing, or if he is being honest


I'm almost completely positive he genuinely wants to be lynched. 


Well I did good in my exam today (hopefully) and I have 4 days of exams left, and one of them will need all my attention so I'd rather be lynched than ignore the game,and everyone in the game has found me scummy or almost or not sure


Gah or you could just be a little scarcer for a few days and then come back. Lynching you just because you wont be around for a few days is a complete waste and it would really suck to have someone replace. You keep mentioning the deadline, well yes we do have one. So you might as well contribute instead of distracting.


Dap you know ithi won't find one, and I guess ill just have to be scarce on monday and tuesday (less on tueday hopefully), well I assume we're close to LyLo, and the only person I thought of voting was hal, but she left (it was mostly for not being much of a help to town) and I think we "might" have a liar between mish and maw, I don't know why but it just doesn't seem likely and the gut says "its a trap!" And I trust my gut.


Woah, the whole lynch thing if you must, and then when we ask you if you want a replacement, using the excuse of Ithi not having time is really scummy.  Especially after that last post, it looks like you're using reverse psychology instead.


Not really rand, but I saw what I did wrong (thanks to dap) and I'm trying to "contribute" instead of "distract", I do try to learn from my mistakes anyway what are your thoughts on my post other than me using reverse psychology?


OK thats useful.  This is actually narrowing down my list a lot.  Updated list would be



1. Cyan

2. WBK

3. John Snow

4. Player (hopefully not, he makes good cases    :tongue:)


5. Chuckles

6. Rand

7. Mish

8. Maw

9. Peace


In terms of people who have claimed, Cyan, I don't think you have claimed yet.  What are your opinions on a mass claim to gather all town information?  If not Cyan, I'm thinking either Chuckles or Snow, but since Snow is still reading, I think either Cyan or Chuckles.


I actually made a list a couple of pages ago with a list of people who claimed and it was down to (cyan, snow, and dap)



OK thats useful.  This is actually narrowing down my list a lot.  Updated list would be



1. Cyan

2. WBK

3. John Snow

4. Player (hopefully not, he makes good cases    :tongue:)


5. Chuckles

6. Rand

7. Mish

8. Maw

9. Peace


In terms of people who have claimed, Cyan, I don't think you have claimed yet.  What are your opinions on a mass claim to gather all town information?  If not Cyan, I'm thinking either Chuckles or Snow, but since Snow is still reading, I think either Cyan or Chuckles.


I have not and I would prefer not to. I don't know about a mass claim. Never seen one so I'm not sure how helpful/hurtful to town they are.


At this point I'm leaning towards voting Maw or Snow, would like to vote Snow because Hali was really pinging, but its kinda unfair to do that before he's caught up. So vote MawI think currenly Mish has two votes and Kronos has one vote.


I will not be on at the deadline but I'll be on before I go to sleep to change my vote if necessary.


Good catch Cyan.


For the record: I do not have a PR, I have not received a PM or any other kind of communication saying I have a PR from the mods.


Also, Peace, care to give any proper reason with your vote? You say I'm the most likely scum, but not why.



Probably going to be the most rushed wot of all time

I'm starting this at 11pm and I don't have time to wait till tomorrow



finally managed to get on


one thing that i was wondering about was this





Drop the fake PR. Its BS and not useful

it also doesnt stop you explaining stuff



Only 1 bloody way to stop this.


peace says there's one way to stop it, but doesnt mention what,


what the hell is the bloody way to stop your bloody PR

Chuckles reaction to the PR. I believe he talks about this later so quoted for reference mainly


So chuckles has been quiet (looking back he did say he had DM issues) but look how he reacts when I mention it

Also chuckles. Youve been fairly quiet havent you

A lot of people have dude, and I'm usually quiet Day1

He uses meta not the DM issue which is weird

the usual im not sure which way to go, but im still trying to get why dice soft claimed (i know he gave his reasons but still)

He just nudges the dice thing a bit (dice got janitored that night btw)


I ask who he thinks is scummy and.....

well i dont find anyone scummy yet


ofcource id love to hear more from the rest of the people


kae, time, song (havent seen these three post anything useful in the last few pages)

That's another interesting interaction.

