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Basel Gill

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Well played Darthe. I had suspected that all along though I think your fatal misstep was the "I am not town" part that made it seem much more scummy. The obvious way to test Rubbertongue would be to test a statement everyone knows is true. "This game is set in WWII" or something like it. An inexperienced LD may not have picked up on testing something better plus it gave lots of ammo to continue pushing the lynch.

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I thought we were hunting mafia, not people-trying-to-find-fake-roleclaims.


Glad to have that cleared up, I'll just believe all roleclaims from now on, just as you all did with wombat's. NOT.

You would be better off, statistically speaking.

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Well played Darthe. I had suspected that all along though I think your fatal misstep was the "I am not town" part that made it seem much more scummy. The obvious way to test Rubbertongue would be to test a statement everyone knows is true. "This game is set in WWII" or something like it. An inexperienced LD may not have picked up on testing something better plus it gave lots of ammo to continue pushing the lynch.


I think I missed what happened here. Can you elaborate?

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Well played Darthe. I had suspected that all along though I think your fatal misstep was the "I am not town" part that made it seem much more scummy. The obvious way to test Rubbertongue would be to test a statement everyone knows is true. "This game is set in WWII" or something like it. An inexperienced LD may not have picked up on testing something better plus it gave lots of ammo to continue pushing the lynch.


I think I missed what happened here. Can you elaborate?

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Well played Darthe. I had suspected that all along though I think your fatal misstep was the "I am not town" part that made it seem much more scummy. The obvious way to test Rubbertongue would be to test a statement everyone knows is true. "This game is set in WWII" or something like it. An inexperienced LD may not have picked up on testing something better plus it gave lots of ammo to continue pushing the lynch.


I think I missed what happened here. Can you elaborate?

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RTE, allow me to explain since you're new. The phase between a lynch and night or night ending and day is called twilight. During this time the person who has been killed is still considered Alive because their are roles that can affect death in such a way that the person doesn't die. So, in short, I am alive until the scene is posted. I will then make a short, appropriate post wishing my team luck. This phase keeps players from breaking rules after death with their zeal and is why a good mod typically allows a bit of time between lynch and death.

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Oh, cool! Thanks Darthe. Can someone potentially still use role abilities after/at lynching or is that only with deaths during night phase? For instance, could a doctor (if there is one, given this is advanced I assume there is) save you if he wanted to? Or no because you've been lynched?

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RTE, allow me to explain since you're new. The phase between a lynch and night or night ending and day is called twilight. During this time the person who has been killed is still considered Alive because their are roles that can affect death in such a way that the person doesn't die. So, in short, I am alive until the scene is posted. I will then make a short, appropriate post wishing my team luck. This phase keeps players from breaking rules after death with their zeal and is why a good mod typically allows a bit of time between lynch and death.


I think Ithi has ruled on this for the BT btw and said that until Basel confirms the lynch, you can talk.

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Oh, cool! Thanks Darthe. Can someone potentially still use role abilities after/at lynching or is that only with deaths during night phase? For instance, could a doctor (if there is one, given this is advanced I assume there is) save you if he wanted to? Or no because you've been lynched?


There is a role called Governor that can save people from being lynched.

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Triple post. Is that a record? :dry:


Not quite. I still think I hold that record:





I just lol'ed. Hard. That was amazing. And quite impressive. Quite a shame that no one made a bigger deal out of it.


I tip my hat off to you sir.

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Many apologies for my prolonged quietness. Internet issues are resolved, at least at the moment - I may have some very old cables that need to be replaced if the problem recurs.  Finally finished catching up to all my end of November/beginning of December staff duties last night and started my notes, but I was fading fast and decided to get up early today and finish before going to work.  Aaaaand by the time I woke up, there was a lynch. 


A few thoughts during twilight...


Wombat, man... I love you.  Srsly.  Beautiful.


Darthe, if you're telling the truth, that was a rough role to do something useful with.  I'm starting to enjoy trying to figure out what you're up to at any given time, although I think you're usually a few steps ahead of me with your plans. :laugh:


Despo, very nice job casing Thorum. 


Also, apropos of nothing...




Des, I'm not coupling you with Darthe. I'm coupling you with Tina.
As to experience: I think you two, BG and me are the 4 most experienced players on here. I could be wrong on that, though

I was talking about Ithi linking me and Darthe, not you.

As for the experienced players, you're def leaving some big names off the list. Wombat has way more experience than me, and is a veritable mafia legend. Kaylee has more experience than me (where has she been?). Turin and Ithi are both experienced and very good players. Maw and Ley have played mafia for a while, and some of the newish players like Mr. Snow, Darthe, and Rand have shown a great aptitude for the game. I'm prob leaving off some names as well, but the point is there are plenty of experienced players in this game


I got Kaylee into playing mafia, and in my very first game I was advised how legendary your WoTs were, Des, so she's definitely not more experienced than you are.  Unless you meant me, since "where has she been" would more likely refer to me than Kaylee, she's been much more active in this game than I between the site issues, my internet going down twice in the past week, and trying to catch up with staff duties.  And if you meant me, you're off base with the "more experience" comment. :laugh:


In any event, notes will be caught up during night phase, providing my ISP and/or the equipment cooperates with me.

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Darthe on the ridiculously low chance you flip town, your linking of people isn't helping at all.


You also call people out for lurking during obvious work or sleep hours for their time zones. It's a scummy move that looks like your trying to make someone look scummy when they can't defend them selves.

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