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Basel Gill

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If you think she is mafia then why unvote? I didn't vote for Ithi because I get more of a town vibe from her.  I wasn't the first to point the above out Random. I just agreed with it. To me it seems it seems if we have a good chance at catching scum we should do it. If someone is lying, which is likely, then you have to consider why they would lie if town. When I thought about it I figure one of them is anti-town. 


I decided to go ahead and vote BG because I am unsure of him and had forgotten about the point TG had made. What I do know is I want to avoid a random as that is the least helpful to town.

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Just finished going through and collecting my thoughts... Apparently my mother wanted to spend time with me this evening, who would have thunk it (since I haven't seen her in about a year... I suppose it makes sense).


Since tomorrow is Christmas Eve and my family traditionally does a simple family dinner and gift exchange that evening, followed by the big dinner with extended family/friends on Christmas Day lunch time, I won't have time to say a lot of substance, although I will check in and switch votes as necessary to consolidate.




My notes:


Ithi - Hasn't been sitting right with me most of the game. Her behavior since D3 has been more of the aggressive Ithi that I expect, but now with the role claim being in question due to Ley2.0's information, I think we need to know what we're dealing with.  There has been quite a lot of interaction with her all around and a lot of information to be gained here.

Turin - I was unsure of him at first because of how strongly he pushed the Schveningen thing, it seemed to be a bit too gung-ho and bordering on sucking up to Wombat.  However, I've been getting a pretty solid town feel from him this day phase, since he has had the time to weigh in more.

RTE - After the points Turin brought up on him, I read back a little further.  The bit that had Darthe threatening to vig kill him, with his actions around the Marsh lynch and afterwards, pinged me quite a bit at the time also. He got into it a bit with Wombat right after the lynch, threatening to go after him the next day.  Slip of the figurative tongue with "If I get even one town".  All of this pings, but overall this could be noob town play.  I'd honestly expect him to be more careful and more awkward if he was mafia.  Most noob mafia don't know how to pretend to be town, and stuff it up a bit.  

Smiley - I'm very uncomfortable with how strongly he feels that Ithi is town. I can't wrap my head around how he can be so adamant.  The thing is, if he's mafia, it would be silly to defend her so strongly, if she dies and flips town it'll just make it obvious that he's scum, and if she flips mafia it would paint a neon sign "HI I'M HER TEAMMATE" for him to defend her like that.  But I can't figure how he would feel so strongly about it if he's town, either.  The only thing that makes sense to me is unlyncher.

Random - I trust him by virtue of the fact that he was Rand's mason partner.  Even if it wasn't for that, he's coming across as town to me.  

BG - The train on him seems to have snowballed from very little - TG had his reasons, although I'm not sure I agree with his assessment, Smiley pretty much piggybacked on that, but some of the others...  I'm a little baffled.  BG usually has me wary, but I haven't really seen anything from him that stands out to me.

Maw - His vote on BG seems to me very suspect.  The reasoning (he's manipulating trains) seems to go diametrically against the reasons TG and Smiley voted for him, and I'm not sure where he gets that.  It looks like he's reaching for an excuse to vote BG without being accused of bandwagoning or parroting.

Kaylee - As previously mentioned, I've been getting a town read from her.  She's making logical points and seems to be actively scum hunting.

TG (replaced BB) - Uncountered cop claim is still uncountered.

Lol - The character claim is solid, although I'm a bit wary of how he's skated by without offering much in the way of opinions.  

Len - The fact that Ithi is bulldogging him has me curious.  His play hasn't really stuck out to me.

Time - Overall I have a slight town read.  She's been more vocal this game than I think I've ever seen her, but since she's pretty new at mafia this could be just a development of playstyle instead of playing unlike her normal self.  I don't really like the "I have a bad feeling" reasoning for her vote on BG, though.

Des2.0 (replaced Starry) - I'm concerned about the fact that he hasn't turned up since replacing Starrik.  I'm guessing access issues?