When pushed he throws out the most inactive people. No one can call him out on those names at the time


This was a thing I remember bugging me at the time

vote time(Should get her to start posting

@talya: well she did say she was going to post her thoughts YESTERDAY! (And considering she's already posted else where...) oh and then we'll get the while I was busy during the weekend and the deadline is in a bit so ill just bandwagon act

Looking back at times flip he did start the time thing off for basically no reason. He just went after an inactive. Ill look closer to see if he pushes her lynch or what


Ok I have a page of interactions with time after that but no train seems to of started yet

He doesn't comment on any of times stuff so I ask him to and this


Well I waited for almost 24 hours for that, and imo she's either scum lurking or Unconcerned townie (lurking)

Very non committal and just testing the waters


So I do a long WOT on Darthe and all Chuckles says is that it's a long wot

Then this


we have 1 day and 4 hours, and the people who cant get on DM (all the various reason) will have a lot of catching up to do......




Hope this doesnt end as a bangwagon thing

From day one he pushes the deadlines and hopes there is no bandwagon

But the day ends with a wagon on Time oddly enough


Then Talya appears and adds her vote to teh Time train (guess spot three is mafia)

Time had two till Talya and three other trains had 4



vote time

(Should get her to start posting

This struck me as odd at the time, especially when Time than comes on and posts larger posts than I remember seeing for the rest of the game. If anything it seemed too staged. Not much time to go and wants her to say something, why not all the other lurkers, Why Time? It feels like mafia voting for mafia to encourage them to post, so that they can distnace themselves (because why would they push someone to post on the same team!).


Im t

ryinng to get hold of something not a phone to do a reread

Talya if you ignore the ! Mark stuff and read tge rest. It wasnt actually why i cased you and ill leave it out completely from now on.

The reason i wouldnt let it go was people used it to ignore the rest if my actual case.

You are still ignoring tlking about the fact you hinted at knowing about roles. Cos youll say yoy dont know what im talking about, im refering to the time you said "people will lynch dice to get his role"

You are english right? You know what that means over learn his role or get him to reveal his role.

I can't say anything other than I meant it as get to know his role. I have things in my head and they don't always come out right...it happens a lot, and when I reread it still looks the same. I also miss out words too and I get them twisted around, typing is worse than written, but I do it there too. I know what I meant, so I can't add any more.


Hey Ithi! Just as I said elsewhere, I am really busy with midterms and will probably be a bit short on activity for the week. If you hate me for it please replace me, otherwise I will be as active as I can and should pick up Friday night.


we have 1 day and 4 hours, and the people who cant get on DM (all the various reason) will have a lot of catching up to do......




Hope this doesnt end as a bangwagon thing

Says the guy who hasn't contributed much and see above!


Here we stand at the edge of time. The three viable trains at this point appear to be Ley, Talya, and Dice.


Ley's train doesn't make sense to me. I don't see a solid grounding for it anywhere.


Talya... I feel like talya is town, but I'm undecided.


Dice: I feel like dice was set up and that scum are orchestrating his lynch.


So essentially, I don't want to lynch any of them, but deadline approaches quickly. I'm going to UNVOTE VOTE TALYA.

So not happy with any of those, but can't think of anyone else you think maybe mafia, maybe those that set up the Dice lynch. In fact I'm the one you say feels like town, you just don't like the other lynches, and yet you go for me!


Darthe - The bit about the trap, personally I think the trap was a game related thing. and I doubt mafia not town knew anything about it. Players observation on Darthe about making Len seem town because of his comment seems odd, I don't think Darthe knew anymore, but trying to suggest they do is odd. he seems very quick to say someone is town, or mafia, and the lack of explanation is not good. Why would he draw attention to himself like this? At one point I was on the Iffy list, and now I'm town - why? what has happened to change that. You give nothing that helps town at all.


I have to disagree with Player on when Darthe when he said about someone having the kill shot. In games that are more then the basic, most kills are done by one of the mafia, mainly because there maybe a roleblocker, or similar in the game and so you need to assign roles. doesn't mean that kill role dies with the person, but that it is passed on. This is how I have seen it set up many times and how I set it up. Can't remember the last game I was in when it wasn't set up that way! Sometimes it is set up that the kill has to be given by one person, but haven't seen that for ages!


Rey - we are still waiting for your run down on what has happened.


