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Why does Nynaeve ditch her bling?


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From another thread!




Callandor is linked to Sha'rah When the fisher king is one a white square it has different attributes from when its on a black square The Fisher King's attributes change depending on what color square it occupies; on white it is weak in attack yet agile and far-ranging in escape; on black it is strong in attack but slow and vulnerable.


For Rand to use Callandor he has to let women control it, which weakens him because he cannot use the OP to defend himself, but the amount of power available to the circle is insane giving them a huge advantage on attack.

IMO Callandor is like a domination band, so with two women in control (and working in concert) they can control rand, even if say the DO 'seizes all that he is'

They said a strong enough man could control the two women.... which now makes sense... why Nynaeve would take off her jewelry and Moiraine would be the second choice as weak as she is!!!!!


From another thread!





Callandor is linked to Sha'rah When the fisher king is one a white square it has different attributes from when its on a black square The Fisher King's attributes change depending on what color square it occupies; on white it is weak in attack yet agile and far-ranging in escape; on black it is strong in attack but slow and vulnerable.


For Rand to use Callandor he has to let women control it, which weakens him because he cannot use the OP to defend himself, but the amount of power available to the circle is insane giving them a huge advantage on attack.

IMO Callandor is like a domination band, so with two women in control (and working in concert) they can control rand, even if say the DO 'seizes all that he is'

They said a strong enough man could control the two women.... which now makes sense... why Nynaeve would take off her jewelry and Moiraine would be the second choice as weak as she is!!!!!



Um ... do we actually know that Callandor works like the Domination Band? Or is that just speculation? I don't remember reading that anywhere.


I don't think the two women have to be in control at all. One of the women could be in control, and that would have protected them if Callandor magnified the taint and the man went crazy a la Rand vs. the Seanchan. But with the taint gone there'd be no need for that anymore.


If Rand spent more time with his wifey, Elayne, preferably, she could mayhaps look at callandor, study it a bit, and discover that not only can she make ter's, but sa's as well. Make a shiny new sword or [removed. PG-13 please] or whatever, with all the power of callandor in the hands of a choeden kal statue, with a buffer.


probably just kidding? or at least know it's unlikely, but this gave me lawls.



From another thread!





Callandor is linked to Sha'rah When the fisher king is one a white square it has different attributes from when its on a black square The Fisher King's attributes change depending on what color square it occupies; on white it is weak in attack yet agile and far-ranging in escape; on black it is strong in attack but slow and vulnerable.


For Rand to use Callandor he has to let women control it, which weakens him because he cannot use the OP to defend himself, but the amount of power available to the circle is insane giving them a huge advantage on attack.

IMO Callandor is like a domination band, so with two women in control (and working in concert) they can control rand, even if say the DO 'seizes all that he is'

They said a strong enough man could control the two women.... which now makes sense... why Nynaeve would take off her jewelry and Moiraine would be the second choice as weak as she is!!!!!



Um ... do we actually know that Callandor works like the Domination Band? Or is that just speculation? I don't remember reading that anywhere.


I don't think the two women have to be in control at all. One of the women could be in control, and that would have protected them if Callandor magnified the taint and the man went crazy a la Rand vs. the Seanchan. But with the taint gone there'd be no need for that anymore.

It's just speculation - which is what I thought most of what's posted in this forum was. And, I meant the male a'dam, not the domination band. Sorry.


From another thread!





Callandor is linked to Sha'rah When the fisher king is one a white square it has different attributes from when its on a black square The Fisher King's attributes change depending on what color square it occupies; on white it is weak in attack yet agile and far-ranging in escape; on black it is strong in attack but slow and vulnerable.


For Rand to use Callandor he has to let women control it, which weakens him because he cannot use the OP to defend himself, but the amount of power available to the circle is insane giving them a huge advantage on attack.

IMO Callandor is like a domination band, so with two women in control (and working in concert) they can control rand, even if say the DO 'seizes all that he is'

They said a strong enough man could control the two women.... which now makes sense... why Nynaeve would take off her jewelry and Moiraine would be the second choice as weak as she is!!!!!



Um ... do we actually know that Callandor works like the Domination Band? Or is that just speculation? I don't remember reading that anywhere.


I don't think the two women have to be in control at all. aagagd One of the women could be in control, and that would have protected them if Callandor magnified the taint and the man went crazy a la Rand vs. the Seanchan. But with the taint gone there'd be no need for that anymore.


It's just speculation. Edit: Ninjad.



In [TPOD: 27, The Bargain, 539-540]

"It is flawed, lacking the buffer that makes other sa'angreal safe to use. And it apparently magnifies the taint, inducing wildness of the mind. So long as a man is using it, anyway. The only safe way for you to use The Sword That Is Not a Sword, the only way to use it without the risk of killing yourself, or trying to do the Light alone knows what insanity, is linked with two women, and one of them guiding the flows."


"Apparently" Seems like one of those words Aes Sedai like to use to get around the no lying oath, so I'm not entirely sure I completely take her word about it. We do know it makes him go a little nuts, the trying to raise the dead and all that, but I think there is something more to it. Also, when she says "the only way to use it without the risk of killing yourself or trying to do the alone knows what insanity" is subjective to what she views right? "Trying to do the light alone knows what insanity" is just an indication of her opinion that he might try something she considers crazy. "Without the risk of killing yourself" could just be her zealous sense of getting Rand to the LB and her deciding anything he might try and do that he hasn't before constitutes a risk of him killing himself. So it wouldn't be lying. Not to mention now that the taint is gone it shouldn't matter. In fact, with the taint gone a man wielding it alone may be able to do something with it that wasn't possible when the taint was still around. Or I could just be full of shit and not know what I'm talking about. It happens often. I wish we'd had some sort of example of a Ter/Sa'Angreal, that not only allows you to use more OP but also serves a separate function. We haven't right?


Anyone have any thoughts on that? Even if they prove I'm totally off base and have no idea what I'm talking about?


They could be right, although I think you're correct about the taint being removed so what's the big deal now?


I don't know if I agree with the raising the dead part - I think that was just Rand being an emotional guy who felt awful coming into his power and thinking he could do anything with callandor. I think he may have tried that taint or no taint.


Saying taint so much is funny.


I just took Michael Whelan's max-resolution 2560 x 1600 cover art, blew it up to 400%, and took a close look at the girls.


Moraine: hair-thingy, earrings, forehead gem, something in her left fist, right hand not visible.


Nynaeve: hair-thingy, earrings, finger ring (right hand), belt with gem, gem on chest (may be part of the dress), bracelets on both arms.


I know have this image of Nynaeve thumping her chest and yelling 'COME AT ME BRO!'


That's Jersey not the Hood.


I live in NorCal and I've heard idiots say that (To me even) before Archer or Jersey Shore existed lol.

I know have this image of Nynaeve thumping her chest and yelling 'COME AT ME BRO!'


That's Jersey not the Hood.


However LOL At Wolfdragonfox. HA. I Accept that answer as plausible.

ACTUALLY MY FRIEND.....that saying was originated animated FX show ARCHER which is HILARIOUS and the character Pam said it before any of the douches on Jersey Shore stole it and pawned it off as original. And even though she's a fat white secretary lady, Pam is CLEARLY from the hood LOL.


I meant, it's not something people actually say in the Hood, it's something someone with a Jersey type mentality would say, Not implying that it was started by that show, more that in the hood, the odds of you finding anyone saying that are slim.


Hell, maybe it's what TV producers think people in the hood say, but it's not. Hell, bro hasn't been used in the hood since the early 90's and come at me never has. Bring it, perhaps. Get with me, yes, but not in violence.


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