Ley2.0 (replaced Snow) - I lean toward believing his claim. I can't imagine Eisenhower not being in the game.  I'm surprised Snow actually submitted night actions with how inactive he was in the game, though.

Darthe 2.0 (replaced Thorum) - I believe he's town - the claim makes sense and has been proven as much as it can be.



Smiley's play has come across as pretty suspect, although as I mentioned above I can't see a logical reason why he would defend Ithi so adamantly as mafia, or as town.  Darthe, since you're pushing for his lynch, do you think his play in this regard makes sense for mafia?   Should we ignore the defense of Ithi in the equation?


I'm just not getting the BG train.  Perhaps I need to read back through and pick out his posts and look again.  Nothing he's done has really stood out to me as particularly suspicious.


Despite Darthe's argument to the contrary, I honestly prefer to vote Ithi.  If there isn't support for it, I will be around to switch.

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Really? Must say I don't recognize that. Yes, I had a lot of schoolwork the last weeks, but that won't get less after the christmas break. Nor was it less before.


Well then the Netherlands are just wierd.


As the Netherlands existed two centuries before the United States did, I'd say the United States are just weird.


@Ley2.0 - So you're saying that you are a town RB? 


Yes, I think I said that.


If Ithi/Ley2 are both telling the truth both can be town so the lynch is stupid.  From a mafia members perspective it would incriminate one of them so neither would do it.   IE: it isn't the only option, BG was LLL or went full stupid, and both are town because neither is dumb.


Hence, lynch Smiles or BG.  The ithi lynch went full ****** long ago.


Eh, we can't be both telling the truth. Either Ithi is lying about recieving information or not, or I am lying about roleblocking or not. But believe me, it's her. She was roleblocked N2.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Lenlo" data-cid="2715917" data-time="1356284241"><p>

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Ithillian" data-cid="2715664" data-time="1356256891"><p>Welcome to today's Ithi post. I'm really not in the mood today but I will try.<br />

<br />

I wasn't blocked, I got my result. The only person who says they were blocked was the Cop. Ley has taken about three days to come up with this, probably because the Lynch on me is stalling.<br />

<br />

I still think Len is the best way to go. So many people have come out hard on me since I accused and voted him. Please read his posts ... Honestly, has he done anything on his own at all. <strong class='bbc'>And he definitely was against smiley and then flipped.</strong> Surely you must see it. And Ley is probably a team mate trying to get me killed. And WoT is another.<br />

<br />

I can't really post more today. It's the first anniversary of my F-in-L's death and we are going to Scarborough. I won't be here to change my vote or post again today. Sorry.</p></blockquote>[/unquote]


Im still against Smiley, your just the better option.</p></blockquote>[/unquote]


Evidence for Darthe: agrees with Darthe, so Darthe don't vote for him, but really wants me out of the picture. Another nothing but agreeing post. I can't go find them all as you know.


Kaylee can't make up her mind. Either she thinks I'm Town so doesn't want to vote me, then she says we should vote me, then we shouldn't. Tress thinking she is Town based on this too-ing and fro-ing is just laughable.


Ley, I was NOT blocked on Night 2 and I got a result. John Snow was inactive. You are making this us to try and get me Lynched.


Smiley, did you mention a while back that you thought the second front was Russia - two russians were killed and they were both Allies so that doesn't make sense. It has to be Germans and Japanese - why are you trying to discount that.


WoT - her whole reread apparently pointed towards me being Mafia, but now she has maybe forgotten she said that. I think her re-read post was a Mafia filler post and she did no such thing, otherwise surely she would have more thoughts about the game. Again, Tress thinks she is doing a great job this game. And then Tress votes for me.


Tress has been nudging a vote on me all game. There are obviously more Mafia in this game because there are more people playing. So if there are 6 I am going to say they are:


1. Len

2. Leyrann

3. WoT

4. Tress

5. Kaylee

6. Smiley




I can't remember what else I was going to say. I'm sure it will come to me later. I'm at the old house now picking up forgotten bits and bobs and it's freezing. I might have time to post again later.