Would like to hear more from the other lurkers around to, but no doubt they will pop out of the wood work, parrot people and vote for the largest train near the end of the voting.


The trains


Ley - I have read his replies to accusations and they seem to be genuine (not that I have played with him...at least not that I remember). Time's vote is a bit odd, I don't see her reasoning on you and yet earlier in the game she found me and someone else more scummy and yet doesn't mention that when she comes back on here. Ed, i can't make my mind up on, his long post about what has happened didn't really say much and didn't give much evidence of anything, a wall of nothingness, that is how it felt.


Me - Arez's reasoning I thought wasn't that good. Rand, I can't even remember why he did vote for me, he seems another sparodic poster (I know his at soemthing at the moment, but not much there)


Dice - I feel clouds jump on here after all the talk of the symp stuff and his soft claim I didn't like. Mish (and I did get this wrong, I thought you had jumped on before, sorry, when you were the first) I felt like she had to reinforce a weak vote with the soft claim business. Both RTE and Len jumped on this, and yet they haven't said anything much since (if at all? - will have to check sometime!)


Time, - this is a vote i could go for. I think her and Chuckles (is it? - LOLguy?) maybe mafia and this was all a little set up between them


I would like to hear from Darthe in his response.


But in the meantime, VOTE TIME

So then chuckles replies with this and tals responds



@talya: the reason I voted time was I didn't want to make last games mistake, and btw see the time stamps between when I voted her and when she posted back :rolleyes:

Doesn't mean a thing, again, could be used to distance, in fact you would want it to be sometime in between, to try and make it not look too scummy.


Player - I do read it back and it still makes sense to me :p And I don't use ! just for jokes, odd remarks so I can come back and say it was a joke...please show here I have done this - bs! and I have said I find Darthe scummy, now it looks like you are skimming!

Interesting dont you think


@dap: what dude?

@talya: :rolleyes: if we were ever in the same team, I'd ignore her not put her in the spotlight and start a train on her (but yeah I get what your saying)

Well she flipped town and you did spotlight her and train her. Does that mean you aren't on the same team as her?

Musing not really serious before you all get up in arm

@maw: why talya? why not any of the other trains?

I mean dice has 4 votes and time 3 so it can go either way if need be

Look how he reacts to Talya getting voted

He also fails to mention Talyas train in the last line



Last few hours and

Dude I've already stated my thoughts and I specifically said why I voted time a couple of pages ago

The lurking thing in case your all too lazy to check

Said to Kae

From what I've seen it wasnt a great reason and you did exactly what you said you hoped wouldnt happen. A sudden bandwagon at the end

Time your at L1 anything you wanna say before you get hammered?

This was what I was worrying about *sigh*

We have I guess a little less than 3 and a hour hours

Suddenly gets worried about the suddenness of the lynch but no unvote

(I do cut some slack though cos it Was like 2 hours till deadline not half a day)

Well I did see her post somewhere sometime ago

:shrug: I think ill be here for the next hour or so then its bed time for me

Makes sure everyone knows that she avoided the thread


Final Day 1 Vote Count:

Eddie - 1 (Rey)

Ley - 1 (Time)

Talya - 4 (Rand, Arez, Maw, Player)

Dice - 3 (RTE, Len, Basel)

Time - 10 (Chuckles, Ley, Talya, Peace, Mish, Ed, Darthe, Cloud, Kae, Dice)

Darthe - 1 (Ishy)

Currently not voting - 4 (Roo, Hallia, Song, Cyan)

With 24 alive it takes 10 to LynchOk - that's a Lynch. Time, you are Dead.

Scene and stuff incoming once my boys are in bed :)

Thank you for your patience.

Bold are the mafia on that train that we know of and chuckles

Ishy missed the deadline and then complained about it

My guess is he was lurking and waiting to drop a hammer incase but wanted someone else to do it


I don't see why all of you find it hard to believe that maybe ithi used some/all of the bad guys to make town, I don't remember much of the movie tbh, but do you guys think there were enough Characters?

Chuckles response to the good guy mafia swap thing


I don't get why you all don't believe his pr?!

