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Pictophone Sign Ups! WoT Winter Carnival


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*Whisper* My keys cried to the trees

*Whispers to next person* Monkeys cried to the trees

*Whispers to next person* Monkeys climbed to the trees

*Whispers to next person* Monkeys climbed through the trees

I'm not sure if all of you have played the game "telephone" but that is basically how it tends to go... Except people think they hear MUUUUUCH stranger things.

We will be playing pictophone in January in the White Ajah! Those who sign up will be divided into teams. The first player of each team will be sent a phrase via PM. They will then need to draw a picture which conveys the phrase and send it to the next player of their team.

Player #2 will look at the picture and figure out what the phrase was from the picture. They will then send this phrase to Player #3

Player #3 then draws a picture and sends it to Player #4

You get the idea.

At the end of the round, everyone will share what their final phrase was. Points will be awarded based on how accurate the phrase was.
Each team will be assigned a team moderator whom must be involved in all game related interactions of the team 

1) Once a player has sent a picture or phrase, the next player has 24 hours to do their part in "translating" before they start losing points. BE ACTIVE
2) The team's assigned game moderator must be included in each PM which relates to the game
3) No asking/answering questions about a picture or phrase. If you are confused, just do the best you can.
4) No discussing the phrase until after all teams have completed the round.
5) They must be your own drawings. You can free draw then post a picture on the computer or use paint or a similar program, but it must be YOUR drawing. No stealing pics from the internet either!

All of those interested in playing, sign up here!! Sign ups will be open until the January 15th, when the game will begin!



1. RandAlThor

2. Mashiara Sedai

3. Hallia

4. Ryrin

5. Misheru

6. Leala

7. Crimson_Ayla

8. SirTownsend

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