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Vote count:


Len (1): Ithi

Ithi (5): RTE, Len, BG, Ley 2.0, Tress

BG (5): TG, Smiley, Maw, Time, Kaylee

RTE (1): Turin

Smiley (1): Darthe 2.0

Kaylee (1): Random


With 16 alive it takes 9 to lynch.


Not voting (4): Tress, Chuckles, Des 2.0,




Christmas Eve would be right after the weekend this year. :rolleyes:  Not even close to a good situation for modding. You people will have an extra 3 hours than normal tonight, cause I'll be at a family party at my preferred DL time of 9 PM, and need to postpone the DL to when I'm around.

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Ithi, the only way I can see how you were NOT blocked, is that John got blocked too. Not likely. My vote stays on you until you're lynched.


Also, why would I press a lynch on you in this way, if I were mafia? The mafia is having a really good game, there is no need for them to die to get a townie lynched. The townies are already lynching each other all the time.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Leyrann" data-cid="2716883" data-time="1356348397"><p>

<span style='color: #008000'>Ithi, the only way I can see how you were NOT blocked, is that John got blocked too. Not likely. My vote stays on you until you're lynched.</span><br />

<br />

<span style='color: #008000'>Also, why would I press a lynch on you in this way, if I were mafia? The mafia is having a really good game, there is no need for them to die to get a townie lynched. The townies are already lynching each other all the time.</span></p></blockquote>



The Townies are Lynching each other?!


So you are not Town then?


unvote - vote Ley


Len will have to wait. You just confessed to being Mafia

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Yes he did. He said the Townies were Lynching each other, thus putting self in the position of outsider observing the situation.


And I know I wasn't blocked.


He's on the Mafia with Len and is trying to get me killed to shut me up, probably because I've named most of them.


But as an aside, if I do get Lynched anyways, can I still play football tomorrow? I promise to be good and I've already revealed all my info and it was my idea.

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Ithi, you should read my post again:


"The mafia is having a really good game, there is no need for them to die to get a townie lynched. The townies are already lynching each other all the time."


You're pulling what I say out of context in order to have a reason to lynch me. As should be obvious from what I said, I said it as a mafia would think it.

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Of course it is obvious that what you said was from a Mafia point of view, because you are a Mafia.


1. John was inactive - when did he even last post here on DM?


2. Ley took AGES to come up with the 'I blocked Ithi' line, he probably hoped we wouldn't remember John wasn't active


3. Ley actively says that 'the Townies are Lynching each other'


And all this fired up big time after I said Len and WoT were Mafia.


And I want to play football tomorrow. Ley is lying about blocking me. His Mafia team wants me dead.

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1. I have no idea when his last post was, but I DO know he sent in a NA in Night 2.


2. You really have a selective memory... I have said I didn't want to reveal, as I'd put myself as a target to the mafia.


3. See my above post.


You really seem to hate me now, Ithi. I guess it's because I got you?

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Smiley, did you mention a while back that you thought the second front was Russia - two russians were killed and they were both Allies so that doesn't make sense. It has to be Germans and Japanese - why are you trying to discount that.


I thought it could be either, Germans fighting on two fronts, East and West, the intelligence report didn't necessarily have to entail bad information, it's open to interpretation, so yes there could be two mafia groups but I think an interpretation for two sides of the Ally battle is legitimate too

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I don't hate anyone Ley. Stop trying to make this personal. It's a game and that was a very petty statement.


I just think you are Mafia, and the only evidence you allegedly have against me is something you made up.


Ithi with all due respect, I feel like you keep trying to take any accusations against you and make them seem like personal attacks. I feel like you are trying to get people to side with you and make your accusers seem more volatile than they mean to be. I don't really think this game has gotten to the point where it is personal. I don't know what terms you are all on outside of the game but so far I'd say things have been pretty civil. Let's not make something out of nothing.

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ithi you seem to come of to strong you're currently at L3 with darthes vote and we have like 14 hours left, which can be a lot of time or barely any. 


so im voting you just in case i cant be online (which is probably true)


vote ithi

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