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Talking Aloud to Animals (Things My Cats Make Me Say)


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I lurk sometimes and post when I can't talk myself out of it haha. I don't get too sucked in cause spam is scary, but sometimes I can't help but get caught in the waves if awesome here.


And my kitty has been jumping up on to the table all week and when I lift the spoon to my mouth she darts in and starts stealing my milk. Them I try to get my spoon back in and she shoves it away. So I've been fighting all week with her and finally caved to nogitiating that day. Didn't even realize I said all that till I had finished pleading.


The worst part: my cat actually stopped drinking the milk and say on the table till I was done and then I had to push the bowl to her to get her to put her head back in it.


Hopefully she will keep this system. Lol.

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Pleas don't sit in the middle of the doorway. If you do, and I try to step over you, please don't then move to where I was going to step, making me wobble and almost fall over, and then glare at me cos I almost stepped on you.

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I saw you when you were trying to take food from my flat from the front. I saw you when you ere trying to take food from my plate from under my arm. I can see you walking along the back of the sofa, so please don't try it.

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