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Basel Gill

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Oh posted before I stuck in two other things.


Maw commenting that everyone has good claims was him sounding like all his teams work to lynch a townie was going to waste.


Chuckles, certain things annoy certain people. For me it is the "Drat" post after a townie dies. But they do help find mafia.

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I swear I'm just going to policy vote the next person who comes on here just to post that they don't know anything, they will have a read through and will come back later to post again.


That is just - 'hey I'm here and I feel I should be posting something' filler and it does my head in.


Here's an idea - read through, and THEN post.


Agreed.  I find preemptive reread announcement to be somewhat scummy.


You know what?



Vote: Smiley


He was hesitant to say "Scheveningen" and also hesitant to roleclaim.


If it makes you feel better I withheld the roleclaim because you said about three times that claiming vanilla was anti-Town


Fair enough I guess but I don't have many leads right now.

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Vote count:


Iron (1): Ithi

Smiley (1): Womby

Ithi (1): Random


Not voting (15): Turin, RTE, Iron, Smiley, BG, Maw, Tress, Kaylee, BB, Chuckles, Len, Time, Starry, Snow, Thorum


Deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 19th at 9 PM EST. With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.



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Alright, it's D3 now, BB, if you're really the cop like you've claimed, we'd really like some information. Anything. We know N1 you couldn't have been RB'ed, as Ley was. Last night, it's possible, but I'd really like to hear from you. We haven't gotten any info since you claimed.




I'm also wondering what information she has gathered and I'm also concerned about why she hasn't shared anything with us so far since she claimed cop D1.


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Sorry I have been less than active. My DM has been screwing up and I had a ridiculously busy week last week, but I'll make an effort to be around more. Ithi has been pinging me, she seems to be playing aggressively agains anyone she can, and trying to shoot down accusations of buddying up to Wombat, while in the same post continuing to buddy.

Vote Ithi

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I think you might have that backwards starry. If anything it seems to be Wombat following Ithi. Not the other way round. And she has been not aggressive at all this game. I am wondering if you are reading the same game as the rest of us.


This comes off as you just wanting to lead on Ithi but not having a valid reason so just making stuff up so you can say you had a reason. Again follows the same path as marsh also.


So we have a vig? And a backup something or other working together. I think both claims stink. Btw do you get a shot today? And did we get your character? I may have missed it but I've been on phone only the past 4 days.

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Vote count:


Iron (1): Ithi

Smiley (1): Womby

Ithi (2): Random, Starry


Not voting (14): Turin, RTE, Iron, Smiley, BG, Maw, Tress, Kaylee, BB, Chuckles, Len, Time, Snow, Thorum


Deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 19th at 9 PM EST. With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.



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So we have a vig? And a backup something or other working together. I think both claims stink. Btw do you get a shot today? And did we get your character? I may have missed it but I've been on phone only the past 4 days.


Thorum claims Vasily Zhaetsev (I've probably botched up the spelling) sniper extra-ordinaire and day vig, he shot Tina yesterday and I'm heavily incline to believe his claim and that he is Town 

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I'm going to lose my broadband access soon, and won't get it back till january sometime. This means I will try and keep up, but don't expect vast amount of posting and definitely no going back to check stuff. I'll be paying for data on my phone so it's just not happening.


Ok. The short version :


1. Womby has been agreeing with me a lot. I have no intention or even reason to buddy up to him, because as far as I'm concerned he hasn't been vetted yet and could just be pulling a stunt that will echo through the ages of legendary Mafia Games


2. I'm either not agressive enough or too aggressive. Make up your minds, but I don't see anyone else trying to get stuff done and I've led all the lynches so far


3. People certainly were suspicious of me and turin prior to today. Maybe you should reread more betterer. Pushing a case on someone else's suspect but doing nothing about it is easy lazy mafia 101


4 post to advise of reread and no further posts - filler and more filler. I look forward to the results.


5. Has anyone heard from Bard Babe? Inactivity is not good


6. Can we just Lynch Marsh please?

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Well don't look at me ... I'm losing broadband soon :( plus it's silly season at the Gas, with having to get as much stuff done before we break for Christmas. And tomorrow we are taking our boys to see Santa! So yes, I will be very much absent from DM




But it is kind of scary and also a little worrying that you are the top poster in the game.


It's almost unatural ...

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Everytime I go to re-read this dang thread, DM craps on me. Never when I'm doing anything else. I can read and post other places fine, but whenever I come over here... "The Site is Offline", "Your post no longer exists", "I ate your soul!"




At this point I'd prefer to vote the inactives. I'm starting to think our mafia is laying back and trying to let the actives/semi-actives pick each other off and just posting enough to get by. So long as you aren't posing the least, you are posting enough. So with that,


So with that.... a severely low poster and the posts made haven't been beneficial.Vote Lolguy.

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BG said:


Everytime I go to re-read this dang thread, DM craps on me. Never when I'm doing anything else. I can read and post other places fine, but whenever I come over here... "The Site is Offline", "Your post no longer exists", "I ate your soul!"

My non existent 1-shot lie Detector Day Time made up Ability says you are LYING.


Because you need to have a soul in the first place to get it et



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DM ate my post :(


Alright so im back.


Vote Marsh


His claim reeks to me. Jimmy Doolittle? That is a very minor person in WW2 compared to the others that have been claimed or revealed and as far as I can remember he didnt replace anyone during the war, so that part of his claim is suspect as well. All around his claim reeks of a fake claim to me.


Heres a link to the Jimmy Doolittle page for anyone who wants to take a read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Doolittle

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BG said:


Everytime I go to re-read this dang thread, DM craps on me. Never when I'm doing anything else. I can read and post other places fine, but whenever I come over here... "The Site is Offline", "Your post no longer exists", "I ate your soul!"

My non existent 1-shot lie Detector Day Time made up Ability says you are LYING.


Because you need to have a soul in the first place to get it et





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