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Basel Gill

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Hey look! A lolguy sighting! I understand the DM issues... but you are here right now, so go on and give us some insight... ...take this opportunity to share some thoughts about the current state of the game.




dude i usually dont post much till i get a feel in the game, the game until this point is people voting other to get reactions and to pretty much check who bandwagon......and stuff

I'm really starting to get an anti-town read on Lolz. The bold pings, several people have made decent cases. Vote Lolguy

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Tress: she's making cases like she does as town. Not entirely sure yet though. She's not as active this game, but has said it's due to DM and computer issues. I beleive that because of my own DM issues as well as others. To be honest, I don't fully trust anyone until I see a flip. (I do tend to listen to unCC'd Cop/finders though. I don't follow blindly but I think it holds more weight).

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I would like to know what Tress and Kaylee think of each other so far this game.


As I said earlier, I'm getting a town vibe from Kaylee so far.  She's picking up on some good points, and scum hunting consistently.  She might have learned to fool my instinct by now, but I'm inclined to think town.

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Claims and stuff in bold purple


1. Ithi
2. Turin
3. RTE
4. Darthe William Joseph Slim, Allied Rubber Tongue, lynched Day 1
5. Falcon Ironeyes - Claimed Jimmy Doolittle as well as some important Town backup role (He did not specify) - Doubt cast on claim by multiple players
6. Smiley - Claimed Andrew Cunningham vanilla Townie - claim not countered or had doubt cast on as far as I know
7. Rand Georgy Zhukov, Allied Mason, lynched Day 2
8. Ley J. Robert Oppenheimer, Allied Inventor, killed Night 2

9. Random - would seem to be Rand's mason team-mate
10. BG
11. Maw
12. Tress
13. Kaylee
14. Bard Babe - Uncountered Cop claim (Winston Churchill)
15. lolguy
16. Len
17. Womby
18. Despo Henry Stimson, Vanilla Ally, killed Night 1
19. WoT13
20. Starrik
21. Snowy
22. Tina Vasily Chuikov, Vanilla Ally, killed Day 2
23. Thorum Darthe - claimed Vasily Zhaetsev - day vig - some doubt cast on claim by Turin and BG



Okay, here is a quick recap list.  Would anyone who has been active the whole time mind helping get a recap of all the claims and etc so far?  

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Darthe v1 is DEAD, long live the Darthe v2.


I'm not happy that I want Marsh lynched and it keeps getting derailed :mad: I think this is the third time I have said he should go and each time something else just happens to pop up that gives him a reprieve.


My wifi has officially gone :( I didn't really get chance to look through the game, but I've read the emails that pop up.


Darthe just seems to have rehashed up the fact that Wombat is extraordinarily chatty this game. Internet explorer and DM access is still crappy, Also he still wants me dead. As he now appears to be a Day Vig of somekind I'm sure he could take care of that if he really wanted to. I'm a little concerned that he might do just that, so will advise that I am Anthony Eden, the British Secretary of State for War. The other reason that I am saying this now, is that I am concerned about my good friend, Winston Churchill.

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I think I understand it.


The claim would seem to be legit imo but then again, Ithi would know how to craft a good fake claim of a British wartime figure I would hope. Still, I think she's town. Also, I never realized that Winston Churchill's wartime memoirs were called "The Gathering Storm."

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Ha ... For some reason I had it in my head that he was the guy who came back with the non agression pact piece of paper signed, and promised that there wouldn't be any war. You know, the guy on the plane steps waving the paper? But that was Neville Chamberlain - so I got a major eyebrow raise of scorn from the other half - who proceeded to give me a history lesson. Epic. :rolleyes:


I didn't do history at school, I did RE instead. Mind you, WWII wasn't on the history syllabus anyways - it was The Wild West and the History of Medicine. One of my RE teachers was in the Airforce during WWII and actually helped to liberate some of the camps.

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So I'm at L2 now (unless I'm wrong) so the case aginst me is that I've been hiding behind spam?!


I'm currently on the phone so I can't quote but imo tress and a couple of others are just bandwagoning, and some of you are reading to much into my words :dry:


I'm going to watch the hobbit later tonight (in like 3 hours) so if I get at L2 ill reveal.


And @turin: I don't surf brah

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Iron (4): Ithi, Maw, Smiley, Len

Ithi (1): Starry

Chuckles (7): Turin, Womby, Darthe 2.0, Random, BG, Tress, Kaylee


Not voting (6): RTE, Iron, BB, Chuckles, Time, Snow


Deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 19th at 9 PM EST. With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.




Starry has asked for a replacement. Despo 2.0 is coming in.

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Hmm.. Considering the number of claims we have out already and who they are I will reveal my info on one condition. I want a mass reveal at this point. The power players are basically out, but name reveals are good enough IMO

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