I don't get why you did if you were the PR giver and knew you hadn't given out a PR yet


Ok stopping there to post

Day 2 breaks here


I think maw is scummy and it looks like he got caught in a lie,

I've probably got an hour left of wakefulness and if I have to ill vote him before I go to bed, but I'd prefer to leave him alive dust in case


Day starts and Chuckles asks what a janitor is

I can't remember him in a game with one so he could be telling the truth

Just realised dice is killed night 2 sorry. Song was night 1

I'm tired and rushing


Ok so remember how day one I did a long Darthe wot and chuckles said it was long and that's it

I think he didn't read it


3 votes on darthe and all 3 of them are for reasons stated before?! I wanna know why [(I think someone else has said this already)

Cos look, he is asking for reasons of the votes. More reason than his vote in time

@ed maybe his pr includes a word count?

So this is chuckles first menton of Peaces continued PR

He says he sent one in on me night one, but he doesn't seem too surprised that peace still has a PR and doesn't hint that I should have one


What is it with ithi and traps? :rolleyes:

Darthe anything you wanna say other than just give up?


Do you have anything you want to say darthe?

(Oh and I have this awesome hammer meme I've been waiting to use)



Dice hammered time and I was the first to vote her dude,....

Now darthe are you gonna say anything?


He seems to of picked up the letting people speak before hammering thing which is good


I find this interesting though


Dude if I didnt know for a fact that you couldn't get on dm I would FOS you for being pretty much useless but I know your busy with school and dm being mean and all

Just feels odd

Kinda hints that people could be lying about DM issues (remember why dice thought Talya was a symp lol, DM issues )


Then cloud and chuckles have a strange posts chat

More too it i only quoted a little

I haven't caught up yet, I had other things on my mind, but this train on Darthe is complete bs. HUGE FoS on Chuckles for the hammer on Darthe while there is still 9 hours left where people could still give their own opinion about Day 2 and possibly suggest other lynch options. 



Dude people always FOS the one who hammers /tisknown

And do tell me how you expect to get 11 votes on someone in about 7 hours? ( I think) and who did you suspect?

Feels like distancing a bit


Final Day 2 Vote Count

Darthe - 11 (Eddie, Ishy, WBK, Mish, Leyrann, Basel, Maw, Player, Roo, Chuckles, Ark)

RTE - 1 (Dice)

Lenlo - 1 (Peace)

Not Voting - 9 (Talya, RTE, Cyan, Hallia, Cloud, Darthe, Arez, Rand, Lenlo)

With 21 Alive it takes 11 to Lynch.That's a Lynch. Darthe, you are Dead. Scene coming shortly-ish

Nothing really in that VC but worth showing


Another question peace

Are you a compulsed vig?

Here's a hint at compulsed roles, I thought it was a reference to the forsaken game but chuckles wasnt in that


Too new to know a compulsed role.

Makes me think


Just to comment on this before I leave for school

I don't remember who exactly said this (I think pandy)

Something about giving peace free reign being rash...

Well that's one of the problems of having a vig in the game, sometimes they hit the right one but mostly they don't, and tbh day vigs are the oddities not night ones...

Huh once again this is strangely insightful for someone new enough not to know a janitor


Peace you keep on saying you dropped the ark and lost it, but as I remember in the last scene, it was one of the baddies who dropped it (right?)

That's interesting. Cos back on day one you seemed to know the alignments had been switched but now you are trying to get peace caught out by being a bad guy


Bahahaha and I thought this game woudnt get any more confusing *shakehead*

You do know what you have done right?

If len flips mafia you did us a favor if not.....

After this all the stuff about a doc with Len happens. I quoted that all already


Meh the one thing I'm intersted in knowing is(at 6am) WTH happened to your PR peace?

And maybe RTE is right?

(About how maybe some of the bad guys might be town?)

So back to Peaces PR, no concerns over other people's PRs

Once again you seem unsure about the swapping of alignment but I thought you seemed more sure day one



Right Ishy is lynched and chuckles isn't on it. I think it happened during his night though


That s 103 pages or so done. It's 1am and I'm going to sleep. Posting then voting


Right vote maw

I don't think people will go for WKB and I haven't got time to case him

I also don't think people will go for chuckles so out of maw and Mish, maws claim looks like it has a mistake. Mishs is safe but it seems to fit

Maws misses an action


If I wake up in the night ill come back to the thread and see if I need to move my vote but don't hold your breathe


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